Chapter 12

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We were sent to bed promptly after our arrival. But, even though I usually am after such a journey, I did not find myself tiring. Lying on the soft surface that the mortals call clouds now, I cannot imagine how anyone can sleep when they know that they are to deceive people as I am to do. I have never done anything to disappoint my mother, and I am afraid that this will. She wants me to stay with Athena and learn how to fight from her. But I cannot let Brone down, even if my mind is constantly telling me that it may be a futile fight.

But it is truly an amazing sight when Brone and Mora sit together, scheming. Although their actions may be dishonourable- perhaps even felonous- they become so absorbed in their plans that they are almost completely shut off from the outside world. Mora's nose scrunches up when her plans begin to fall into place. Brone cannot seem to sit still when he provides something useful to the plan.

Both seem to become exuberant when praised for their work. It does make me wonder why it is so, but I do not dwell too much on it. Instead, I focus far more on commending them as often as possible on their work. They are much too talented and each are frighteningly astute strategists to go unappreciated.

The noises of the animals and my hair being blown by the light breeze that dances through the cloud reverberate around my head. I can hear the sound of the river that runs around the length of the garden and into a lake flowing, but it is only a faint sound. As a child, I would come here for peace. Some may describe this as silence, but they are not listening close enough. They are not listening to the secrets of the animals and trees.

It is almost impossible to hear the sound of feet atop of the clouds, but I can hear as the being lowers themselves to the ground beside me. They do not talk, but simply lay next to me. I do not bother to look at who they might be, already having an idea as they take heavy breaths. Mora sleeps for far longer than any being needs, but she simply enjoys the sensation of sleep. Brone has struggled with sleep, similarly to me, in the past. Both of our brains work far too quickly for them to relax properly.

It is only after at least half a water clock has passed that I turn to my companion. He is looking at the stars, his eyes tracing over the balls of light that reflect down on to the surface of the clouds in which my mother's house rests upon. The clouds have become dark as night falls over us, reflecting the sky. His sharp nose and jawline seem almost even more prominent under the moonlight as goddess selene looks over us from above.

His chest rises and falls quickly, and his face is more serious than I have ever seen it move before, and I cannot imagine what has spurred on such a reaction from someone who is usually so charming and calm. It takes me a moment to realise his chest is bare, again, and I cannot help but scold myself for staring at it for perhaps too long. Trying to convince myself that it is because of the peculiar nature of which Bone has adopted, rather than the sculpted muscles that tense with every movement of his chest.

It appears that he has corrupted me with his indecorous ways, and I shall not have it.

Tearing my eyes away from him, I look back up at the stars. My hand, which has been lying limply beside my body, becomes warm when the presence of another hand joins its own. It is only a gentle brush of his fingers against my hand, but I blush as he does it. Seemingly noticing that I am not objecting to his affections, he intertwined his fingers with my own. Warmth seems to spread throughout my whole being as we connect.

When I look over to him this time, he is looking back at me. I look at his eyes for only a second to see a river of different blues joining together in harmony. Moving my eyes away from him, I look back up at the stars. As I try to admire the way in which the stars form shapes, I can see Brone moving closer to me until I can feel his shoulder resting upon my own.

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