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Adora's POV

Standing in front of the cell, my view is obscured by the metal bars. My eyes focus on the rust that encases the bars of the cell to distract myself. In the cell, Aphrodite sleeps, oblivious to my presence. I have been coming here for the past two months since she was locked up. The cell sits under my father's house- Ares' house. We haven't spoken often and, when we do, it is usually her throwing snide remarks at me. But I am holding on to the mother that I once had. The one who raised me.

Today is the day of Brone's coronation. Coincidentally, it is also the day our deal ends. The end of our courtship. Brone has been revelling in every aspect of our new relationship, showing me off to everyone who will pay attention to him. So, I am here to talk to my mother for what may be the last time.

Gripping the bars, I rattle them slightly, jolting her awake. She screams, shouting about someone trying to murder her. Waiting for her to calm down, a bored expression plastered across my face. Her manic eyes search her cell before they land on me. Moving away from the bars as she creeps forward, I rake my eyes over her appearance.

Her hair is greasy and sticking up, nothing like I have ever thought I would see from my mother. Growing up, there was never a hair out of place. But looking at her now, bags under her eyes and dirt smeared across her face, it is hard to imagine that this is the same goddesses who raised me.

She clambers towards me, her torn clothes hanging off of her gaunt frame, and her angular face peering up at me through her tangled hair. Hanging onto the bars of her cell, her fingers turning white from the force of which she is holding onto them. Looking at me, her mouth turns down into an ugly sneer.

"Are you here to gloat, darling daughter?" She pulls herself up by the bars of the cell, the rust sticking to the palm of her hand. "Have you come to flaunt your new clothes in my face, from your little princeling?"

I scrunch my nose up in disgust at her words. "No, mother. Some of us simply have more important things to do than scheming the downfall of our kin. And he will not be a princeling for much longer, I am to be attending his coronation in two hours. Which is why I am here to offer you my farewells, mother."

"What are you talking about?" Her grip on the bars becomes tighter and she pulls on them harder, scratching her nails down them. I pout at her, kneeling down to her height as she crawls on the floor.

"Now that you've gone all crazy, I'm taking over as goddess of love and beauty and you are not needed anymore. We broke the curse, so I'll be staying in the underworld. Papa insists on keeping you here, so I'm sure I'll visit you one day, but it won't be for a long, long time." I stand, looking down at her. "If it were up to me, you'd be dead."

"Where did my sweet little girl go?" She scowls at me, trying to grab at me through the bars, her fingers are stained black from the bars of her cell.

"Oh, she's still here. But she is reserved for those who love me. Truly love me."


Sitting in the grass of the garden hidden within the palace walls, I look over at Brone. King of the underworld. My soulmate.

After what happened with my mother, he had this place built, along with many other gardens, within the walls of the palace. Outside of the city walls, the ground is barren, unable to produce the flowers and grass, no matter how hard Persephone tried. Brone explained that his father had mentioned a secret garden that he had built for Persephone when they were first wed, and had the idea to do the same.

This is my favourite. A large willow tree with a small river that travels the length of the room. Varying shades of pink, yellow and white are spread out along the garden and the flowers that have sprung up along the floor tickle my legs. Brone sneezes and rubs his eyes every now and then.

As he leans back on his elbows, I admire Brone. His black shirt is tight against his chest, black slacks hugging the curves of his legs. His hair is ruffled from running his hand through it so many times and the crown he is wearing is crooked on his head. We had come here straight from the coronation, escaping the hundreds of gods and goddesses who wanted to shake hands.

Standing from my spot on the floor, I walk over to the willow tree, sitting on the swing that is attached to one of it's thick branches. The silk material of my skirt underneath me is soft on my skin and I rock back and forth, closing my eyes and enjoying the moments of silence. I can hear Brone rustling around, but I keep my eyes closed.

"Adora. Open your eyes." His use of my real name has my eyes opening in an instant. My breath catches in my throat at the sight in front of me. Brone kneels in front of me, a ring identical to that of the one I found in his jacket pocket all those months ago thrust out towards me.

"It appears our courtship has come to an end, lady Adora. Pray tell, have I won your affections and the bet?" I giggle at his words, standing from my seat on the swing.

"It appears you have. And what would you like in return?" I play along with his ruse, smiling down at him.

"Your hand in marriage, my lady. Become my queen and I shall love you forever. Or you can say no, I shall still love you." He smirks at me as I lean down, pecking his lips.

"Yes." I whisper, my lips moving against his.

Taking my hand, I turn the ring over, revealing the two letters. It is gold, and the letter 'B' and 'A' are hidden within the vines that make up the ring. Holding my hands up to my chest, as though I can infuse the ring with the love that radiates from my heart for the god standing before me.

"I love you," I smile at Brone.

He responds in kind before we lay on the grass. I admire the way his olive skin glows golden in the sunlight. He looks over at me, smiling up at me as I lean over him and I cannot help but think about that day at Aprhodite's house.

I look over at him, remembering the god who taught me what it means to truly love someone, the god I shall spend the rest of my days with. As I lay here, I imagine our lives together. Our wedding, our children. A tiny girl who resembled him perfectly training with a little boy with curly blonde hair.

I wish for nothing more than for my dreams to be reality and a lazy smile passes over my face. My heart starts to beat rapidly against my chest as his eyes connect with mine. His smile matches my own and he wraps his arms around me, drawing me into the heat of his chest.

And for once in my life I am happy.

Completely and utterly happy. 

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