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(Elena's POV)

"Elena were here." Sam says gently shaking me. I sit up, were at a strange house I've never really seen before.

"Where are we? Where's dean?" I ask Sam. He helps me out of the car, one arm holding me up as I walk.

"Jody Mills house. She found a case for us, old friend." Sam says.

"I can still walk you know." I smile.

"Better not take the chance of you falling again." I recently had a accident.

I was just walking to the impala with Sam. I don't know what happened my legs just.... I fell pretty hard on the concrete. Sam was the only one around and I made this promise not to tell dean. I ended up having the back of my head bleed a bit.

"Jody Mills" Jody said holding out her hand.
I grasp it "Elena"
I lay on the couch back to the others, pretending to be asleep. I hear Sam enter his room.

Dean walks up "night baby." He says as his pecks my forehead. Jody is the only one left. I can hear her footsteps come up to me.

"Hun it's okay you don't have to pretend anymore." She says kneeling down to my eye level. I turn over to face her, face stained with tears.

"It's all right sweet heart." She says pulling me into a hug. "Dean told me what happened, and I'm so sorry."

I had no words. "But why Hun, why are you lying to dean?"

"Cause I love him."

"Hey Lena." Sam says as I walk into the kitchen. Him and Jody sit at the table, laptops at their mist.

"Hey Sammy." I say as I pour a cup of coffee, and sit down.
"How do you feel about becoming a virgin?" Sam smiled.

"Just sign there and your path to purity begins." Bonnie says. She's way to happy. Sam and I both sign the papers with ease. Dean on the other hand is hesitant.

"Come on baby." I say quietly. He signs and hands in to Bonnie. He takes my hand and presses a kiss to my lips.

We all walk into a room. It's filled with women in sweaters. Losers. I might be the only one wearing a rock t-shirt, and black ripped shorts. It's hot out how could you blame me.

I go to sit down next to dean but Bonnie calls me over to her.
"Why don't you sit by me today Elena." She says with her peppy smile.
I cooperate.

"Elena what brought you to are group?" The councilor, Suzy says.
"Well I like to think it's more or less cause I need to get in touch with god." I say trying not to give the fact that I know an angel.

"Thank you, for being with us." She looks over the group her eyes catch on dean. "Dean what set you on the path away from sin?"

He's at full attention now. "Hard to say exactly. Sex has always felt, I don't good. You know really really good, but sometimes it just makes you feel bad. You know your drunk, your shak up. Then there's the whole morning thing 'hey that was fun'.
I mean once you get down to it what's the big deal, right. I mean sure thiers the touching and the feeling all of each other."

The woman in the room start breathing deep. I cover my mouth wih my hands trying to hold back a smile.

He counties.
"My hands everywhere tracing every inch of her body. The two of us moving together, pressing and pulling, grinding. Then you hit that sweet spot, and everything just builds and builds instill it all just. Brrrm."

I can't stand this "ahem." I cough.

He smiles at me "but yeah the whole thing was kinda to... Sticky. So uh yeah. I got my V-card back! The end."

I look at Bonnie who's sitting next to me. She turns to me, seriousness across her face. Shaking her hard as to say 'you suck'.

I just shrug my shoulders.

After the meeting, I stomp up to dean.
"What the hell dean!" I say trying not to laugh. "A little over share, don't you think." I smile.
I can't finish what I'm going to say because a girl with red hair and a pink sweater comes up to us.

"Hi,Barbra" she says shaking my hand. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure." I say as she pulls me away from dean.
"Is that how it goes.. Sex?" She asks me.
"Uhh... Yes." I say puzzled by her curiosity.
"And you two..."

"Yes..we're together." I say. This is so messed up and awkward.
"How often?" She says fascinated.
I give her the 'seriously' look.
"Like twice a week.?" I say questioning my answer. "Can I.." I motion back to dean.
"Oh yes, goodbye." She says waving as I walk away.

"Let's go." I say as dean smirks at my.

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