Chapter 5

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"Know anyone with those initials?" I asked around. Everyone shook their heads or shrugged. I was going to join them but then I realized something.

Greyson Southland. My fa... my uncle now, I guess.

I looked up and met Lord Julian's eyes. He had just realized too.

"Clover, is it okay if I tell them?" he asked. Everyone's eyes were on me so I nodded.

"I'll say it," I said. "Greyson Southland. The man I've known as my father my whole life, but recently discovered he wasn't. His initials are G.S."

"Wait, Father. You told me about... the fire," Diego stated, looking at his father curiously.

Lord Julian leaned against the wishing tree. "Yes. Clover, I think it's about time I tell you something, Greyson, your uncle, was a pyrokinetic, as you may already know. He had a hard time controlling his power and when a girl he liked left him, he didn't take it well. He tried to burn down the house she lived in, injuring many people. It... it didn't end well."

Zoey gasped. "Didn't he burn the whole...."

"Yes, Greyson burned the former Crystal Village. That's why he was banned from going anywhere but Toosell Village and Toosell Twins Forest, his home."

I blinked. Why was I never informed that any of this had happened to someone I had been living my whole life with?

"Wait, so it fits with the clue," Parker realized. "The flames, the loving way..."

"And an artificial plant he had!" I exclaimed. "He told us all to never touch it. On the vase, there were the initials M.A. but I never knew what that meant. Never thought to ask either."

Lord Julian took the note back from Diego. "Marianne Astrid. The girl Greyson loved." We all looked at each other. We did it. We solved the clue, again!

"So are we supposed to go to Crystal Village or Toosell Twins Forest?" Zoey questioned.

Lord Julian said, "There isn't much left of the Astrid residence. I think the best idea would be to go to Greyson's home."

I noticed Diego glancing at me with a worried expression. "Do we all have to go?"

"What do you mean?" Bizaria asked.

"It's just... it isn't just Greyson's former home, it was Clover's too. What if memories..." His sympathetic eyes met mine and I quickly looked away. I appreciated his thoughtfulness, it was so sweet of him, but I would be fine. I had to be fine.

"No, it's okay. I can go."

Since the forest was actually really close to Gem Creek, we decided to walk. Lord Julian, Diego, and Bizaria were at the front, leading us. Zoey and I were in the middle and Parker was at the back. At one point of the hike, I looked behind me.

No sight of Parker.

"Wait, guys, hold up!" I cried out. "Where's Parker?"

Zoey walked back a bit and looked around. "I don't see him."

"Should we look for him?" I inquired, worried.

Lord Julian nodded. "Partner up. I'll stay here and wait for you guys. Take only five minutes and if you don't see him, come back right away."

I grabbed Zoey's arm and walked towards the right while the others went to the left. I peered between trees and plants for any sign of him, but no luck. 3 minutes had passed when I heard Diego's voice let out a yell.

Zoey and I looked at each other and ran to the direction of his voice.

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