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(Deans pov)

I pull my shirt back onto my body. Elena steps out of the bathroom. She has a sweatshirt over her bra.

"Not virgins anymore." I joke, taking her waist.
"Shut up." She smiles. Elena turns to kiss me.
I hear a crash outside the motel door.
We slowly make our way over gun in hand.

She hold my arm.
"Dean.." She says. I can tell her voice is shaking.

"It's okay baby." I say squeezing her hand "were gonna be fine."
And at that very moment the door exploded into blue flames. We were thrown against the wall. I scrambled as the flames consumed the now unconscious Elena.

I could feel the heat climb up my legs. The flames were consuming me, just like they did to Elena. I could feel my head go limp, and crash to the floor. The last thing I saw was the blue flames cover my eyes.

"Dean! Wake up." Elena says angrily yet in a shushed tone. It's dark,I can make out brick walls.

"Elena! Where are we?" I ask now sitting up and taking her in my arms.
"I don't know dean." She whimpered. Elena was scared, anything with fire scares her.

Dim lights come approaching us. I rub her sweatshirt sleeve knowing the cuts that lie underneath.

A girl that looks about 17, a couple older, hold candles. The young girl stumbles over to us.
"Are you okay! What's your names?" She asks. Elena pays no attention to what she says, she goes strait for the girls ankle.

"What did you do?" Elena asked propping it up.
"I fell." She said. Elena helps her up and leads her to what looks like a bed.

"I'm dean, and that's my girlfriend Elena." I say turning to the older couple.
"Vern, my wife Wanda, and that's Bethany." Her man says.

"Come lets get you fixed up." Wanda says leading me over to Elena and Bethany.

Elena sit on the bed with Bethany, while I am trying to crack the gated door. Vern and Wanda stand in a corner discussing something.

I jump of the chair I was standing on. I walk past Vern catching a whisper. "She already cut her self, why don't we just finish the job."

The strikes my attention because I know their talking about Elena.
"What did you just say!" I shout at Vern.

"Nothing were just talking." He stutters.
"No if you have something to say..say it!" I retort.

He motions to the body that lye slumped against a wall. "I was just suggesting that...were all dying of hunger, and you know. Elena has...tried to kill her self...why don't we just put her out of her misery. So we ca-"

I cut him off "is that your plan! Resort to canablism! Trust me your not going to lay one finger on her!"

Bethany hugs Elena. At that moment I'm knocked to the ground. Vern has just punched me.

I get off the ground only to see Elena being held by her hair, kneeling on the ground.
"Stop!" Bethany cried.

"Dean..." Elena whimpered, tears steaming. Wanda pulls out a knife and hands it to Vern. "It's alright sweetie, you'll be saving us." He says into her ear.

"Where did you get that!?" I say.

"None of your business." Wanda snaps.
Vern slowly moves the edge of the blade down The side of Elena's neck. Drops of blood trickle down her skin.

"Stop!" I shout. He keeps going this time, cutting deep into her shoulder.
Her screams echo through the room.

Vern leans down pressing his mouth to Elena's neck sucking up her blood.
This is it, I lunge at him.

Uppercut. Side punch. Kneed in the stomach. The knife lay feet away from me. I grab it and plunge it into Vern's shoulder.
"That's what it feels like you dick!" I shout as I kick him.

Elena lay on the ground. crying. Bleeding. I run up to her "it's okay baby, I got you. I got you" I say a single tear racing down my cheek.

I place her on the bed with Bethany. She wraps Elena's shoulder with a sheet to stop the bleeding.

Elena's breaths are labored, with occasional screams. I hold her hand as Bethany holds a pillow case to her neck.
"That should stop the bleeding." Bethany says Petting Elena's forehead.
"Thank you." I say.

"Dean! Dean." Elena screams.

"Baby... I'm right here!" I say squeezing her hand tighter.
"Dean.. Tell Sammy I love him." She say starring up at me.

"No we're not starting that crap! Your not gonna die,not on my watch!" I say doing everything I can to keep her together.

Her eyes flutter shut. "No! No!" I yell. I press my fingers against her temple. A beat and a beat. She's still breathing.

It's been what seems like a day. Elena's awake now, I dare not remove the sheet that's tied around her shoulder.

Vern has retreated to a corner, after the thing that put us hear took his wife.

I sit against a wall. Elena curled up against me, In my lap. Bethany lay asleep on the bed.

"Dean! Elena!" Shouts come from outside the bolted hatch. I jump up and run to the hatch, banging on it.
"Sam!sam!" I yell.

Elena wakes Bethany up. She's learned to walk on her ankle. It's Elena who needs help. That tie it's covered in her blood.

"Dean I'm I'm breaking in!" Sam shouts.

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