Chapter 7

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I spun around and saw the girl from before. The one that had taken the earth key.

"This time, I'll be sure to remember the clue," she smirked, reaching her hand into the vase. She struggled a bit but finally took out a small piece of paper. She didn't even look at it and threw it on the ground. "Where's this stupid key?"

Without her noticing, Zoey bent down and picked up the paper, quickly putting it in her pocket.

"Hey, that's not yours!" I yelled at the girl, reaching out to grab the flower.

She quickly swiped it away. "It's not yours either. You're not Greyson's daughter. Daisy is, so it belongs to her, and Daisy's on my side."

"Where is she?" I demanded. I didn't care about the flower pot anymore, I needed to find her.

"You'll find out soon enough, Clover. But don't come and ruin the mood, she's happy where she is. Away from you."

"Irene Song!" Lord Julian's voice boomed from the back of the cottage. Did he... know this girl?

The girl (Irene, I guess) flashed a sinister smile. "Sorry, you're not in charge of me, Principal Athen. I don't attend FC anymore. Haha. Anyways, I see the key now. So, with that, I'm off. Bye bye!"

In a flash, she zoomed out of the door, with the vase in her hand. Diego and Bizaria both seemed to be chasing after her, with Parker in tow. I was frozen, in shock. Zoey slowly walked up to me and gripped my arm.

"Come on, we can't let them get away," she pleaded, dragging me out the door, also.

When we found ourselves back outside, I saw the others who had Irene surrounded.

Now you see me, then you won't. I repeated that twice and charged right at Irene. I grabbed the vase out of her hand and she looked around for who had done it.

I really had turned invisible. I did it.

I ran with the vase, looking back at them. I really shouldn't have because I bumped into a tree before even making it far away. Fantastic.

I placed my hand on my head in pain. I heard someone moving from in front of me so I looked up. Coming out from behind the tree was a cloaked figure. He reached out to grab me and I dodged, trying to get up. But a hand pushed me down from behind. Before I knew what was happening, something had been shoved under my nose.

And I fell into a deep, deep sleep.

"Hello? Are you okay?" a voice woke me up from my slumber, hours later.

I opened my eyes and found myself in a dark room with barbed wires. Like a cage. Beside me was Diego and on the opposite side was Zoey and Bizaria.

"Where... where's Parker? Lord Julian? What happened?" I asked groggily. My head still hurt, until I remembered my encounter with the tree.

Diego shrugged, as he looked around. "I'm not sure. I don't even know where we are. I think... I think we were captured."

Zoey was crying, I realized. I went over to give her a hug, whispering comfort words.

Suddenly, there was a bang right outside. We all looked over and saw a cloaked figure heading right towards us.

"The master requests your presence in the main hall. Follow me and no funny business, or else."

The door to the room/cage flew open. We all stood up and lined up, following him out.

What was going on?

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