14. 2 steps closer

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(apologies for how boring this chapter is-)

Gina was stirring around in the bed before she slowly opens her eyes, feeling a pair of arms gripping her tightly. She smiles at the sight of EJ holding onto her. Gently, she removes his hands from her waist, and gets out of bed, walking into the kitchen. She yawns as she begins to brew a pot of coffee. She turns her attention to breakfast. Taking out two pieces of bread, she sticks them in the toaster before taking a ripe avocado out of the fridge.

A couple minutes later she spreads the avocado on the toasted bread and seasons it with salt and pepper. She decides to drink her coffee and eat her breakfast back in bed where her boyfriend is. She quietly walks in, returning to her spot and begins eating in peace before she feels a pair of eyes on her.

"Morning", she giggles, looking down at EJ.

He yawns, "Morning. How'd you sleep after last night?"

Gina sighs, "It was fine...I didn't fall asleep til like 3."

"Gi...why are you up?", he chuckles softly, "It's 6."

She shrugs, "Yeah I know...I might just have to take a few naps."

"Well...have at it because filming's paused", he laughs.

She smiles, "Here. Have the other slice of avocado toast."

"You sure?"

"Mhm! I'm full.", she smiles before quickly kissing his lips.

She hands him the plate before getting up out of the bed.

"Where you going?", he asks.

"I'm gonna get you a cup of coffee.", she smiles.

She walks through the bedroom door, into the kitchen, and pours him a coffee. As she puts the pot back, she notices the business card sitting on the counter. She sighs at the thought of the events that occurred last night. She picks the card and EJ's coffee up, walking back into the room.

"What are we gonna do with this?", she asks, showing him the card.

He shrugs, "Don't know...maybe scan it for fingerprints or something?"

She sets the coffee down next to him and he gives her a quick kiss before they continue their conversation.

"You think we'd find anything? It would have our fingerprints all over it.", Gina mentions.

"True...I don't know. Ricky's gonna come over soon so we can figure out what the heck we're gonna do. But just relax for now.", he smiles.

"Alright sounds good.", she smiles, getting back into bed.

She turns the TV on, playing on a Netflix show, and cuddles up against her boyfriend. Eventually he looks down to see the girl asleep on his chest.

{Some time later}

Gina was still napping and EJ was still there next to her, except when a knock sounded. He slowly got up and went to answer it.

"Hey...", Ricky greets.

"Hey dude, come in.", EJ says, opening the door more.

The two boys take a seat on the couch and Ricky pulls out a notebook of things.

"Is Gi around?", he asks, scanning the room.

EJ shakes his head, "She's napping right now. She's kinda running on 3 hours of sleep."

Ricky sighs, "I can't believe we were that close."

"Yeah...but we'll get her."

He runs his hands across his face before opening the notebook revealing photos of the building and evidence.

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