Chapter 11

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"Steph probably missed us so much," Zoey winked at me. All 4 of us had just walked into Feather Crown. Students were in their normal behaviour, as they rushed to classes, carried heavy textbooks, and chatted with friends.

"Let's check his office," Diego said. I noticed Bizaria looking around. There was something shown on her face, like she had missed this place but at the same time, she was cautious about coming back. Even if it's just a short visit. Hopefully. We navigated ourselves to Lord Julian's office but nobody answered when we knocked on the door.

"Seriously?" complained Bizaria, glancing warily at the students passing by, like they were going to recognize her or something. "We came all the way here to find the door locked!?"

Diego slightly smiled. "I never said it was locked." He flung the doorknob and the door opened. We all looked at each other in surprise.

"Isn't his office always supposed to be locked?" I wondered, as we all walked in, closing the door behind us. "Also, are you sure we're even allowed to be in here?"

"I would say we are. In fact, we're very welcomed." Zoey pointed to a piece of paper on the table. It had our names on it and a short letter from Lord Julian.

To: Diego Athen, Clover Southland, Parker Florest, Zoey Pepperson, and Bizaria Melville

From: Principal Lord Julian Athen


I hope you all are safe. I'm sure you are surprised to be reading a letter instead of seeing me face to face, but I have to help a pegasus farm that's in danger. I will be back soon and I will find you all. I trust you will be able to safely navigate through the cities. I have left for you the clue for the next key. Only Diego will know where it is. Hopefully he's with whoever is reading this right now. I believe you'll be able to find both the clue and the key. Good luck team! I'll see you after I save the pegasus at Great Opal Lake.

"If only he knew what a betrayer Parker was. So, where's this key?" Bizaria crossed her arms in front of herself, looking right at Diego. He looked around the office and something caught his eye in the corner.

"I think I know," he said. We watched as he walked over to a painting on the wall. He gently moved the painting aside and behind it was a hole. It was rather small but his hand could fit inside. He reached in and pulled out a small piece of paper we all had gotten familiar with. "Found it."

"Diego, have you realized that there are only girls now," Zoey piped up suddenly. "Sorry. That was so random."

"Sometimes you're so strange, Zoey," I laughed.

Bizaria frowned. "We don't have time for strange-ities."

"That's not a word," I teased, causing her to glare at me.

"Hey Clover," Diego said suddenly. "It's the clue for the water key."

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