Chapter 10

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Looking up at Brone, I can tell that he is angry. His blue eyes have once again left the calm lake of blue behind. But, I don't feel alone in the treacherous storm of his eyes. No- there is someone else with me, someone who has never truly left my side- Brone.

His black hair sticks to the tan skin of his forehead, which has become noticeably darker since his arrival here. I suppose spending copious amounts of time in the sun would do that to skin such as his. It seems to glow in the sunlight. Averting my eyes from his own, I cannot help but allow my eyes to wander to his lips that seem to be calling out to me. They are plump and soft, I don't doubt it. I do adore his crooked smile, as rare as it is, it is rather cute. They are a dark shade of pink, much darker than my own.

He is rather handsome, I suppose. And cute, and I do love cute things.

"What was that, Adora? You could have seriously hurt someone - you could have been seriously hurt. Do you think of anyone besides yourself, you vain, arrogant woman."

"I am not a woman. I am a goddess. And where, pray tell, in this universe does not caring whether oneself is hurt, make oneself an arrogant creature who only thinks of themselves?"

"You obviously did not think of how you being injured would affect other people. People do not like to see you hurt, Adora. I do not like to see you hurt." He takes a deep breath, his chest rising in an uneven manner. "Fighting me like that is such disagreeable behaviour and rather un-cute." He practically growls his words. It is not particularly cute, more savage and predatory. But, tingles dance up and down my spine. They twirl like fairies into my body, between my ribs and in my blood stream until they settle in the pit of my stomach.

It is only now that it occurs to me what he is saying- what he has been saying. Adora. Not 'little dove'- Adora. As much as the nickname urkes me, I have grown rather fond of his using it this past week. Doves are rather wondrous creatures who are spectacularly cute. As am I- always.

"How dare you! I am always undeniably cute. You are lucky to have been graced with the opportunity to glance upon my loveliness, nevermind be honoured with my presence for as long as your horrid, brutish self has. Your objectionable actions of this day have made that abundantly clear."He chuckles at my words. It is dark and deep and it creates a flurry of flapping wings from the fairies in my stomach. I struggle away from him, careful not to move my head and have my throat nicked by the blade.

"You are right, my little Dove. It is rather cute to watch you when you fight.You concentrate so hard that your nose wrinkles up like a bunny. And the way you struggle in my arms, even though you know I will not release you." He laughs again and my movements cease immediately, not wanting him to have the satisfaction of seeing me struggle. "I wonder if you would squirm like that if I were to tie you to the bed. You do remember what I told you I would do if you were to ever attack me like that again, don't you?"

I can feel my face flush at his words. Whether it was anger, embarrassment or fear that caused it I could not tell. My bottom lip pokes out into a pout. Memories of that day, that seems so long ago, slash through my mind. Would he truly punish me as he said?

"What pleasure would you receive from tying me to your bed? Mortals may take pleasure in torture but it is frowned down upon in our generation of godly beings. You would be cast out."

The sword presses further into my throat, almost piercing the skin. He leans closer, his face so close to mine that I can feel his warm breath on my skin.

"You seem to forget, I have already been cast out by their parents. But, it is not the kind of torture you are thinking of, little dove. Trust me. You will enjoy it." My brows furrow, the wings flutter.

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