Chapter 6: The Mutiny

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Rey then exits the cave and makes her way back to the Falcon, Chewbacca growling at Rey only for her to be confronted by Luke Skywalker who asks Rey "what did you see in that cave?" Rey then ignites Anakin's blue lightsaber and swings it at Luke who blocks her blade with his own green lightsaber, Rey telling Luke "Kylo told me everything. you stole my memories, of my home, my family, my name, and abandoned me on Jakku! how could any father do that to his own daughter?" Luke tells Rey "I didn't have a choice, it was for your own protection! Kylo and his Knights of Ren would have killed you just like they did to all my students, and your mother! It pained for me to let go of my only child, but I did what I had to in order to keep my family safe" Rey then tells Luke as the two clash sabers "Kylo Ren has abducted force-sensitive children and plans on converting them to the dark side. I'm going to Korriban to rescue the children, and Kylo. there's nothing you can do to stop me" Luke tells Rey "can't you see that it's a trap? Kylo Ren is manipulating you, taking advantage of your emotions. this is exactly what he wants, If you go to Korriban you will be playing right into his hands". Rey then tells Luke "he's my cousin, there has to be some good still left in him. If there's a chance to save Ben's soul and bring him back to the light, then it's a chance I'm willing to take. he's family" before force-pushing Luke into a nearby cliff face, saying "besides, I can't stand idly by while innocent children are in danger". Luke then tells Rey "this isn't going to go the way you think. whatever good was left in Ben Solo died when he burned down my Jedi temple. Snoke has completely turned his heart, he's not your cousin anymore. Kylo Ren is beyond saving". Rey however doesn't listen and tells Chewbacca "come on Chewie. I guess the scavengers on Jakku were right, Skywalker really is just a myth" before she and Chewie both board the falcon with Luke left to contemplate his actions. Luke gets back up and watches the Falcon take off before pulling a Kyber crystal necklace out of his pocket (the same one Mara Jade could be seen wearing in the flashback scenes), saying "I'm sorry Mara. I failed as a father, and a teacher. she didn't heed my warnings and stubbornly took of to the Sith Homeworld of Korriban where she will succumb to the temptations of the dark side. no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't keep our daughter safe". Luke then hears a familiar voice saying "stubborn? yes. but when you were her age, so were you; Skywalker. truly her father's daughter, she is" and turns around to see Yoda's force ghost stand before him, Luke saying "Master Yoda!" followed by Yoda saying "young Skywalker". Luke asks Yoda what he's doing here, and Yoda tells him "the girl Rey, too late to save her you are not. lost Ben Solo, you did. but Rey, passed on what you have learned, to her you did. strength, mastery, weakness, folly, failure also. yes, failure most of all... the greatest teacher, failure is. repair what we grow beyond, that is the true burden of masters. apprentices grow, develop, and take their masters' place one day, surpassing them in the process as is the circle of life." Luke then gets up and tells Yoda "you're right, there is still time. I have to save her... from both my nephew and herself". Luke then tells R2-D2 "come on R2, it's time I do right by my daughter and be the father and Jedi master she needs me to be" followed by both Luke and R2 hopping inside Luke's X-wing and taking off while Yoda's force ghost watches. the force ghost of Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan appears beside Yoda, telling him that young Skywalker has truly come a long way, but he can still be stubborn at times followed by Yoda doing his signature laugh. We then cut to Finn, BB-8, Maz, the Crimson Corsair's crew, and the force-sensitive children being brought aboard the Supremacy, Phasma throwing the droid and the kids into a holding cell while Finn and the pirates are ready to be executed by executioner troopers while Phasma and DJ watch. Phasma then looks down at Finn, asking him "any last words, FN-2187?" Finn then tells her "yeah... my name is Finn. now let my friends go". Phasma then tells Finn "I don't think so. you betrayed the First Order, and now you must pay for your treachery". DJ then opens his briefcase only to find half the amount of credits he was promised, DJ pulling a blaster out of his jacket asking Phasma where the rest of his money is, and Phasma replies by saying "sorry but the First Order has been rather low on funds lately, Supreme Leader Snoke's connections with the bankers just got severed after the debacle over the Starkiller destroying the capitol of the New Republic". Phasma turns back over to Finn and the pirates and orders the excutioner troopers to "execute them". Finn closes his eyes ready to accept his fate until DJ betrays Phasma and shoots the executioner troopers saving Finn, Maz, and the Crimson Corsair's crew. Maz asked DJ why he bothered to save them after selling them out, and DJ shrugs and tells her "business as usual. I'm not evil, but I'm also not good either. I just side with whoever benefits me the most depending on the situation. war is never black and white, my darling. there's always shades of grey". Maz smirks at DJ, as this is the DJ that she remembers. Maz and the Crimson Corsair's crew blast their way through Stormtroopers while DJ unlocks the prison cells letting the force-sensitive children go followed by the escaped Force-sensitive children killing several Stormtroopers by force-crushing their armor while Phasma and a platoon of First Order stormtroopers aim their blasters at the children Phasma telling the kids to stay back causing them to be petrified with fear, only for BB-8 to show up piloting a First Order scout walker to shoot at Phasma forcing her to retreat saving the lives of the kids who all climb aboard the walker. Finn then sneaks aboard the bridge of the Supremacy and starts to hack into the First Order's computer terminal only for him to be caught red-handed by Jannah, Jayelle, and Forten who all aim their unique weapons at Finn, Jannah shouting "where do you think you're going, traitor?" as she readies her energy bow. Finn holds his hands up, telling the three elite trooper "STOP! you don't have to do this, just here me out". the three elite stormtroopers look at each other in confusion before Finn broadcasts an inspirational speech to every speaker and computer screen in the Star Destroyer: "you. yes, all of you! listen to me, what you are about to hear is the truth: the first order have been lying to you! they stole you from your homes, from your families, friends you never knew, lives you'll never live, they took away your name and gave you a number! put a gun in your hand and forced you to fight their war. they're the enemy, not me, not the new republic. I know because they did the same thing to me. we are the same, my brothers and sisters. and if there's one thing that's for sure in this galaxy is that you deserve more! you deserve a choice! Phasma, the First Order, they think they can control you. you're nothing but a warm body to do their dirty work, until you're dead and replaced. I'm not telling you to join anything, or serve anyone. all I want for you is to have a choice". elite unit 77 each lower their weapons upon hearing Finn's speech, causing them to question their loyalties. meanwhile the regular Stormtroopers turn on Phasma and all point their blasters at her, followed by Phasma turning around to kill the traitorous Stormtroopers by shooting them through the chest one-by-one with her blaster. Finn, Jannah, Jayelle, and Forten all arrive on the scene to confront Phasma, Finn telling Phasma that it's over. Phasma looks at the trio of Elite stormtroopers and tells them "what are you doing, Elite unit 77? I order you to kill the traitor immediately!" Jannah, Jayelle, and Forten all take off their helmets with Jannah saying "Sorry Phasma, but we don't take orders from you anymore". with Jayelle saying "we fight for Finn now!" and Forten saying "for the freedom of our brothers and sisters!" followed by the rest of Company 77 walking over to Finn's side. Phasma is angered, shouting "you treacherous dogs, seize them!" followed by Finn telling DJ, Maz, and the Crimson Corsair's crew to get the children to safety. DJ nods, however as Maz and the pirates all grab the force-sensitive children (along with BB-8) to the vehicle hanger where they all board the Meson Martinet to escape, DJ stays behind to discover a secret room within the Supremacy containing a strange device inside. meanwhile A stormtrooper uprising erupts aboard the Supremacy, filled with stormtrooper-on-stormtrooper violence with the rogue and loyalist stormtroopers shooting and killing each other. the trio of elites even get in on the action, with Jannah blasting through waves of loyalist stormtroopers with her laser arrows, Jayelle bashing heads with her resonator mace, and Forten cutting through troopers with his vibrosword. We then cut to the Millennium Falcon arriving at Korriban, Rey telling Chewbacca to come pick her up when she rescues the kids before boarding an escape pod and being ejected to the planet down below. meanwhile in the throne room Kylo kneels before Snoke, telling his master that the girl is here, he feels it through the force. Snoke tells him "good, capture the girl and bring her to me. and take the Knights of Ren with you". Kylo tells Snoke and says "as you wish master" followed by Trudgen Ren saying "finally some action!" as Kylo and the Knights of Ren exit the temple and all march towards Rey's location. Rey then gets out of the pod and proceeds to trek through the valley of the dark lords as she looks around the ruins with statues of Sith lords past which tower over her while Kylo and the Knights of Ren look down on her from a nearby cliff. Kylo and the Knights of Ren then force jump of the cliff one by one to surround Rey with the seven all igniting their lightsabers at once, Kylo telling Rey "you're coming with us". Rey then surrenders herself to Kylo and the Knights of Ren, telling them to take her to Supreme Leader Snoke. Kylo looks down at Rey, asking her "what are you planning?" Rey then tells him "to save you, I know deep down Ben Solo my cousin is still alive" Ben then tells her "you're wrong. Ben Solo died with his father, I made sure of that. take her away!" the Knights of Ren then apprehend Rey and take her to the Sith temple with Kylo Ren leading the way, Kylo and his knights bringing Rey into the throne room to present her to Supreme Leader Snoke. Kylo then tells Snoke "I brought you the girl, master. just as you said". Snoke then uses the force to disarm Kira pulling Anakin's lightsaber into his hand, telling her "so this is the girl who caused the awakening in the force, we finally meet at last... Kira Skywalker". Rey then says "for the last time my name is Rey!". Snoke then tells her "Rey, Kira, it doesn't matter. we all go by many names. many know me as Supreme Leader Snoke... but my true Identity is Darth Plagueis, the most powerful Sith alchemist in the history of the galaxy and former master to Darth Sidious". Rey is shocked, exclaiming "It can't be, Darth Plagueis is dead! the Emperor killed him in his sleep!" Snoke/Plagueis then stands up and electrocutes Rey with force lightning, telling her "my child... the dark side of the force to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. I have conquered death, it is but a minor setback for me. with the power of sith alchemy, I can even save others from dying. those who have joined me will never know the pain of losing a loved one again, and they will all continue to live in eternal bliss. In my pursuit of immortality, have even unlocked the secrets to creating life. on a backwater desert planet known as Tatooine, I did just that. conceived a child from the force, born with immense raw power. that child was your grandfather, Anakin Skywalker. my apprentice caught wind of my creation and attempted to assassinate me in my sleep so that he could take the child for himself and groom him to be his next apprentice. Sidious thought he had killed me, but little did he know that I survived, retreated here where I spent the past 80 odd years in hibernation within an ancient Sith Sarchophagus to recover from the injuries I sustained during my apprentice's botched assassination attempt. but then, after the empire fell, the remnants of the Former empire discovered my Sarcophagus and woke me from my slumber. I then brought them into the fold, and created the terrorist organization the First Order to clean up the mess my fallen apprentice had made of the galaxy with his failure to run an empire and defeat at the hands of Darth Vader. and now thanks to my disciples, I have abducted enough force-sensitive children to train in the ways of the dark side and resurrect the long-extinct Sith empire. best of all, they also brought you here. once you've been converted to the dark side, I will have TWO descendants of Anakin Skywalker as my personal sith assassins!" Kylo watches as Rey is lying on the ground writhing in pain, however unbeknownst to Snoke Kylo is using the force to turn Anakin's lightsaber towards him, Kylo closing his fist causing the Lightsaber to ignite slicing Snoke/Plagueis in half saving Rey's life. Snoke then starts laughing like a madman as his bisected body starts to rapidly decay and crumble into dust leaving only his black robes behind. Rey tells Kylo "you saved my life..." as Kylo Ren grabs her hand and helps her back up on her feet. the Knights of Ren then surround Rey and Kylo igniting their lightsabers ready to avenge their fallen master, Vicrul telling Kylo "murderer! you will pay for your betrayal!" Kylo and Rey then both team up to fight off the six Knights of Ren together; Rey taking on Vicrul, Ap'lek, and Ushar while Kylo takes on Trudgen, Kuruk, and Cardo. both of them manage to hold their own while fighting against three opponents, and one by one the Knights of Ren are all killed off. after that, Kylo leads Rey into Snoke's alchemy lab where 11-4D is tending to the Snoke clones are grown in tubes. 11-4D turns to Rey and Kylo and asks the two of them "what are you doing in here? where is the supreme leader? Kylo then tells 11-4D "I AM the supreme leader!" and crushes the poor droid to death before using the force to shatter all the cloning tubes one by one, ensuring that his master doesn't have a new body for him to pass his spirit into. Kylo then tells Rey "It was Snoke's destiny to be usurped by his students, slaying my master was the final push I needed to become what my grandfather Vader could not: a true dark lord of the sith, but without a master to hold me back. now I am the master, and Skywalker, the Jedi, the New Republic, will fall by my feet". Rey sheds a tear, telling her cousin "don't go this way, Ben..." Kylo then turns around to face Rey, revealing that his eyes are now glowing the signature bright yellow of the sith, telling her "no no no! you're still holding on, let go! forget the old Jedi religion, and take your place by my side as my sith apprentice! can't you see? It is our destiny to rule the galaxy together as the heirs to our grandfather's empire!" Rey then tells Kylo "NO!" and ignites Anakin's lightsaber, the two engaging in an intense lightsaber duel inside Snoke's alchemy lab, Rey finally putting all the skills Luke taught her to good use as she clashes blades with Kylo. Rey however is no match for Kylo's brute strength and advanced experience, forcing her to retreat back into the throne room where the two continue to have their lightsaber duel, Rey hearing the cries of the force-sensitive children, Rey shouting "the kids!" just as both Luke's X-wing and the Millennium Falcon both land outside the Sith Temple. we then cut back to Rey and Kylo's lightsaber duel where Rey is easily bested by Kylo who manages to knock his exhausted cousin on the floor. Kylo holds his red crossguard lightsaber up to Rey's neck, telling her "if you won't join me, then you will die". Kylo then hears a familiar voice shouting "get away from my daughter!" Kylo then turns around to see none other than Luke Skywalker himself marching into the throne room. Kylo then lets Rey go as he shifts his focus over to Luke, Kylo telling Luke "Skywalker, so you've come to save the very child you abandoned all those years ago! pathetic..." Luke then tells Kylo "I may have failed as a master, a father, and most of all you, Ben. but a wise Jedi master once told me... that failure is the greatest teacher of all" Kylo then tells him "do not underestimate me Skywalker, for I have become more powerful than when we last fought, now I will finally be able kill the last Jedi!" Luke then ignites his green saber, telling his master "that is where you are wrong, Kylo Ren. for I am no longer the last Jedi. I passed what I have learned onto my daughter, and together we will build a new Jedi order". Luke turns around and tells Rey "go rescue the younglings, I will deal with your cousin". Rey nods and runs off while Kylo swings his lightsaber at Luke who dodges his every attack to taunt Kylo, the angered Ben shouting "why do you keep dodging all my attacks? fight me old man!" meanwhile Rey makes it into the dungeon where she finds the force-sensitive kids locked in cages, using the force to bend the bars open allowing the kids to go free, Rey grabbing their hands and taking them outside where Chewie grabs the kids and takes them into the falcon. Rey then turns her head to see Luke stepping out of his X-wings to hug Rey, telling his daughter "I'm so glad you're okay, I will never abandon you again, Kira" while R2-D2 turns his head and beeps with excitement. Rey then smiles and tells Luke "please... just call me Rey". Luke then hands Rey Mara's old Kyber Crystal necklace, telling her "your mother wanted you to have this when you were old enough, It was a betrothal necklace I made for her just before we got engaged". Rey then puts the necklace around her neck thanking Luke by telling him "thank you, fa... fath..." followed by Luke telling her "don't force it kid, we may be family but you can still call me master". Rey then asks Luke "so wait... if you're here, who's fighting Kylo over there?" we then cut back to the throne room where the other Luke is revealed to be a force projection when Kylo's lightsaber just goes right through him. the projection disappears with Kylo screaming "NOOOOOO!" as both the Falcon and Luke's X-wing leave Korriban. General Hux then contacts Kylo via hologram to inform Kylo that there's a bit of an emergency aboard the Supremacy; half the Stormtroopers have gone rogue and FN-2187 is leading a rebellion aboard their ship. Kylo then tells Hux "Supreme Leader Snoke is dead, killed by Luke Skywalker. don't worry, I will avenge his death" before hanging up on Hux. We then cut to Poe and the mutineers sitting in their cell aboard the Alderaan where Connie sarcastically tells Poe "nice going there, oh-so-great X-wing commander of Black Squadron". Poe then corrects Connie, telling her "former commander. to tell you the truth it was Rose who botched the whole operation, if she hadn't killed Bek we wouldn't have been caught and we all wouldn't be stuck here right now, you really are the worst". Rose tells Poe "he was getting on my nerves. Besides this was all your idea in the first place you scruffy nerf herder. everything you do always gets us into trouble, if you just listened to Leia's orders and didn't try to be a hero then Paige would still be with us" Nien Nunb and the members of Black Squadron sit and watch as the two bicker amongst each other. Connie butts in-between them, saying "both of you are at fault here. Poe for being a reckless idiot who can't stop hogging all the glory, and Rose for being too hung up on the loss of a loved one to open herself up to others and make friends, so can we please put our personal problems aside get along and work together as a team?" Rose and Poe both take a seat, and Rose shows Poe her necklace explaining "when me and sister's necklaces were put together, they formed two halves of a medallion symbolizing the bond between the two of us. This is my half, the other half was destroyed when my sister died". Poe tells her that's very touching, telling Rose that she reminds him a lot of a sweeheart he used to have back home. Rose asks what this other girl was like, and Poe tells her that she was the most beautiful thing he ever seen, she was a blue twi'lek girl who was smart, funny, and wasn't too bad with flying an X-wing. but then she left him for a handsome karkarodon guy and they never spoke again. Rose chuckles at his story, saying that it must hurt. Poe tells Rose not really, saying he's gotten over it only for Rose to suddenly kiss Poe on the lips, Connie smiling knowing that her words of wisdom got the two of them to finally work things out. C-3PO then enters the brig and punches a bunch of numbers into a computer terminal on the wall unlocking the cell letting the band of mutineers out. Connie shouts "threepio!" and hugs the protocol droid, followed by C-3PO saying "good to see you too, Connie". Poe looks at C-3PO, asking him "so why did you of all people, er... droids, come to free us?" followed by C-3PO saying "I couldn't just leave Connie to rot in prison. as Leia's last living relative, she is my new master". General Ematt then arrives on the scene to inform our heroes that an agent of the Intelligence service named DJ has just discovered that the First Order has been able to track their ship's movements through a prototype hyperspace tracker, showing them a hologram of the device located aboard the Supremacy. Poe looks at Ematt, telling him "we've got to warn Ackbar". Ematt, Poe, Rose, Connie, C-3PO, Nien Nunb, and the five members of Black Squadron then enter the bridge to confront Ackbar just as the Alderaan exits out of Hyperspace arriving at the salt planet of Crait. the band of mutineers look out the window at the planet down below with Poe saying "Crait, what are we doing here? the whole planet's just one big salt desert" Connie then tells Poe "My mother told me this used to be home to an old rebel base built into the vast network of crystal caves beneath the planet's surface" followed by Poe saying "so that was Ackbar's plan all along, he was trying to relocate the republic fleet to a new base" followed by Ackbar turning his chair to the mutineers telling them "so you finally figured it out! you catch on fast, Dameron. I admire that about you, but with a spy still at large I could not reveal this information to prevent the First Order from finding out about the location of our new base". Ematt then warns Ackbar that the First Order is using an experimental hyperspace tracker located within their flagship dreadnought to track them through hyperspace. Ackbar is troubled by this news, saying "hmmm... this is pretty bad. we need to destroy that thing If we are to safely land on Crait's surface, we are expected to rendezvous with Skywalker at any moment. and even though I don't trust you after your botched mutiny attempt, but because this is an emergency situation I reluctantly re-instate Poe Dameron as commander of Black Squadron" followed by Poe saluting Ackbar and saying "It's an honor, sir" with Ackbar saying "now that's what I like to hear, boy". DJ then contacts Ematt via hologram to inform him that he has successfully found the location of the hyperspace tracker with help from Finn along with Maz and her pirate buddies, all they need to do now is plant a bomb in order to destroy it. Ematt tells DJ "duly noted" before we cut back to the stormtrooper uprising still going on aboard the Supremacy where DJ dodges blaster bolts left and right to avoid getting caught in the crossfire and rushes towards Finn waving his hat in the air to get Finn's attention. Finn asks DJ what he's still doing here as he was supposed to escape with Maz and the pirates, and DJ tells Finn that he discovered that the Supremacy is tracking the Alderaan through hyperspace and that they need to destroy it by planting a bomb inside it. Finn understands the situation and he along with Jannah, Jayelle, and Forten rush towards the room containing the lightspeed tracker, only for them to get stopped in their tracks by none other than Captain Phasma who blocks the entrance whipping out her Javelin. meanwhile Rose Tico uses a device hidden in her pocket to transmit a signal to the Lightspeed tracker allowing the Supremacy to locate the Alderaan followed by the massive star destroyer arriving over Crait through hyperspace blocking the Alderaan from taking the safe passage to Crait. Ackbar then shouts "They've found us!" before we cut back to Finn's confrontation with Captain Phasma. Phasma then tells Finn "there is no way you are getting to that lightspeed tracker!" followed by Finn grabbing the electric baton of a fallen Stormtrooper before telling the three members of Elite unit 77 to go without him, saying that he'll keep her busy. the trio understand and take off towards the lightspeed tracker room. Finn and Phasma both clash baton-to-javelin, resulting in an intense one-on-one fight between the ex-stormtrooper and his former abuser, this fight is personal for him. Phasma however gains the upper hand by knocking the baton out of Finn's hand before pinning him to the ground holding her javelin up to his neck before we cut to Jannah, Jayelle, and Forten entering the room containing the lightspeed tracker followed by Jayelle grabbing a bomb from her utility belt and planting it inside the device. we then cut back to Phasma pinning Finn to the ground, Phasma telling Finn "no matter how hard you try to run away from your past, you'll always be FN-2187, a mere bug in the system". Finn in a moment of desperation reaches for his weapon, saying "my... name... is... Finn!" before the baton flies back into Finn's hand confirming his force sensitivity and catching Phasma off-guard allowing Finn to uppercut Phasma knocking her helmet off and leaving her down for the count. Finn then looks at his hand, exclaiming "I really do have the force!" followed by the unconscious Phasma being apprehended by two of the rogue Stormtroopers. Finn orders them to take her to the brig followed by Phasma being locked inside a prison cell as she promises Finn that this isn't the last he's seen of her. Finn then turns his head to see Jannah, Jayelle, and Forten arrive on the scene to escape the explosion that destroys the lightspeed tracker once and for all. Finn, DJ, Jannah, Jayelle, Forten, and the rest of Company 77 then board a nearby shuttle and escape, Finn contacting the Alderaan to inform everyone that the lightspeed tracker has been destroyed. Poe smiles, saying "good job old buddy". Ackbar then tells the crew of the Alderaan that he has a plan: he'll keep the First Order distracted while they all board the evacuation ships and escape to Crait down below. Ackbar's last words are "Connie, as the daughter of two legendary war heroes, I hereby promote you to General of the New Republic. your mother would be proud. It was an honor serving with you all. may the force be with you". Poe nods at Ackbar before he boards his X-wing while Rose boards her A-wing, with Conne, Threepio, and the others boarding an evacuation ship before taking off where they are joined by both the Falcon and Luke's X-wing. Ackbar watches the ships escape before ordering the Mon Calamari officers to prepare to jump to lightspeed. Hux notices the MC85 star cruiser turning around from the bridge of the Supremacy, Hux demanding to know just what the hell that cruiser is doing. a random officer tells him "sir it appears it's coming straight towards us!" follow by the Alderaan ramming into the Supremacy at lightspeed, resulting in a massive explosion. while the star destroyer is left without a scratch, the confusion from the big boom allows the ships to get away safely to the planet down below, Connie watching the dreadnought being engulfed in flames from the window of the evacuation ship saying "Ackbar sacrificed himself, for us..." Followed by Poe placing his hand on Connie's shoulder, telling her "then let's make his sacrifice count".

And that's the end of the chapter, in case you were wondering I got the idea of reworking the Holdo Maneuver from this YouTube video right here:

Also Imagine "Duel of the Fates" playing during Rey and Kylo's fight with the Knights of Ren:

And "Battle of the Heroes" during Rey and Kylo's lightsaber duel:

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now