20. struggling

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"Nini! Where are you?!", he shouts.

He runs in and out of pretty much every room in his apartment. Ricky walks back into the guest room, the room Nini's staying in, and he searches around one more time. This time, walking into the closet. To his surprise he sees the brunette-haired girl slouched down on the floor, her legs against her chest and face in her hands. He slowly crouches down in front of her.

"Neens?", he quietly says.

Her head jumps up, her eyes wide.

She lets out a breath, "It's just you."

"Uh...yeah...just me. What happened?", he asks.

She stays silent for a moment before finally talking.

"I got a text message from this unknown number...and I got scared.", she says, a tear slipping from her eye.

He quickly wipes it away, "Hey, it's okay...nothing's gonna happen. Can I see the message?"

She nods, "I left my phone in the living room. On the couch."

Ricky gets up and walks into the living room, grabbing her phone and walking back into Nini's room, where she is now seated on her bed.

"Is this it?", Ricky asks, reading the message.

"Yeah...", Nini nods.

Ricky scans the message a couple more times.

"Let me send this to Officer Johnson

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"Let me send this to Officer Johnson...he can probably track where it came from, what time is everybody coming?", Ricky speaks.

"Uh...they said around 9.", Nini replies.

"Okay, we have a good amount of time. You wanna eat then come with me to the department? I don't wanna leave you here alone."

Nini nods, "Sure...I'll just have to stay hidden."

"Oh right, about that. When I met with Officer Johnson earlier...he wanted me to talk to you about when you want him to give the press the statement of what happened to you...", Ricky explains.

Nini thinks for a second, "As soon as possible, I guess. So, I can go out and stuff."

"Okay, we can let him know when we go back."

"Alrighty", Nini smiles, getting up.

The two walk into the kitchen and eat their In and Out in a comfortable silence. After they've finished eating, they head out the door and back towards the department. Ricky had insisted he drove them rather than having a driver...just to make it less obvious that there were two famous people in the car. Especially one that people don't even know is back. Their security guards still came along though.

They pulled into a parking spot, quickly getting out and walking into the department, Ricky going in first.

"You're back so soon Mr. Bowen?", Officer Johnson greets.

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