Chapter 1

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"You're Bizaria? The one we've been looking for all this time?" I exclaimed.

The girl tied her brown hair into a ponytail that draped all the way down to her waist. "You bet your little raindrops I am."

Diego spoke up, "Bizaria and I were classmates back at school. She was classified as a prodigy, actually."

"Ohh, that's why I haven't seen you around Feather Crown much. You're one grade higher," Zoey pointed out. We all looked at her.

"I'm one grade higher too and you see me all the time," Diego commented, causing Zoey to blush.

"You haven't seen me because I left," Bizaria responded firmly.

"Anyways!" Diego clasped his hands together. "Clover, I saw Daisy earlier. They still have her under control. I'm sorry."

I smiled gratefully. "Thanks, but it's not your fault. There's no need for you to apologize."

"Aren't you going to thank me, Southland?" Parker asked, running his hand through his hair.

I rolled my eyes jokingly. "I already did. But yeah, thank you."

Out of nowhere, Lord Julian appeared before us.

"How did you..." I started.

Lord Julian smiled. "Teleportation runs in my family, Clover." He turned to his right and blinked in surprise at the sight of Bizaria.

Her mouth dropped open when she saw him, then turned to Diego. "Really? You called your dad here? Why? To drag me back to FC? Well, no way. I'm not going back."

"Hey!" I yelped defensively. "He had nothing to do with it."

Lord Julian nodded. "That's right. I came here on my own. Nobody called me. Bizaria, if you don't want to return, that's up to you, and I respect your decision."

"Why are you here then?" Bizaria demanded,

"To talk. I thought I saw some members of The Cloaked lurking around here," he replied quickly.

"Bizaria, remember what I asked you a year ago?"

She gulped. "Yes, I do."

"Good. So, will you help us?" Lord Julian asked. "In exchange, I'll let you off the hook about returning to school. Deal?"

What were they talking about?

Bizaria looked at each one of us. "Fine. I'm sure I can handle these guys. I'm in."

"Father, what is it?" Diego wanted to know. Well, we all did.

Lord Julian looked around, as if he was checking if anyone was looking. "You guys are going to have to find the key to the elements. And before The Cloaked and their leader, whoever it may be, do."

"But... what are the keys even for?" asked Zoey,

"They're to protect the four elements, obviously," sniffed Bizaria.

"But why don't you know where they are?" Zoey continued.

Lord Julian sighed. "They all went missing about a year and a half ago. I put together a group of students to find them, but no luck. Not even one was found."

"So why do you think we'll be able to?" Parker crossed his arms. His stubborn expression on his face was actually kind of... cute.

No, stop. This is not the time to gush over guys, especially Parker, of all people.

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