Chapter 11

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When I awoke this morning, I had almost thought that it had been a dream. I had laid awake in bed, remembering the events of the night before. But, when I did sit up and saw the dress that was hung up on my privacy screen, I knew it had been real. That I had truly let Brone touch me in such a way. The thought made me cringe and sigh at the same time.

He truly was a perverse brute.

Stepping out of bed, Penelope had not seemingly laid out everything as she usually would, but only a note was left in her absence.

I have been summoned to another's chambers, I have laid everything out as I usually would while you slept. I truly am envious of your courtship with Brone, however fake it is. He had this sent to my room for you, along with many other pieces that have been put in your luggage. I do apologize for being busy.


Her writing is neat, neater than one of many peasant mortals. It once again drew my thoughts to her life before Athena. I knew that she had been exiled, but who was she. Her handwriting was swirling and all of the lines of similar height where they ought to be. It was one of the noble mortals, but what could she have done to be exiled.

Having noticed how high the sun had risen, I slipped out of bed. My toes curled when they touched the cold marble flooring. Brushing my hair out, I scold myself for having forgotten to put it in curls the previous night. I should not have allowed myself to fall asleep before reaching my chambers. Braiding it before I twist it into an intricate looking hairstyle at the back of my head, a braided crown. Only half of my hair was in the crown, the rest of it flowing down my back. I huff at the straight hair.

On my vanity, a pin of rubies that were lined up to create red flowers sat, previously unnoticed. Slipping it into my hair, just above the crown of hair, I smile at thway it glistens in the light of the sun.

Slipping into the dress that was hung up, I admire it in my reflection. It was one of the dresses like those that Mora wears. It is different from the normal ones I wore. The dress was white and ankle length. It hung close to my torso, a material that I had never seen before. It looked as though it should be rough, but when I touched it, it was not. The skirt puffed out into a large gown.

It had a frill at the top of the dress, created by the strange fabric. It created a strange neckling. Simply a straight line just underneath my collarbone. The neckline flowed out into the sleeves puffed out into a ball of this translucent material. It did not reach far, only halfway above my elbow, but I was fascinated by the way it held itself up. When held against my hand, one layer of this material was completely sheer, but when gathered together, it became opaque.

I was fascinated by the material of the dress, until I noticed something below the bodice. White flowers, in a different material, were resting against my skin. They created an intricate pattern, each of them connecting. When inspected even closer, some of the flowers were a pale pink. So pink that they could easily be mistaken for white. Turning, I look at myself in the reflection. A small, almost unnoticeable white and pink flower of this same strange, soft material rested on my back, where the skirt puffed out at my waist.

This dress was highly impractical, but wholly beautiful. It was the most gorgeous dress I had ever had the honour of laying my hands on. Rocking up and down slightly onto the ball of my toes and back, I flap my hands. The excitement and happiness that this dress gave me created an energy that buzzed through my body that needed to be let out.

Now, as I am sitting in the dining hall, playing with the strange fabric, I eat my breakfast. I can feel Brone's eyes tracking my every movement. The company at my table is not one that I particularly enjoy. Mora and Brone have been banished to a table with the soldiers, they are still in eyesight, but not close enough to be in ear shot. General Adamos and Athena talk, she is still acting in that strange manner.

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