Chapter 19

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"No!" I yelled. Using my hands, I lifted some of the water away, sending it back into the ocean. "Do you guys know how to swim?"

Diego and Parker both nodded but Zoey shook her head, trying to keep afloat. I swam over to her and she grabbed my wrist.

"Don't let go," I whispered. I called out to the dolphins that were nearby. Luckily, they understood me. Somehow. Oh wait, Zoey. She could talk to animals.

Anyways, we got onto 2 of them and they swam back to shore. Zoey quickly ran out of the water, coughing.

"Get to safety," I told her, heading back for the guys. The tornado seemed to get closer and closer by the second. I finally reached Diego and Parker, only to find them in the middle of an argument.

"It's Axel Thorn. I'm sure of it. He's a storm summoner," Parker said.

Diego laughed. But it wasn't a nice, funny laugh. "So you told him to come? You've been pretending to be sorry. You tricked Clover and now you want to help?"

"Diego! Stop it!" I shouted, causing both of them to stop bickering. He was the closest guy to me, distance wise, so I went to him first. "Teleport away. I got this." He left without a trace and I swam over to Parker, my clothes soaking wet. His too.

"Come on," I begged. I took his hand and without clearly thinking, emerged myself and him into the ocean. I opened my eyes slowly and saw the corals, the fish, the sea creatures everywhere. I turned to look at Parker, whose eyes were closed. Seriously? Open them!

I pulled him close to me and did the one thing that would keep us both calm. Or... it would freak him out and I would regret it. But I had to do something so I hugged him and I didn't let go. His eyes finally flew open, his hair an adorable mess. Suddenly, the water began to calm and we were both pulled towards the shore. I saw a flash of bluish-purple and realized it was Pierson. In her hand was a scale. She had done it. She saved us and had gotten one of her scales for the potion. Only seconds later, Parker and I were coughing on the sand of the beach. The tornado, tsunami, and thunder had stopped. All was calm. From a distance, I saw a black haired teenage guy, staring right at me. That had to be who caused all this. The storm summoner Parker mentioned earlier. With my clothes still wet, I weakly ran over to him. But before I could even get near, the guy took off.

"Are you okay?" Zoey asked from behind me. Her clothes were wet too, a concerned look formed on her face.

"I'm okay. How about you?" I reached over to give a hug. I was so glad she was safe. Zoey nodded and smiled at my question.

"Wait, where's Diego?" I asked, pulling away. I looked around and didn't see him anywhere. Only Parker on the beach, recovering, Pierson in the ocean, a few doves flying above her, and some seaweed laying on the sand.

"Right here." Diego was hugging me, I realized. He had teleported back and was hugging me. Right here. Right now.

Ohmygosh. Two hugs from two cute guys in one day!? Ahh!

"Who was that guy?" Zoey asked me, pointing to the direction of where he had stood.

"Axel Thorn? I think that's what Parker had said."

"And why does he seem to know so much?" squinted Diego, as he let his arms fall to his side.

As if he could hear, Parker shakily stood up and walked over to our little group.

"Clover, I need to tell you something."

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