Chapter 4

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"Basically they don't need me anymore," Diego piped up.

"So why do they need me? Why can't they just find another hydrokinetic and pyrokinetic so they can leave Daisy and I alone!" I hollered.

Parker sighed, "I thought you would know by now. You're more powerful than any known elf. You have four abilities. That's why they want you. Only you."

The way he said it though, it was like he wasn't only talking about The Cloaked wanting me...

Bizaria crossed her arms. "Why don't we focus on finding the other keys? Where's the clue for the air key?"

"Bizaria, there's no specific order for the keys. It's whichever clue comes next," Lord Julian stated, looking around our surroundings. "Somehow they didn't know it." He walked up and looked inside the small hole. He reached a finger inside and pulled out a small piece of paper.

"Ooh," Zoey grinned. "I love clues." We all looked at her as she shrugged.

Lord Julian read it outloud. "Congratulations on finding the earth key. I hope you put it into good use and it doesn't go into the wrong hands. Now for the fire key. Look at an old flame, but not in a loving way. In a potted plant, but not a true plant at all."

Everyone was silent, deep in thought.

"Okay, so an old flame. That could be like an old fire that happened somewhere. But it's not in a loving way because it ruined properties, you know?" I offered out.

Bizaria nodded slowly. "Yeah, but old flame can also mean an old love interest of some sort. Especially the loving way part. Maybe someone they loved crossed them."

"Crossed... them?" Parker burst out. We all looked at him in confusion. "I mean, do you really think the clue's talking about a love interest? I think Southland's more on the right track."

Zoey shrugged. "They're just ideas. We can put it all together and make sense of them later."

"Yeah, no idea is a bad idea," Diego agreed. Zoey beamed at him happily.

I nodded. "Plus, checking out a fire is sort of too obvious if we're looking for the fire key..."

"True, but maybe the person who hid it would want you to think that way. Like to throw you off, even though the answer may be obvious," Zoey said. "Because they know you know what they know, you know?" Everyone looked at her tiredly.

I sighed, "Yeah, it's only eight in the morning, Zoey."

Diego took the piece of paper out of Lord Julian's hands. "What about the second part? The plant that's not a plant..."

"Wait, what if we went with Bizaria's idea about the love interest? Where would we go?" I asked.

Diego said, "The clue has something else on it. Two letters, maybe they're initials."

"What are the letters?" I wondered.


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