Characters (Rey's story)

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Since the Last Jedi follows three separate storylines for each of the three leads, I will be covering the characters by subplot:

Since the Last Jedi follows three separate storylines for each of the three leads, I will be covering the characters by subplot:

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Rey/Kira Skywalker

After the events of my Force Awakens rewrite, Rey is training under Luke Skywalker as his padawan in the first jedi temple on Ach-to, learning as much as she can about the history of the jedi from the texts in the temple library (I added a character trait where she's a massive bookworm) along with combat and spiritual training from Luke, however Rey suspects that Luke might be hiding something from her. the following night, Luke sneaks into Rey's room in the temple to examine her memories with the force to make sure that she really is who he thinks she is, and discovers the shocking truth after discovering lost memories that were repressed years ago from her amnesia: Rey is Kira Skywalker, long-lost daughter of Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker. as it turns out, when Ben burned down Luke's jedi temple and killed Luke's wife Mara by impaling his lightsaber through her stomach, Luke took off with 10-year-old Kira and hid her on the backwater junk planet of Jakku to protect her from Kylo and the knights of ren, using a force-memory wipe on an unconscious Kira to make her forget who she was, ensuring that she remains on Jakku out of the First Order's reach. Rey got her name from a name that was written on an old rebel X-wing pilot helmet after her amnesia, Kira is her birth name (but still insists on being called Rey even after learning the truth about her parentage). meanwhile Rey discovers the truth when she enters the cave of mirrors located underneath the Jedi temple and is understandably mad at Luke for wiping her memories and being responsible for the miserable life she had as a scavenger on Jakku, but Luke assures her he did it for her own safety, as a father he did what he had to in order to protect his only daughter not wanting to lose her like he did her mother, he was forced to abandon her because he loves her. Rey and Kylo's force dyad comes from the fact that they are cousins, both the grandchildren of Anakin Skywalker (Connie's not force-sensitive which is why this does not affect her). Rey's anger towards her father leads to her leaving him behind and flies off in the Falcon to confront her cousin and redeem his soul ignoring Luke's warnings about Ben being beyond redemption. however things go horribly wrong when Rey is captured by Kylo and the Knights of Ren who present her to Snoke who reveals his true identity as Darth Plagueis and explains his plan to abduct Force-sensitive children so that he can raise them to become the next generation of Sith and crush the Jedi order once and for all. however Kylo suddenly murders Snoke having fed up with being mocked and belittled by his master leading to the Knights of Ren turning on their former leader, forcing Kylo and Rey to team up against the Knights. once they're all dead, Rey and Kylo engage in their first one-on-one lightsaber duel, putting the skills Luke taught her to good use, Rey eager to avenge her mother with Kylo taunting her to give into her anger and join the dark side as his apprentice. but then their fight is interrupted by the force-projection of Luke telling Kylo "get away from my daughter" distracting Kylo long enough for Rey to rescue the captured force sensitive kids and escape. during the battle of Crait, Luke Skywalker returns for real and gives Rey a Kyber Crystal necklace, telling her "your mother wanted you to have this when you were old enough" reconciling with his daughter after coming to terms with his past mistakes. the two end up fighting Kylo Ren and the walkers together as master and student, and as father and daughter. in the end, Luke and Rey bring the force-sensitive kids to Ach-to where the two promise to train their new batch of padawans as part of their new Jedi order. and yes, she DOES get actual training in this rewrite.

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