Chapter 2

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Lord Julian explained to us about the clues someone had given him to finding the keys. He also told us that the keys opened a case where a stone was held. A stone that could protect The Elf Cities from anyone trying to take advantage of any elements.

"Here's the first clue I received," Lord Julian handed me a small piece of crumpled paper.

"Do you have any idea who gave this to you?" inquired Parker, reading over my shoulder.

Lord Julian shook his head. "None. That's why it's rather odd."

"So where should we go first?" I asked.

"Good question, Clover. I was hoping you could figure out what the clue meant."

"To find the key to the insides, make sure you realize what Earth treasures most. Find out, and you'll wish to have the key to your heart and the world in your hand," I read outloud. There was a moment of silence until Diego suddenly yelled.

"I got it! I got it!" he cheered.

Parker rolled his eyes at him. "Well, if you got it. Why don't you tell us, Athen?"

Diego said, "Okay, so clearly the key to the insides part means the earth key. Earth treasures its natural resources and nature the most."

"That makes sense," agreed Bizaria.

"What about the last part?" Parker frowned.

Hmm... once you found out... you wish for something?

"Wait! I got it!" I shrieked. "The wishing tree. It's part of nature, has existed basically forever, and people wish for things under it."

"So we have to wish for the earth key. Under the wishing tree. Which is near Gem Creek," Zoey confirmed.

"Good job, I knew you could figure something out. We'll try it tomorrow. For now, come back to the cabin and have a good night's rest," Lord Julian proudly announced.

The next morning, I was the last one to wake up, and that was saying something since it was 7am. I groggily stumbled off the couch I had been sleeping on. I noticed Bizaria sitting on the floor with Diego. She let out the prettiest yawn I've ever seen.

"Okay, crew, we're going to head over to Gem Creek to check out that wishing tree," Lord Julian came into the room, clapping his hands together. He looked around. "Has anyone seen Parker? Parker, anyone?"

"I saw him go outside a little earlier," Zoey responded, packing her backpack.

"I'll go get him," Diego offered, already hurrying out the door. Zoey and I exchanged looks. Weird. Since when were Diego and Parker that close?

Moments later, Diego and Parker both came back inside. Parker looked... way too cute for a guy awake at this hour of the morning. Wait. Did I seriously just admit that?

"Oh, hey. Morning, Southland. Just so you know, you were snoring. A lot. You may want to work on that," Parker waved at me, teasingly. My mouth dropped open in shock and yes, Parker Florest made me giggle. History has been made.

Zoey looked at me quizzically. "Are you okay, Clover?"

I turned to her. "Haha. Yeah, I'm fine."

"Liberty's going to give you guys a ride again. Choose a partner and head outside," Lord Julian announced. I looked at Diego and saw he was already walking over to his father. Well, it's not like anyone else would be comfortable riding with the principal of our school.

Zoey bounced over excitedly. "Clover! Want to partner up? I can teach you the language Liberty knows." She then noticed something, or someone, me. "Unless someone else wants to ride with you.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, as I turned around. Parker was behind me, grinning sheepishly. He pouted when I looked between him and Zoey.

"Come on, Southland. We're riding buddies. I need to stop you from strangling the pegasus."

I groaned sarcastically. "I didn't do it on purpose."

Zoey started to slowly back away from us. "Okay, I'll ride with Bizaria! Have a safe trip! Bye!"

I sighed. "Fine. I'll ride with you."

He grinned. Like I said, way too adorable for 7am. But... I can't believe I'm saying these things about Parker.


What if... I liked him?

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