Chapter 5: Kira

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Luke then reaches his hand out over Rey's forehead and closes his eyes, peering into her memories with the force. Luke then sees Rey bonding with Han at Maz's castle, Luke smiling knowing that Rey was able to find the father figure she never had in Han. but it's too recent, and Luke rewinds to Rey meeting Finn and Poe on Jakku, Luke admiring how the friendship formed between the three reminds him of the friendship he formed between himself, Han, and Leia. Luke then rewinds even further back in time, to Rey when she was an orphaned child scavenging for food rations in the streets of junk city on Jakku where until she is chased down and caught by the blobfish's goons and brought to Unkar Plutt who is furious at the child for stealing food rations from him threatening to kill her. 10-year old Rey then drops a bunch of rare and valuable pieces of scrap from her bag which convinces Plutt to spare her life seeing that she could be of use to her as a junk scavenger. the blobfish asks "what's your name kid?" and young Rey says "I don't remember my name". the blobfish says "oh come on, everyone's gotta have a name". the young scavenger girl picks up an old rebel X-wing pilot helmet from a nearby junk pile and reads the name written on the helmet: "Rey... I'm Rey". Luke is close, but he needs to go back a bit farther. Luke then goes even farther back in time, were he sees a 6-year-old Rey in the grassy fields of Lothal just outside Luke's jedi temple playing with a 10-year-old Ben and 7-year-old Connie Solo with wooden sticks pretending that they're lightsabers while Han, Leia, Chewie, C-3PO, and R2-D2 watch as the young kids have fun (Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher both digitally de-aged) followed by a young Luke Skywalker (played by a digitally de-aged Mark Hamill) and his wife Mara Jade Skywalker (whom I imagine would be played by Karen Gillan with that bright red hair of hers). Mara then picks up little Rey followed by Han telling Luke "nice family you got there, flyboy. almost as nice as mine". Luke tells Han "Thanks. Han, Leia, this is my wife Mara" followed by Mara shaking Leia's hand, Leia saying "my brother told me all about you, hope you've been keeping him out of trouble" with Luke rolling his eyes saying "Leia!" followed by his sister laughing. Han then looks at little Rey huddled up in her mother's arms and asks "aw, cute kid. don't be shy, it's me your uncle Han. so Luke, what did you say the kid's name was?" followed by Luke saying "her name is..." We then cut to the present day where Luke then pulls back saying "Kira". Luke then exits the room, the wookie following behind. Rey upon experiencing this memory suddenly wakes up, asking "what was that... was I dreaming?" she then hears a familiar voice saying "a repressed memory, from a past life". Rey then turns around to see Kylo Ren standing before her bed, shocked to see the dark-haired son of Solo looking at her in the eyes. Rey asks Kylo how he got here, and Kylo says "force projection. Skywalker does not know it yet, but you and I are a dyad in the force". Rey asks "A dyad?" Kylo explains "A rare bond between two force-sensitive beings that makes them one with the force, it is a connection that transcends space and time itself. Skywalker can't see me, but you can". Rey asks Kylo "why have you contacted me?" Kylo then answers "to warn you that Skywalker is not the man you think he is. he's keeping secrets from you, about your family, about your past. If you want the answers you seek, go to the cave of mirrors located beneath the Jedi temple. there you will find the truth". Rey asks Kylo "how do I know you're not lying? why should I trust the man who murdered his own father? a father who loved you, who gave a damn about you!" Kylo then tells Rey "because I was trained by Luke Skywalker, I know him all too well. he kept the truth that I was the grandson of Darth Vader a secret from me for half my life, likewise he would be keeping secrets from you. let the past die, kill it if you have to". Kylo's force projection then disappears leaving Rey to lie in bed to think about what she just heard. We then cut back to the Alderaan exiting out of Hyperspace arriving above Coruscant where General Ematt walks up to Finn who is walking through the hallways with Maz and the Crimson Corsair's crew and tells Finn that he has a mission for both him and the pirates, pulling out a holoprojector showing a hologram of DJ, Ematt explaining that DJ is a member of the New Republic Intelligence service and a master code-breaker, Ematt saying that the First Order has been targeting children across the galaxy and abducting them, and the codebreaker might be their lead to figuring out what the First Order plans on doing with these children. Maz tells Ematt that she is very familiar with DJ, saying that he's an ex-boyfriend of hers. Ematt tells Finn and the pirates that he wants them to go rendezvous with him on Coruscant and uncover the First Order's plans once and for all. Sidon Ithano puts his arm around Finn, saying "finally, our first adventure together, welcome to the crew Finn". We then cut to Finn in the hangar packing his things and loading them up with help from Maz into the Crimson Corsair's ship the Meson Martinet, Poe and BB-8 showing up to wish Finn good luck on his mission. Finn and Poe both do a bro-hug while BB-8 beeps in confusion. Poe tells BB-8 "no you can't go with them, you're needed here to help me pilot my X-wing" followed by BB-8 beeping back at Poe. Finn then boards the ship before being deployed from the cruiser down to the planet below, Ackbar watching the pirates vessel take off while saying "good riddance" before telling Bek to prepare the crew to jump to lightspeed again saying that they can't afford to stay in one place for very long with the First Order hot on their tail, Bek saying "right away sir" while Poe notices that BB-8 is gone followed by the Alderaan jumping back into lightspeed and leaving Coruscant.  We then cut to Finn aboard the Meson Marinet with Sidon Ithano's crew along with Maz where Pen finds BB-8 and picks him up, asking "can I keep it?" Followed by Reveth who is tinkering with her cybernetic arm saying "No Pen, for the last time you can't just pick up a random droid and claim it as yours". Pen then says "aw but I always wanted my own BB unit" while Squeaky crosses his arms and snorts. Finn then grabs BB-8 and says "woah woah woah, how did BB-8 get in here? You're supposed to be with Poe you little stowaway!" Followed by BB-8 beeping at Finn. Finn asks if they can turn back around, and Sidon Ithano says "sorry, we're too late to turn back now. Guess the little droid's officially part of the crew now" followed by BB-8 beeping in excitement. Quiggold then tells Finn "that's our captain, whenever he's set his mind on something, there's no turning back". The Meson Martinet then descends into the lower levels of Coruscant, Finn noticing kids being rounded up by Stormtroopers and stolen from their families as he looks on intensely being reminded of how he was also taken from his family at a young age by the First Order. Finn and the pirates then arrive at level 1313 where they come across Rotta's palace, Maz telling the crew that this place brings back a lot of bad memories, saying that there's a reason why she and DJ broke up all those years ago. The Crimson Corsair tells Finn that Maz does not like the Hutts. Maz tells her fellow pirates that the Hutts are a bunch of fat, greedy, repulsive, vile gangsters and Rotta is the just the worst. Finn and the pirates then enter Rotta's palace where we see the place is a seedy nightclub full of exotic alien dancers and a jizz band playing soothing music. DJ notices Maz and Sidon Ithano's crew come through the door and tells Rotta the Hutt "Rotta, looks like we've got ourselves some special guests coming here tonight" in huttese. Finn and the pirates then sit down at one of the tables, DJ then sits next to Maz, asking how his favorite pirate queen has been doing lately. Maz tells DJ that to leave her alone, saying that she doesn't associate with anyone who stoops to the low of associating with gangsters like the Hutts with Squeaky snorting in DJ's face with DJ saying "good to see you too, Squeaky" in a sarcactic tone. DJ asks Reveth how her sister is doing, and Reveth tells him that her sister was killed during the First Order's occupation of Ryloth. DJ tells her "sorry for your loss" while BB-8 rolls around the nightclub while trying not to be seen with Pen telling the little droid to shush. DJ then looks at Finn, asking "so who's the new mate, Sidon Ithano?" the Crimson Corsair introduces DJ to Finn, telling him that he's an Ex-stormtrooper. DJ raises an eyebrow, saying "A stormtrooper?" followed by Quiggold saying "he's become quite the crew member, the captain really respects him". DJ asks Finn why he hanging with a dirty bunch of scoundrels like these, and Finn says "we're on a mission for the New Republic looking for a codebreaker, the aliens in the nightclub all look with suspicion, even Rotta himself. DJ tells Finn to quiet down, saying that Rotta the Hutt does not trust the New Republic because of the whole thing about Leia choking his father Jabba to death. Finn turns his head to see fat disgusting Rotta being hand-fed by droids before turning his head back to DJ to ask him "that THING is Jabba's son? you're telling me that Jabba, THE Jabba the hutt, reproduced?" Finn then gags causing BB-8 to panic while Quiggold pats Finn on the back with Pen saying "That's just sick..." followed by Reveth asking "so who's the mother?" followed by DJ saying "It's best not to think about it. so why have you all come here to seek out my services?" Finn gets back up followed by the Crimson Corsair telling DJ "we believe you are the key to figuring out why the First Order is suddenly abducting kids across the galaxy". DJ looks confused, saying "The First Order has always been committing mass-abductions of children, that's how they fill out their ranks. that's what you do when you don't have enough resources to enlist adult troops like the Empire did". Maz tells DJ "This isn't like their usual recruiting process, they're not just grabbing random children off the streets. they're targeting specific children across multiple star systems". Finn tells DJ "you've got to help, those kids need us. I was stolen from my family as a kid and conscripted into the First Order, I was lucky to have escaped. we need to protect them so they don't befall the same fate as I did". DJ understands the urgency of the situation and pulls a Jedi holocron out from under his jacket, DJ explaining that he stole it from an old Imperial vault; a Jedi Holocron containing a list of every known force-sensitive child in the galaxy revealing that the children the First Order have been targeting are Force Sensitive, saying that Snoke plans on raising an army of dark-side force users. however their conversation is suddenly interrupted when a First Order dropship lands in level 1313 of Coruscant, deploying Phasma, the trio of Elite Stormtroopers, and the rest of Company 77 who proceed to storm Rotta's palace, shooting up the nightclub forcing patrons to duck for cover while Rotta he Hutt is suddenly killed by a barrage of shots from the Stormtroopers blasters while Finn and the pirates try to fight back, Maz force-crushing the armor of several Stormtroopers to protect DJ. Jannah fires a laser arrow from her energy bow at Finn forcing him to duck out of the way of the explosion while the Crimson Corsair and his crew fight with Jayelle and Forten. Finn and the pirates (plus BB-8) are all eventually captured by Company 77 and presented to Captain Phasma, followed by DJ walking over to Phasma's side and handing her the Holocron with DJ asking "come on, where's my money? I don't work for free" followed by Phasma handing a briefcase to DJ. Finn then shouts "you sold us out, traitor!" followed by DJ telling Finn "It's just business as usual, nothing personal stormtrooper". Phasma then orders the Stormtroopers to take the prisoners to the transport ship followed by Finn, Maz, BB-8, and the Crimson Corsair's ship being loaded onto a transport ship where they are locked in the brig with the Force-sensitive children who are scared out of their minds. Finn kneels down to tell the kids "don't worry, I'll find a way to get us all out of here" while BB-8 rolls around one kid and beeps at him happily, the little droid putting a smile on the child's face as the transport ship is suddenly caught in the tractor beam of the Supremacy and taken aboard the colossal Star Destroyer. After that, we cut back to Ach-to the next day where Rey is in her study reading up new force techniques in the Jedi texts where she turns her head to see that Luke is acting rather strange lately, as he is mostly keeping to himself. Kylo's force projection then appears before Rey, telling her that they had a deal. Rey tells Kylo not to scare her like that. Kylo then tells Rey "you still haven't gone into the cave of mirrors yet". Rey tells Kylo that she read all about it in the Jedi texts, saying that according to these old books the cave has a strong connection to the dark side of the force and that the Jedi order forbid anyone from venturing inside. Rey then tells Kylo that she's worried that if she enters that cave there will be no going back. Kylo tells her "you're really going to listen to some old books and an outdated religion? Maybe this will convince you then". Kylo then force-projects the six members of the Knights of Ren holding the children they abducted from Lothal hostage with red lightsaber up to their necks. Rey tells Kylo "you're insane, those are children! I swear if you hurt them..." Kylo then tells her "and what? You don't even know where they are. Do as I say and go into that cave and I will lead you to them". Rey then turns her head and says "Fine, I'll go. as long as you don't lay a finger on them". Kylo tells her "don't worry, they'll be safe with me..." before the force projection fades away. Rey then marches out of the Jedi temple and walks down to the cave entrance. Luke notices her and shouts "Rey, where are you going? Don't you dare enter that cave! Rey! Rey!" Rey doesn't listen to her master and enters the cave anyway. We then cut back to the Alderaan where we see Poe, Connie, Rose, Nien Nunb, the five members of Black Squadron, and C-3PO having a secret meeting inside the ship's engine room. Poe explains his plan to stage a mutiny against Admiral Ackbar and his followers, Poe saying that he doesn't trust Ackbar due to his stuffy attitude, strict and overbearing leadership methods, and his secrecy withholding information from the rest of the Alderaan's crew. Rose tells Poe "I still don't like you, I only agreed to help you because I don't like Ackbar either, he's no General Leia" while cocking her dual blasters. Connie tells Rose that it's not fair to compare Ackbar to her mother, but after he disrespected her mother's memory in front of her she's been having this feeling that maybe Poe is right, Ackbar is unfit to lead the Republic fleet. C-3PO looks at Poe and asks him "are you sure about this, master Dameron? this is mutiny we're talking about! and against a former rebel leader no less. I highly doubt Mistress Leia would have approve". Dameron then gets emotional tells C-3PO "Leia's gone, threepio! get over it" followed by Poe explaining his plan to the crew: capture Ackbar's loyal yes-man Lieutenant Bek for interrogation, once they get him to talk and tell them what Ackbar's plan is then they'll spring the trap on Ackbar, overthrow him and his cronies, and take command of the ship. the crew then all nod in agreement before we cut to Poe and the others sneaking around the barracks of the Alderaan until they run into Lieutenant Bek who questions Poe and his crew what they're doing sneaking around, followed by Rose electrocuting Bek with a taser knocking him out cold, Rose telling the others that she always carries one in her pocket, just to be safe. Bek then wakes up to find himself lying on the floor tied up inside the engine room, shouting "what is the meaning of this? unhand me at once!" followed by Rose putting her blaster in Bek's mouth, telling him "you're gonna tell us what Admiral Ackbar's plan is, if you wanna live. now talk!" Connie grabs Rose's hand, telling her "Easy, Rose". Bek tells her "do your worst, I would rather die than sell the Admiral out to a bunch of rebel scum like you". Poe pushes both Connie and Rose out of the way, telling the two of them "easy there ladies, let me take a crack at it. let's see if my boot gets you to talk!" followed by Poe kicking Lieutenant Bek in the face. C-3PO then turns around, saying "Oh no! I can't bear to watch!" Poe then kicks Bek in the face a second time, shouting "why is Ackbar being so secretive? why is he keeping information about his plan from us? answer me!" followed by Poe pinning Bek to the ground and punching him in the face repeatedly. the battered and bruised Mon Calamari gives in, telling Poe "Ackbar and General Ematt believe that there is a spy lurking in our ranks, someone has been giving away our precise location and relaying it to the First Order under our noses, it's how they've been able to track us". Poe asks Bek who the identity of the spy is, only for Rose to kill Lieutenant Bek by shooting him in the head, a pool of green blood dripping to the floor. Poe looks at Rose and asks her "why did you do that? we almost had him; we haven't even gotten him to reveal what Ackbar's plans are!" Rose walks out of the engine room and tells Poe, Connie, and the others "we'll get that information out of Ackbar himself, now lets get a move on before the others suspect anything!" Poe, Connie, C-3PO, Nien Nunb, and the five members of Black Squadron then all follow her lead before we cut to Admiral Ackbar sitting in the bridge of the Alderaan, a Mon Calamari officer informing Ackbar that Lieutenant Bek is dead, a clear shot to the head from a blaster. Ackbar is troubled by this news, telling the officer to put the entire ship on high alert. Poe, Connie, Rose, Nien Nunb, and the five members of Black Squadron all arrive on the bridge and point their blasters at the Admiral, Ackbar exclaiming "It's a trap!" followed by Poe saying "no, it's a mutiny. and you're gonna tell us what you're plan is or else we'll shoot". C-3PO shows up and looks at Ackbar, telling him "oh don't mind me Admiral, I had no part in this. the truth is this was all his Idea, I'm just an innocent protocol droid who was dragged into this mess against my programming. carry on" followed by threepio just walking away. Ackbar then shouts "Arrest them! take them to the brig!" followed by a bunch of Mon Calamari officers apprehending Poe and the mutineers and taking them to the brig where they are all thrown in jail cells, Ackbar telling them "now stay there and think about what you've done" before he and the Mon Calamari officers leave the room to return to the bridge. After that, we cut back to Rey entering the cave of mirrors where she finds herself in total darkness, hearing Darth Vader's iconic breathing sound causing her get scared and pull out Anakin's lightsaber to ignite it, however when she turns around she sees nothing there making her think it may be just her imagination. Rey then puts the lightsaber away before coming across a mirror on the wall where she sees her reflection, however this reflection appears to her as a child with Child Rey telling her adult self that the answers she seeks are that way. Rey then continues on through the cave before coming across another mirror where she sees a scene play out of a young Luke Skywalker (about five years after Return of the Jedi) on Cloud City looking for his father's missing lightsaber. He then turns around to see a hooded figure holding Anakin's lightsaber, shouting "that lightsaber is mine, give it back!" followed by the hooded figure saying "come get it!" before taking off leading to a chase scene through Cloud City, however the hooded figure is backed into a corner and pulls down her hood revealing herself to be an Imperial Inquisitor wearing a black helmet with a red visor, the masked figure shouting "Skywalker, you will pay for the death of the Emperor!" her voice distorted by her helmet before whipping out the trademark double-bladed red lightsaber of the inquisitors. Luke then pulls out his iconic green lightsaber as the two have a lightsaber duel over cloud city. Luke manages to knock the inquisitor's lightsaber out of her hand causing it to fall to the clouds below, followed by the Inquisitor unbuckling Anakin's blue lightsaber from her belt and igniting it before clashing it with Luke's green lightsaber, the two combatants both equally matched. Luke manages to disarm her by using the force to grab Anakin's lightsaber out of her hand with Luke now dual-wielding both his and his father's lightsabers as the Inquisitor gets down on her knees with Luke holding the two lightsabers up to her neck. The Inquisitor takes off her helmet revealing a red-haired woman underneath, saying "go ahead... do it. vanquish me like you did the Emperor". Luke then puts the two lightsabers away much to her surprise, as she says "wait, you're... NOT going to kill me?" Luke then tells her "no... It's not the Jedi way". Luke then extends his hand to her, saying "come with me, I can show you the way back to the light". the red-haired female inquisitor then asks "I don't understand..." Luke tells her "as a Jedi knight It is my duty to respect all life in any form, even my enemies. We're guardians of peace, not killers. If I was able to redeem Darth Vader, the most evil man in the galaxy, then there's hope for you". Luke then extends his hand, asking "so what's your name?" the red-haired woman then says "Mara... Mara Jade".  Rey is in awe upon seeing this, saying "so that's how Master Luke met Mara. But what does this have to do with my heritage? Child rey appears in the mirror again and points her to the next mirror. Rey walks over to the next mirror where she sees a scene of Luke and Mara Jade getting married with Han, Leia, Lando, Chewie, C-3PO, R2-D2, Maz Kanata, and a three-year-old Ben Solo attending Luke's wedding. Rey then goes over to the next mirror to watch another scene, this time Mara giving birth to hers and Luke's baby daughter, whom they decide to name Kira. Rey recognizes this as the force vision she saw from the force vision when she touched Anakin's lightsaber. Rey tells the mirror she's already seen this one before waving her hand in front of the mirror causing it to change to the scene of six-year-old Kira playing with Ben and Connie as kids in the grassy fields of Lothal. Rey sheds a tear in her eye as she is reminded of missing out on having a normal childhood. Meanwhile in the flashback scene Han asks Luke what the name of his kid is, and Luke says "Kira". Rey then backs up into another mirror where she hears the loud crashing sound of thunder and turns around to see a scene play out where we see Kylo and the Knights of Ren marching in the rain walking over bodies of dead Jedi younglings (like grandfather like grandson) while the Jedi temple burns in the background. Kylo's masked face peers over a 10-year-old Kira menacingly, only for Mara Jade to pick Kira up to protect her daughter before igniting her purple lightsaber, telling Kylo "you stay away from her". A bearded Luke then comes charging in from behind shouting "Mara!" as he fights off all six Knights of Ren with his green lightsaber before force-pushing them all out of the way. Mara Jade then hands little Kira to Luke, telling him to get her to safety while she holds them off. Luke tells her "I'm not leaving you!" followed by Mara telling Luke to just go. Luke then carries the unconscious Kira to his X-wing before taking off, Kylo killing Mara by impaling her through the stomach with his red crossguard lightsaber with Luke feeling Mara's death through the force. Luke then lands his X-wing on the nearest planet he could find, the junk planet of Jakku. Luke then carries the unconscious Kira out of his X-wing and lies her on the ground before closing his eyes and placing two of his fingers on Kira's little head performing a memory rub on his own daughter to make her forget who she is. Luke then sheds a tear as he is forced to say goodbye to his own child, saying "may the force be with you, Kira... always" before hopping in his X-wing and flying off before she wakes up. When 10-year-old Kira wakes up, she finds herself with Amnesia unable to remember her life before Jakku. Rey then gets down on her knees coming to terms with the truth she just learned, saying "Kylo Ren was right, Luke really WAS keeping secrets from me after all... I'm his daughter" The force projection of Kylo Ren then appears before Rey, telling her "so you've finally learned the truth... about Skywalker, your heritage, everything. I guess both of our fathers ended up being disappointments. wouldn't you agree, cousin?" Rey is petrified with fear, Kylo telling her "that's right, our dyad in the force comes from us being blood relatives. both of us are descendants of Darth Vader, our grandfather Anakin Skywalker. the dark side runs in our family, Kira". Rey in denial then shouts "My name is Rey!" followed by Rey swinging Anakin's lightsaber at Kylo only for it to go right through his force projection, Kylo telling her "No... that is just a name you gave yourself, you are Kira Skywalker. your father Luke Skywalker stole your memories from you and left your for dead on some backwater planet because he couldn't live with his own failure to resurrect the Jedi order". Rey then turns around upon hearing the screams of crying children. Rey then says "the kids... what have you done to them?" Kylo then tells her "Don't worry, I won't kill them. I will convert them, just like I did the Knights of Ren. Snoke and I will train them to become the next generation of Sith warriors and wipe out what's left of the Jedi religion. If you wish to save them, then come to the Sith homeworld of Korriban, that's where they're being held". Kylo then shows Rey a hologram of the coordinates to Korriban's location before his force projection disappears.

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