8. lies

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"Where's Gina?", EJ asks, as he sees Tim walking back in through the door.

"Sorry about that...she's in the hallway.", Tim replies, "But...let's get to work!"

"Sounds good!' Regan replies.

"So...you'll be playing Kamri as I've said before. I've emailed your manager about her personality and everything you need to know!", Tim speaks to Regan.

"Alright! When do we starting filming?", she asks.

"Friday!", he answers.

"Friday as in...two days Friday?", Zack questions, jotting things down on a piece of paper.

Tim nods at the two before smiling.

"Any questions?", Tim asks.

"Yeah, a couple hundred.", Gina says standing in the doorway, annoyed.

"It was nice seeing you Zack and Regan. See you on Friday.", Tim says smiling.

Regan and her manager get up and walk out. Gina stumbles back in, sitting in a chair next to EJ.

"Why her?", Gina asks, rolling her eyes.

"What do you mean?", Tim questions.

"What do you mean what do I mean?! Why her!", Gina shouts.

EJ intertwines his fingers with her, whispering, "Gi...baby...calm down a little."

Gina lets out a deep breath and slouches back down in her chair.

"Gina...I chose her because she is an incredible actress and I think it'll be good for the show.", Tim explains.

"Omg right of course! It's always about the show and the money! Silly me.", she mocks with a fake smile, clearly angry.

"Gina, I know you're not happy about it.", Tim begins.

"For once you're not wrong about something.", she mumbles.

"But...we have to get a move on.", he finishes.

"Yeah, whatever.", she rolls her eyes, grabbing her jacket and walking out the door. The group of friends follows her into the car.

"Let's talk to Nini when we get back...she's probably gonna be mad she can't get her part in the show again.", Gina says.

"Maybe we can talk Tim into it?', Natalie adds.

"Good luck...", Gina scoffs.

{At the apartment}

The friends walk through the door to see their brunette-haired friend lying on the couch. She pops up at the sound of the door closing.

"Oh, hey guys!", she greets.

"Hey Nini!", Gina exclaims, hugging her.

Gina pauses for a moment while hugging her.

She has to be real...I'm touching her right now.

She lets go and smiles at her, taking a seat on the couch.

"So...Tim has given your spot away in Vampire Secrets...but don't worry! We're gonna fight for it back!", Gina smiles.

"Vampire Secre-?", Nini starts but gets cut off.

"The Netflix show you star in...", Ricky answers.

"Right, right. Sorry...I guess I really went outta reality on that uh...road trip.", she laughs, making the others chuckle.

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