Chapter 2: Rescue the Chancellor

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We then cut to Sword base on D'Qar where we see General Leia in her office get a distress call from Chancellor Villecham of the New Republic, who informs her that he and all the other politicians of the New Republic senate who survived the destruction of Hosnian Prime have been captured by the First Order and are being held for Ransom followed by General Hux smacking the Chancellor upside the head telling him to be quiet before holding a blaster up to his head. Leia tells the Chancellor she'll be on her way before telling Poe to bring him home. However the First Order's one and only Dreadnought the Supremacy suddenly exits out of Hyperspace over the planet D'Qar. Hux broadcasts a message to sword base saying "surrender or the Chancellor dies!" as the New Republic troopers board the transport ships while Nien Nunb and the five members of Black Squadron board their X-wings, Leia tells Poe "Dameron, you'll be flying with the Tico sisters. Poe, this is Y-wing pilot Paige and A-wing pilot Rose they just graduated from the academy". Poe shakes hands with both of them while staring at their necklaces which when put together form a yin-yang symbol, Poe being the womanizer he is tries to flirt with Rose saying "that's a pretty necklace you got there" followed by Rose saying "nice try, flyboy" with Paige acting as the overprotective big sister saying "you try anything funny with my little sister..". Leia interrupts Paige to tell Poe and the Tico sisters that the plan is to keep the Supremacy busy while New Republic troops sneak aboard the dreadnought and rescue the hostages. Poe, Rose, and Paige all salute General Leia. Poe then boards his X-wing along with BB-8 while Paige hops in her Y-wing and Rose hops in her A-wing before taking off while Leia and Connie both watch. Connie asks her mother if they're gonna be okay, reminding her that Poe has been getting rather cocky lately since the destruction of the starkiller, almost as if the Republic Navy's most recent victory has boosted his ego. Leia then looks at her daughter and tells her "that's our Poe". Paige leads a squadron of Y-wings, Rose leads a squadron of A-wings, and Poe leads Black squadron. Chancellor Villecham sees the ships coming straight towards the Supremacy from the bridge windows and says "we're saved!" followed by Hux smacking the Chancellor saying "quiet you". BB-8 beeps at Poe to alert him of the incoming fire of the cannons forcing Poe and Black Squadron to take evasive action, Poe telling Rose and Paige over intercom to cover for him before swerving out of the way of the cannon fire before taking out the cannons one by one with BB-8 beeping with joy. Rose's A-wings and Paige's Y-wings arrive on the scene with Poe ordering Rose and the A-wings to cover for his squad and for Paige and the Y-wings to do a bombing run on the dreadnought while he goes in for the kill, flying headfirst into the dreadnought. Paige asks Poe what he thinks he's doing, telling him it's too dangerous. Poe tells Paige that he's gonna take the First Order's flagship out once and for all, saying that this is his big hero moment. Hux however catches on with what they're about to do and orders the First Order officers to scramble the fighters. Rose radios Poe, telling him "we've got company!" followed by Poe looking up to see a squadron of First Order TIE fighters coming straight towards them. the TIE fighters proceed to shoot several X-wings down one by one, Leia ordering Poe over intercom to fall back. Poe however disobeys orders and continues flying towards the dreadnought flying under the star destroyer and taking out the ventral cannons, however Poe is about to be shot down by the TIE fighters only for Rose's A-wing to show up and blast the TIE fighters, Rose telling Poe she's got his back followed by the two flying side-by-side blowing up TIE fighters together. meanwhile Paige and the Y-wings do a bombing run on the Supremacy, dropping bombs that manage to penetrate the armor only for more TIE fighters to show up and blast the Y-wings out of the sky one-by-one including Paige's, Rose shouting "NO!" as she watches her sister die in a fiery explosion. meanwhile on the bridge a trio of New Republic troops show up to rescue the politicians and point their blasters at Hux, telling him "you're under arrest, now hand over the chancellor!" Hux then tells the pilots over intercom "this is my final warning: surrender or Chancellor Villecham dies!" Poe then tells Hux over intercom "I don't think so" and flies his X-wing straight toward the bridge of the Supremacy with Rose in her A-wing following behind Poe telling him "Poe stop!" however Poe doesn't listen followed by Captain Phasma entering the bridge with a platoon of regular white stormtroopers, slaughtering the New Republic troops with her javelin which intimidates the Stormtroopers. Hux then shoots Chancellor Villecham in the head in front of the captive politicians while on live broadcast, Poe hearing the blaster noise over intercom while Leia watches the carnage on the screen in her office. We then cut back to Sword Base where Poe, Rose, Nien Nunb, and the surviving members of Black Squadron land with Poe taking off his helmet before Leia shows up and reprimands Poe for his actions slapping him across the face, Leia telling Poe that what he did was reckless and his desire for glory resulted in getting so many people killed, pilots and prisoners alike. Poe then turns his head to see a helmetless Rose sitting on top of her A-wing crying while looking at her necklace, Poe feeling guilty for the loss of her sister. Leia then demotes Poe stripping him of his rank as commander, much to Poe's frustration. Poe enters his personal quarters and slams his fist into the wall, frustrated with his demotion. C-3PO enters the room to ask him "master Poe, is everything all right? you seem quite unhappy" followed by Poe saying "not in the mood, threepio" with C-3PO saying "how rude". we then cut to the infirmary where we see Finn sleeping in the bacta tank having flashbacks to his defeat at the hands of Kylo Ren protecting Rey causing him to wake up. Finn is then taken out of the bacta tank by the medical droids who outfit him with a cybernetic spine, followed by Finn trying go get back on his own two feet again only for Poe to arrive just in time to catch him before he falls. Finn thanks Poe for the save, all the while Poe is busy looking at the cybernetic spine attached to Finn's back, asking what the deal with that is. Finn tells Poe "it's a long story. now where's Rey?" Poe tells Finn "she's off training with Luke Skywalker on Ach-To, she'll be gone for a while" as Finn puts his jacket back on to hide his Cybernetic spine. Meanwhile Rose changes out of her pilot suit and back into her regular outfit before heading to the base's vehicle hangar to work on her A-wing showcasing her hobby as a mechanic. BB-8 rolls over to Rose and beeps at her, however Rose shoos the little droid telling him to go away, saying that she doesn't forgive Poe for getting her sister killed before heading back to her personal quarters. meanwhile the Supremacy still looms over D'Qar's atmosphere, Hux kneeling before the hooded hologram of Supreme Leader Snoke telling his master "we've just detected a signal beacon coming from the planet below, we've finally found the location of their base". Snoke smiles, telling Hux "well done, General. you may fire when ready". the Supremacy's ventral cannons them bombard the base resulting in massive explosions. Leia orders an evacuation as she, General Ematt, Finn, C-3PO, BB-8, and Connie board the Tantive IV while Poe, Nien Nunb, and Black Squadron board their X-wings, Rose boards her A-wing, and Maz and the Crimson Corsair's crew board the Meson Martinet and leave the planet before all the ships dock into Leia's flagship MC85 Star cruiser the Alderaan which manages to escape by jumping into hyperspace.

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