Chapter 2

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I was startled awake this morning when my covers were ripped from my upper body, resting at my waist, by a chatty, greying man. I stayed still, barely breathing as he breezed around the room, pulling things from my wardrobe as he rattled off things we were going to do today. Albeit, the list was short, considering that today was Sunday, and we were only to start work on Monday. Probably another of Adora's requests, although I am grateful for this one.

"You are expected downstairs for breakfast in the next half an hour, and then you are free to do whatever you want until six o'clock when you are expected to be home for dinner." I was barely listening to the old man as I plan my day in my head, hoping to be able to have the day to myself in the library, but knowing that Adora will never let a rest day go by without being in the library, I know I will not be alone.

As the man finally finishes laying out my clothes, he perches on the edge of a chair that rests in front of the desk in my room, looking at me expectantly. Raising an eyebrow at him and raising myself onto my elbows, he looks back down at the clothes and then at me. Realising what he wanted me to do, I groan, grabbing the clothes before disappearing behind the privacy divider. Throwing my undergarments, the only thing I sleep in, over the side of the divider, I change into what he has chosen for me before returning to the other side of the divider, where he sits, scribbling on a bound piece of parchment.

"Now, don't you look good," he admires how I looked, "I am amazing."

Gesturing for me to follow him, he swings open the door in one dramatic swoop, closing it after I step out. We walk down the corridor together as he leads me to the dining room for breakfast. Walking into the casual dining hall, the first thing I notice is the long dining table, lined with a buffet of delicious-looking breakfast food. Figs, raisins, pomegranates and any other more sustainable breakfast carbs are spread along the middle of the table. Bread and porridge waiting in each place setting.

The second thing that I noticed was that Athena sat at the head of the table like I would have expected, but, instead, Adora is sat at the head of the table. Mora is sat next to her, spooning porridge into her mouth, blueberries falling out of her mouth as she eats her breakfast in a sloppy manner. My mouth turns down into a scowl and I turn my gaze back to the unusual sight of Adora sitting at the head of the table. She sits up straight and scoops small spoonfuls into her mouth, as she has as long as I have remembered, likely because of her mother. Although she is hiding it with a forced smile, it is obvious that she is uncomfortable being in a position that brings so much attention to her. It is to me at least.

Pushing my shoulders back, I am pushed towards the seat to the left of Adora, opposite my sister. As I sit down, I let my usually emotionless expression slip into one of amusement and intrigue. Adora simply smiles at me as she sits down, feeling irritated by her constant happiness. Ignoring her, I turn back to my sister, waiting for her to tell me why her friend is sat at the head of the table, somewhere reserved for the head of the household, or the one with the most powerful title, neither of which relate to Adora. As Mora looks up from shovelling food into her house, she swallows, noticing that I am waiting for her to explain to me.

"Athena left, she'll be gone for a month and left Adora in charge of the house." Mora rushes out before scooping more food into her mouth. Turning my head to look at her, Adora has a soft smile adorning her face as she talks to those around her. When she looks up and captures my eye, however, the smile instantly falls and is replaced with a face void of emotions and her eyes challenging mine. That annoying smile is placed back on her face again as soon as someone calls her attention away from me. Trying to discuss 'urgent' business with her. Narrowing my eyes and turning away, I eat my breakfast, no longer bothering with conversation.

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