Chapter 7: Battle of Crait

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The Falcon along with Poe and Luke's X-wings, Rose's A-wing, and all the evacuation ships touch down on Crait's service arriving at the abandoned rebel base where the Republic Navy proceed to set up shop, DJ pulling the Jedi holocron out of his coat and handing it to Luke telling him that it contains a list of all known force-sensitive children in the galaxy. Luke tells Rey that he'll take the force-sensitive kids and keep them safe and for her to go join her friends followed by Luke meditating to send a message through the force to other surviving Jedi out there about the force-sensitive kids who are being targeted by the first order and need their help. Rey then nods and walks off while Chewie hugs Connie who's happy to see her uncle Chewie again. Meanwhile Rey reunites with Poe as he hops out of his X-wing followed by Poe introducing Rey to Rose who shakes hands with Rey, Poe explaining to Rey that Rose is his new wingman, er... wingwoman. Rey asks Poe if she's his girlfriend, and Poe wraps his arm around Rose and tells her "maybe" in a sarcastic manner followed by the two pilots exchanging knowing glances. the Meson Martinet then arrives on the scene with Maz and the Crimson Corsair's crew exiting the vehicle to re-unite with the Republic fleet, along with Poe having a reunion with BB-8 with the little droid excited to see his master again. meanwhile C-3PO and R2-D2 have a reunion with C-3PO saying "oh good to see you again R2, you won't believe all the crazy stuff that's happened to me these past few days" followed by R2-D2 beeping in response. The stolen First Order dropship lands next to the Crimson Corsair's ship followed by Finn, DJ, a bunch of force-sensitive kids and the stormtroopers of Company 77 exiting the vessel. the New Republic troops then aim at the Stormtroopers only for Finn to tell them to drop their weapons, saying "they're with me". Finn informs Luke that he rescued more force-sensitive children from the First Order, Luke understanding and telling Finn that they'll be safe with him. the kids are all in awe of being in the presence of the legendary Luke Skywalker, all the while DJ has a reunion with General Ematt who tells him that it's good to see him again, DJ explaining to Ematt that these Stormtroopers were ones who chose to defect from the First Order. Finn introduces Ematt to the trio of Elite Stormtroopers: Jannah, Jayelle, and Forten who all take off their helmets to show that they're people too while the New Republic officers looking at them with distrust, Jannah telling them "I can tell you all probably don't trust a bunch of Stormtroopers, but I assure you we're not all bad. we didn't know any better, conscripted as kids and led to believe that the first order were fighting for a noble cause. but thanks to Finn we now know the truth and have since abandoned that life, and now we must all work together to face a common enemy: the first order". the stormtroopers of Company 77 all paint the blood-red handprint on their helmets in solidarity and stand by Finn's side as their new leader. meanwhile the First Order deploys a platoon of walkers which guard a battering ram cannon. General Ematt pulls out a pair of binoculars to see the AT-M6 walkers stomping towards the base, informing General Connie Solo that they've got company. Connie then tells our heroes that she's got a plan and our heroes all surround Connie to listen to her plan: the ground forces will keep the walkers distracted while the rest of Black Squadron along with the Stormtroopers and Pirates will drive ski-speeders between the walkers feet and fire rocket launchers at their underbellies (which is their weak spot). Poe and Rose will hold off the enemy TIE fighters along with Chewie and Rey in the Falcon and Luke in his X-wing to keep them off the ski speeders. the children with stay with Chewie and Rey in the falcon. our heroes all not in agreement and Finn, Rey, and Poe all share a big group hug while C-3PO, R2-D2, and BB-8 watch, threepio commenting "oh my, what a heartfelt reunion" with both R2 and BB-8 beeping at threepio. our heroes all go into their positions. the New Republic troopers get into the trenches and man the turrets as they take aim at the walkers and open fire on them, however the AT-M6s fire back killing several New Republic troopers AND blowing up the turrets. Finn, DJ, Maz, the Crimson Corsair's crew, Nien Nunb, the five members of Black Squadron, Jannah, Jayelle, Forten, and the rest of the rogue Stormtroopers all board the ski speeders and take off towards the walkers while Chewie gathers all the kids and takes them back in the falcon only to find out that a bunch of Porgs stowed away inside the ship and even made a nest inside, the kids all laughing at the adorable creatures and start picking them up and cuddling with them (because it'll get the kids watching to buy the merch lol). Chewie hops in the pilot's seat while Rey serves as the gunner, Rey telling the kids to stay calm saying that she'll protect them while she is flanked by Luke's X-wing, Poe's X-wing, and Rose's A-wing. meanwhile the Ski speeders head towards the walkers swerving out of the way of the incoming enemy fire, DJ telling Finn that was a close one. the Crimson Corsair then laughs in the face of danger as he whips out a Rocket Launcher and fires it at the underbelly of one walker causing it to explode and fall over and collapse, luckily the ski speeders got away in time to avoid being crushed by the falling AT-M6, Quiggold telling Sidon Ithano that he's glad to see his captain is still alive while Pen and Squeaky whip out a pair of rocket launchers of their own and blow up two more walkers. Reveth notices a squadron of TIE fighters coming towards them and alerts everyone to the incoming fighters followed by Maz telling everyone to break off. the TIE fighters are being led by Kylo Ren in his TIE silencer, who chases after Luke's X-wing in an intense aerial dogfight Kylo determined to blast his former master out of the sky only for the Millennium Falcon to come save the day Rey blasting the TIE fighters out of the sky one by one while poor Chewie is being annoyed by both the kids and porgs causing him to roar at them to make them shut up. the Falcon then opens fire on Kylo's TIE silencer forcing him to take evasive action only for the silencer's wing to get shot off causing it to crash. Kylo then gets out of his crashed TIE silencer and looks up intensely at the action happening above. meanwhile the ski speeders try their best to dodge the blasts from the TIE fighters, only for Poe's X-wing and Rose's A-wing to come save the day by tag teaming to blast the TIE fighters out of the sky, Finn thanking both Poe and Rose for the save with Poe telling Finn "we've got your back buddy". Finn then notices the battering ram cannon charging up for an attack and flies directly towards it, saying "the cannon's opening this is our chance! Jayelle, Forten, take out the walkers guarding it I will take the cannon out myself" as several ski speeders get blown up by the walkers. Jayelle and Forten's ski speeders go under the two walkers guard and whip out rocket launchers to blast the underbellies of the walkers causing them to collapse and explode. meanwhile Finn flies his ski-speeder directly into the battering ram cannon, closing his eyes as he gets ready to sacrifice himself to destroy it once and for all only for Jannah's ski speeder to sideswipe Finn's causing him to spin out of control and crash. Finn asks Jannah why she did that, saying that he was gonna take out the cannon once and for all. Jannah tells Finn not to throw away his life so recklessly saying "we need you to be alive to lead the rogue stormtroopers of Company 77 and be the beacon of hope for our brothers and sisters still kept in the dark by the First Order's indoctrination, so that one day we all can be freed". the two are then picked up by Jayelle and Forten's ski speeders and taken back to base where they re-unite with Connie and the rest of the Republic Navy. however the battering ram cannon is done charging and blasts the rebel base causing a massive explosion forcing Finn, Jannah, Jayelle, Forten, Ematt, Connie, the droids, and several New Republic troops and officers to escape into the crystal caves below where they are trapped as the entrance is blocked off by falling debris where they are in awe of the crystals as they glow a bright ruby red lighting up the dark caves. Luke's X-wing then flies in and takes out hordes of walkers by flying around them and blasting them in the underbelly while they're distracted (like Levi Ackerman slashing his way through hordes of titans in the anime series Attack on Titan XD) followed by Poe's X-wing and Rose's A-wing flying in to flank Luke's X-wing and help him fight the walkers while DJ, Maz, the Crimson Corsair's crew, Nien Nunb, and the five members of Black Squadron stop their ski speeders and raise their fists into the air to cheer Luke on before Luke's X-wing flies in to blow up the battering ram cannon. we then cut to Finn and the three members of elite unit 77 leading Connie, Emmat, the droids, and the New Republic officers through the crystal caves with C-3PO telling R2-D2 "I've got a bad feeling about this" R2 beeps in response with threepio saying "well said R2". they then come across a family of crystal foxes who run off through the cave. Finn tells the others "we should follow the crystal foxes, they know the way out of here. I can feel it through the force". Connie cocks her said, exclaiming "wait, Finn has the force?" while Ematt chuckles. C-3PO exclaims "well, I guess life really is full of surprises" while R2-D2 beeps with excitement. our heroes then come across a dead end which is blocked off by a pile of boulders, followed by the Millennium Falcon landing just outside the tunnel Rey sensing that Finn is in trouble through the force. Rey then walks up to the boulders blocking the cave exit and reaches her hand out closing her eyes as she taps into the force. the force-sensitive children then all exit the falcon to join Rey and lend a hand, as they all hold their hands out and tap into the force as well. meanwhile Finn does the same, reaching his hand out and tapping into the force as well. this does the trick, as with all their combined strength they are all able to lift all the boulders into the air with the force. the boulders scatter followed by Finn and Rey having a reunion, with the two sharing a kiss (you're welcome!!!) while Chewie covers the eyes of the children in a moment of levity before dragging them back into the ship. Finn tells Rey that he is force-sensitive, with Rey smiling and saying "I knew it" followed by DJ, Maz, Nien Nunb, the five members of Black Squardon, and the Crimson Corsair's crew arriving on their ski-speeders along with Poe's X-wing and Rose's A-wing with everyone hopping out of their vehicles to regroup. Luke's X-wing then lands in front of the two lovers and hops out to break the tension saying "alright you two, that's enough. don't try anything funny with my daughter, Stormtrooper" acting like an overprotective dad and revealing the truth about Rey's heritage in front of EVERYONE. they all gasp, Connie exclaiming "Kira? but mom, dad, and I all thought you were dead!" Rey tells her "It's a long story, I'll tell you all the details later. but you can still call me Rey". Connie then looks at Rey and tells her "well the good news is you're my cousin, the bad news is you're related to my brother". and right on cue our heroes are all surrounded by AT-M6 walkers along with Kylo Ren who ignites his red crossguard lightsaber. Kylo has a brief exchange with Connie, asking her "what's wrong, sister? you don't look that pleased to see me again" Connie then aims her blaster and tells Kylo "Ben Solo, the brother I knew and shared a childhood with, died when you killed our father. and our mother. you are no longer my big brother" Kylo is hurt by Connie's comment, telling her "I didn't kill our mother, the Knights of Ren did. so I killed them" followed by Connie lowering her blaster and taking a step back upon hearing this revelation. Luke tells Connie to get the others out of here, saying that he and Rey will hold him off. Connie nods and takes Finn, DJ, Nien Nunb, the five members of Black Squadron, C-3PO, and Company 77 into the Millennium Falcon while Poe boards his X-wing, Rose boards her A-wing, and Maz and the Crimson Corsair's crew board the Meson Martinet. Luke and Rey stand together triumphantly in front of Kylo Ren, telling the two "fine, I'll take you both on" while the walkers aim their cannons. Luke and Rey look at each other and nod followed by R2-D2 and BB-8 rolling up to the two Jedi, BB-8 ejecting Anakin's blue lightsaber which is caught by Rey while R2-D2 ejects Luke's green lightsaber which is caught by Luke followed by the two droids rolling back into the Falcon before all the ships leave Crait. Luke and Rey both ignite their lightsabers, followed by Kylo Ren pointing his lightsaber at the two, shouting "FIRE!" the AT-M6s all open fire on Luke and Rey, resulting in a massive explosion. but when the dust clears, we see the Luke and Rey with their combined strength used the force to freeze the walker's blaster bolts in mid-air. Kylo takes a step back, saying "Impossible... HOW? HOW IS THIS EVEN HAPPENING?" followed by Luke telling his nephew to never underestimate the power of the Skywalkers. Rey and Luke then deflect the blaster bolts back at the AT-M6s with their lightsabers destroying all the remaining walkers one by one. Kylo turns around to watch as all the walkers fall on top of each other like a stack of dominoes and explode causing Kylo to shout "NO!!!!" before charging at Both Luke and Rey, the three of them having a 2v1 lightsaber duel in the salt flats of Crait with Luke attacking Kylo from the front while Rey attacks from the back, Kylo dodging their blades before kicking Rey in the stomach and force pushing Luke knocking him over. Luke rushes to Rey's aid and helps her back up followed by Kylo brutally swinging his lightsaber at the two in a fit of blind rage with Luke and Rey picking back up their lightsabers to clash Blades with Kylo their combined strength easily overpowering him as Rey and Luke cross their Lightsabers together to block Kylo's lightsaber and bring him to his knees. Kylo is outmatched by the two Jedi, however he refuses to go down without a fight and parries both their attacks before getting back up on his feet using the force to fling rocks and chunks of debris at Luke and Rey who both slice the rocks and debris with their lightsabers. before the two do a combined force-push against Kylo knocking him over. Luke then force-jumps lightsaber in hand to lock blades with Kylo who stands back up as he and Luke have a one-on-one lightsaber duel, only for Rey to run at him from the side and slice Kylo's right arm off with Anakin's lightsaber causing him to lie on the ground writhing in pain (losing a limb kinda runs in the Skywalker family). Hux then contacts Kylo Ren to return to the Supremacy at once, telling him that the Republic Navy has them on the run and they neeed to retreat. A shuttle then flies in for Captain Phasma to carry the one-armed Kylo Ren to safety before the shuttle leaves Crait and returns to the Supremacy. Rey and Luke both board Luke's X-wing and take off.

P.S. there would totally be a reprisal of Duel of the Fates during Luke and Rey's duel with Kylo, as a way of paying homage to Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's duel with Darth Maul:

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