Chapter 4

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I spent the morning studying with Mora in the library before I had to sit through two hours of old men shouting over me while I tried to fix their problems. Lunch had been excruciating, soldiers coming up to me and offering advice. The enjoyment Mora found in this was irritating, to say the least. Every time a young, male soldier would come up to me, she would perk up and bite her lip to contain laughter, making jokes as soon as they left.

Now, as I stood in an open field with nobody else besides the trainer, I almost miss her jokes. Unlike me, Mora already had extensive knowledge of fighting. I was envious of her. The 'trainer' that Athena had chosen for me refused to touch me. Afraid that he would damage me, in some way. He simply dictated what I was to do, and rather poorly at that.

Physical contact was something I frequently avoided and the idea of it in any way made me feel rather sick, but some things require physical contact. How am I to learn how to fight and defend myself if my trainer won't even touch me?

We had been going through the theory of basic fighting for well over three hours now and the sun was so low that you could only see glimpses of it through the gaps in the trees. I had already researched this over the years. I had hoped that knowing the basic ideas of fighting would help me win over the other children. I was not even allowed near them, not after I turned ten.

Wooden swords, fighting dummies and other assorted fighting tools are spread out across the grass. They had not been touched. My back was aching from lying on the ground as the trainer sat opposite me. Huffing, I stand from my spot on the ground while dusting off my short leather skirt. The trainer stops talking as I stand, immediately rising to his feet in front of me.

"Go to dinner. I shall be there shortly." I am blunt. That is the most I have learnt today, these soldiers only respond to bluntness. Commands.

He nods and walks away, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I strip off the chest plate and throw it to the side. I unstrap the armour from myself until I am only left in the long red tunic, that reaches just above my knees, and the leather skirt. The red tunic is thin and I can feel my skin prickling against the cold night air; goosebumps appearing on my arms. I run a hand through my perfectly placed curls that lay across my back. I suppose I am glad that I did not ruin my hair.

I let out a yell as I throw the last piece of armour away from me, the heavy metal hitting the floor with a clang. A deep chuckle comes from behind me and, by instinct, I grab the handle of one of the wooden swords that lay in front of me and hold it up to the person behind me. Holding the dull point to the neck, I finally look at their face.

Huffing and lowering the sword, I sowl at the person in front of me. Brone. He raises an eyebrow as he plucks the sword from my tight grasp, snapping it in half and letting the broken pieces fall to the floor at my feet.

"You thought that was going to do anything, Dove?" I huff as he circles me with a conceited smirk. I shift my weight onto my left leg and cross my arms, waiting for him to continue talking. I wonder if Athena grows any hydrangeas. "Your trainer is doing wonderfully, I see."

My brows furrow. Had he not seen the way that the trainer had been afraid to even touch me? The trainer was anything but wonderful. I do wonder what Athena was thinking when she assigned him to me. Perhaps there is another teacher that I could assign myself.

Fingers snap in front of my face, drawing me away from my thoughts. I raise my eyes to meet Brone's again as he begins to talk to me. Am I making too much eye contact? Should I make more? Is my back straight? Should I smile?

My eyes stay locked onto his as he talks to me. Although I can hear what he is saying, I am only barely registering what he is saying. Too many questions and thoughts are swirling around my head about my posture and mannerisms. I watch as Brone rolls his eyes, and waves his hands in front of my face.

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