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This is a recap of the events of my Force Awakens rewrite to get y'all up to speed:

30 years after the events of Return of the Jedi, the fall of the Empire has led to a new age of galactic peace and prosperity governed by the benevolent new republic, with the sheer might of the republic navy led by General Leia Organa banishing the remnants of the Empire to the unknown regions. But then the imperial loyalists returned as the sinister terrorist organization known as the First Order led by the mysterious Supreme Leader Snoke, hell-bent on wiping out the New Republic and re-instating imperial rule committing small-scale terrorist attacks across all free worlds. While this is going on the galaxy's only hope, Jedi Grandmaster Luke Skywalker, has gone missing. In response to this, General Leia Organa sends her best X-wing pilot Poe Dameron and his faithful droid companion BB-8 to the Twi'lek home planet of Ryloth to meet up with retired X-wing pilot Wedge Antilles who has in his possession half of the map to Luke Skywalker (the first order has the other half). Wedge hands the map to Poe who gives it to BB-8 for safe keeping, However they are ambushed by a platoon of First Order Stormtroopers led by Captain Phasma and a quartet of black-armored Stormtroopers codenamed the FN corps, consisting of FN-2000 (Zeroes), FN-2199 (Nines), FN-2003 (Slip), and FN-2187 (Finn). When the FN corps go to apprehend Poe and Wedge, Poe shoots Slip through the chest mortally wounding him, Finn cradling Slip as he dies in his brother's arms. Poe, Wedge, and BB-8 are captured by the First Order and are forced to watch as the Twi'lek villagers are mercilessly executed and their village burned down making Finn question what he's really fighting for. Kylo Ren, the mask-wearing, force-wielding commander of the first order and Snoke's dark side apprentice, shows up on Ryloth and Kills wedge before Poe and BB-8 are taken captive aboard the First Order dreadnought the Supremacy. While Poe is thrown in a jail cell, BB-8 manages to escape capture and hacks into the Supremacy's computer terminal opening up Poe's cell allowing him to escape. Meanwhile Finn using his hacking skills uncovers the dark truth about the First Order: that the Stormtroopers were all abducted as babies and indoctrinated into growing up to be merciless killing machines for a terrorist group, along with a top-secret superweapon the First Order are working on known as the Starkiller. Finn tries to warn his two surviving brothers about the truth he had learned, but they don't believe him and remain loyal to the First Order leaving Finn to flee with Poe and BB-8 aboard a stolen TIE fighter. However they are shot down by the Supremacy's cannons, causing the two men and a droid to crash-land on the trash planet of Jakku. Poe is badly injured in the crash leaving Finn to send BB-8 into the planet's bustling junk city to go look for help. However the little droid is suddenly abducted by a Rey, a scavenger girl orphaned as a child with amnesia and attitude problems. Rey plans on selling the little droid to the blobfish, her fat greedy disgusting slob of a boss in exchange for food rations. However she ends up running into Finn carrying an injured Poe who begs for her to let the two of them stay for the night at her makeshift house made from a downed imperial AT-AT walker. There the three start to get to know each other, forming a strong bond with each other and becoming a dynamic trio of sorts. Finn and Rey start to develop a romance, however Poe argues with Rey over custody of the droid. Rey wants to sell the droid so that she won't starve to death, but Poe won't let her do that because of BB-8 containing the map to Luke Skywalker. The three eventually come up with a plan to steal the blobfish's ship and leave the planet, as Rey desperately wants to get off that garbage dump of a planet and explore the stars. The next day the three are attacked by a squadron of TIE fighters led by Phasma, Zeroes, and Nines as they take off with the blobfish's ship. After they escape they are abducted by the criminal organization the Guavian Death Gang, who have a bone to pick with the blobfish for swindling them years ago. However things go from bad to worse when the blobfish's pet Rancor breaks free from the stolen ship and starts to wreak havoc, forcing BB-8 to open the air lock to save our heroes however they end up accidentally getting sucked into space. All hope is lost until they are picked up by the millennium falcon where they meet Han Solo and Chewbacca who are on a mission for the New Republic Intelligence Service to find leads on the location of Luke Skywalker, where they caught wind of a missing X-wing pilot who found half the map which led to the two rescuing Rey, Finn, and Poe who show Han the map. The quest for Skywalker is even more urgent now, as Rey is force-sensitive and needs a teacher. Our heroes are then taken to the planet Takodana where we meet the former jedi turned pirate queen Maz Kanata along with a merry band of Outer rim space pirates led by the Crimson Corsair. Han tells our heroes the story of how the death of he and Leia's force-sensitive son Ben Solo died at the hands of Kylo Ren when he burned down Luke's jedi academy led to Han and Leia getting divorced having to deal with the heartbreak of losing their son. However Maz's castle is suddenly bombarded by the First Order. Maz offers Rey Anakin's lightsaber, whom she acquired after Luke passed it down to Leia when she gave up her Jedi training to become a politician and raise a family. The are is swarmed by TIE fighters and stormtroopers and huge battle ensues, with Finn being forced to confront Phasma and his former brothers. Zeroes and Nines are killed by Han Solo and Chewbacca, while Finn fights Captain Phasma one-on-one wielding Anakin's lightsaber. But Kylo Ren arrives on the scene and captures Rey, threatening to probe her mind for the other half of the map to Skywalker. However Finn in a moment of Self-sacrifice tells Kylo to take him instead, saying that he saw the map too. Finn is taken away for interrogation at the First Order's secret military base on Dantooine. Kylo also reveals his True Identity to our heroes: he is Ben Solo, Han and Leia's firstborn and former padawan of Luke Skywalker, whom his parents thought to have died when Luke's jedi temple was burned down but secretly survived and was turned to the dark side by Snoke. However Rey, Poe, BB-8, Han, and Chewie are rescued by General Leia and the New Republic Navy along with Poe's elite X-wing unit Black Squadron. Han and Leia have a heartfelt reunion with one another where Han confesses to Leia that their son is alive and is Kylo Ren. not only that, but Finn reveals to Poe that he uploaded information into BB-8 about the First Order's top-secret weapon The Starkiller. our heroes return to the New Republic base of operations on the planet D'Qar known as Sword base. here Han is reunited with Connie Solo, Han and Leia's daughter and Ben's younger sister who is just as shocked to learn that her brother was the traitor who burned down Luke's jedi temple. Leia reveals to Rey that the reason why Ben fell to the dark side is because when raising Ben and Connie as a mother she tried to keep the truth about their family heritage a secret from her children, not wanting them to know they are the grandchildren of Darth Vader. but when an old political rival of hers broadcasted a holographic message to the entire galaxy revealing to everyone that Leia and her brother Luke are the children of Darth Vader, the whole galaxy knew which led to Leia being kicked out of the senate and Ben feeling betrayed by his parents and uncle for keeping such a dark secret from him which pushed young Ben of the deep end and directly into Snoke's arms along with singlehandedly tearing the Solo family apart. Poe and BB-8 inform the Republic Navy of the Starkiller, an orbital satellite equipped with Death Star technology that the First Order plan on using to wipe out the New Republic. The Falcon's crew, the Crimson Corsair's crew, and Black Squadron then all head to Dantooine for an all-out assault on the First Order's military to stop the launch of the Starkiller, Rescue Finn, and recover the other half of the map to Luke Skywalker. Connie wanting to help her father and confront her big brother joins the Falcon's crew on the mission. Maz and the pirates hold off the Stormtroopers allowing our heroes to storm the base, Han and Chewie recover the other half of the map while Rey and Connie free Finn from captivity, Rey discovering the ability of Force Persuasion mind-tricking a pair of Stormtroopers into unlocking his restraints. meanwhile Poe leads Black Squadron as they open fire on the Starkiller before it can launch, however it's no use as the satellite is equipped with deflector shields allowing it to be successfully launched into space, General Hux delivering a hateful speech about how today will be the last day of the republic in front of the pirates and republic troops who have been captured by Stormtroopers. meanwhile Leia tries to contact Chancellor Villecham of the New Republic senate to warn him of the Starkiller and for the senate to take serious action against the First Order, however the Chancellor doesn't take her warnings seriously as he doesn't trust her due to being the daughter of one of the most infamous sith lords in the galaxy. that and the New Republic doesn't take the First Order as a serious threat period due to them being an underground movement with limited resources. however Chancellor Villecham's ignorance comes back to bite him in the butt when the Starkiller lays waste to Hosnian Prime (it doesn't outright destroy the planet like the Death Star, it just kills everyone and everything on the planet) leaving a guilty Chancellor Villecham to think about his actions upon evacuating the planet. meanwhile Han, Finn, Chewbacca, Rey, and Connie interrogate a random officer demanding him to hand over the access codes to the Starkiller's defense systems. once he does Chewie tosses him into the trash compactor while Finn uses his skills as a hacker to enter the access code "Supremacy" into the system de-activating the shields allowing Black Squadron and the rest of the X-wings to attack the Starkiller. however Hux activates the Starkiller's secondary defenses causing the satellite to disperse a barrage of missiles that takes out all the X-wings save for Poe, Nien Nunb, and the five members of Black Squadron with things going from bad to worse when Phasma leads a squadron of TIE fighters after them. meanwhile Finn, Rey, Chewbacca, Han, and Connie confront Ben in the base's boiler room where Han is killed by Kylo Ren leading to an enraged Chewbacca shooting him in the shoulder along with Luke feeling Han's death through the force. Connie confronts her brother about killing their father, shooting him in the same spot Chewbacca shot him. however their conversation is cut short when Poe and the rest of Black Squadron (with help from Luke Skywalker's X-wing) blow up the Starkiller causing the debris of the destroyed superweapon to fall to the planet below and hit the First Order's military base causing the building to collapse. our heroes however escape and make it back to the Falcon, only for them to be stopped in their tracks by Kylo Ren. Finn fights Kylo only for him to get his back split open by Kylo's lightsaber putting him in a coma, followed by Kylo confronting Rey a second time offering her his hand to join the dark side. however help is on the way when Anakin's lightsaber flies into the hand of Luke Skywalker who holds off Kylo Ren allowing our heroes to escape aboard the Falcon. after the day is saved, our heroes hold a funeral service hosted by Leia at Sword base back on D'qar. Finn is placed in a bacta tank to recover while Leia and Luke have a reunion with Leia persuading Luke into taking Rey under his wing as his padawan. our story ends with Luke taking Rey to Ach-To with Chewie and R2-D2 to begin her Jedi training.

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now