Chapter 5

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I was surprised and wanted to know something more about my mother and what happened to her.
Doctor: (like he read my mind)  I'm sure you want to know about your mother, am I right?

Me: Yes,  you're right.

Doctor: Well,  she was like you,  actually.  Long brown hair and brown eyes, amazing personality,  caring and loving.  When you were 4, Daleks attacked our planet and she wanted you to be safe so she asked me to take you to Earth to our friends. After that I came back and she was gone,  daleks took her. They're holding her imprisoned so they can get to me.  I needed your help,  so I traveld to future to find you and here we are.

Me: Oh my God.  *a tear showed on my cheek*

He hugged me and whispered in soft voice that everything's gonna be alright.

He jumped and said he needs to show me something.
I followed him somewhere in the TARDIS.  He led me into beautiful room,  just like the one in my dream.  He said that this is how my room looked like and that all my stuff were here.

He left me alone to exolore my past.

Err, I know it's been a long time since my last post, so I hope you like it so far. 

Thank you for reading. 

I'd love to hear some of your ideas for the next chapter.

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