Too Close And Not Close Enough

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TW/CW: death

Prompt: N/A

Characters: Xisuma, Xanus

Style: Backstory

Word Count: ~600

AU: Mortuus AU


Their shaking hands gripped each other, desperately trying to hold on to the only other thing left there. It was the only way to know the other was still there, still holding on. All they could hear was their own footsteps pounding against the cold metal floor of the facility. The sound echoed against the narrow walls before fading into the darkness behind them.

The door slammed shut, trapping them in. A chill ran through them as the cold air entered their lungs, a sharp contrast to the warm, stuffy atmosphere on the other side of the door. One of them, a boy with brown, messed up hair, glanced at the door. He let go of the other's hand only to lock the door. They were safe in there, the low ceiling preventing the creature from following them.

No one had ever seen anything like it. It was unusually tall, with gangly arms and legs. Its skin was dark and easily blended into the void. Glowing, purple eyes stared out of its head, unblinking. It had been peaceful. At first. Then someone made eye contact.

It was a horrifying sight. The jaw of the creature unlatched, revealing rows of teeth, blunt things that jutted unevenly from its gums. Its claws had sharpened to a point. It had followed the person for miles, its screams echoing through the void.

The first creature had killed quickly, unable to be shot and near impossible to hit with a blade. Thousands more of them had appeared and they had slowly picked off the once thriving civilization that inhabited the islands of the outer end.

There were few survivors now, for all the two knew they could be the last. They were trying to find a gateway, to escape to the overworld and be free. They were used to the armour they now wore, discovered in an old ship. They hoped it would allow them to stay in the overworld permanently, to never have to return.

They couldn't stay in this facility much longer. They would have to run if they hoped to make it out alive. The brown haired boy opened a door opposite from the one they had entered.

"Looks safe" he whispered, glancing at the other.

"Nowhere is safe."

"Well I can't see any more of those creatures so it's close enough."

A moment of silence passed between. True silence, with no screaming or crying, without their heartbeats in their heads. A silence that spoke for them and for all they had lost. For the home they could never return to.

The two ran out the door, heading for the gateway near the edge of the island. They could hear the screams of the creature following them not far behind them. It was only a little bit further.

The brown-haired boy only saw it out the corner of his eye as the claw of the creature pierced straight through his sibling, killing them instantly. He knew he couldn't stop running. He was so close to the gateway that hovered on the very edge of the island. Then he was falling.

The creature had caught his leg, causing him to trip over the edge. He tried to scream as the void wrapped him in its embrace, forcing the air from his lungs. All he could feel was the intense pressure acting on him in every direction. The void slowly killing him. He shut his eyes as the void drained the final hints of life from them.

Then he woke up. 


I definitely didn't forget about this book for 6 months. Definitely. Anyway, I hope you guys like this oneshot. Until the next one, bye! ~Mors

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