Chapter 3

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Elena woke up and remember the night she had, she wonders how the living hell did they found out about Bailey, she got dressed and went downstairs to eat her breakfast before they got there.

She was very stressed about what Klaus would do to her, Elena was very tensed but she heard them knocked.

She walked over to the door and opened it, saw them

"Hello Mikelson's," Elena says giving them the evil eye "hello love, invite us in" he smirks

Elena rolled her eyes "Jermey" she yelled, Jeremy ran downstairs, seeing the mikealsoms he had fear in his body but he didn't want Klaus to see it.

"Let them in jermey," Elena says "are you sure?!" Elena nodded and Jeremy let them in

Bailey run downstairs and hide Behind Elena Klaus walks up to Elena "so I'm guessing you're not human anymore "he smiled

"No I'm a unicorn, Klaus what would you think I birthed Tribird you think I would be human after that," she says sarcastically Elijah laughed, Klaus rolled his eyes

Klaus took a knee and smiled at Bailey "it nice to meet you, Bailey" she laughed, Klaus got confused

"Why is he wearing a suit," baileys says "I don't know little one, he the weird one" he whispered

Elena was shocked how they were getting along so well But Elijah then said "we would like for Bailey to meet our other siblings"

"Wait what?!"Elena says angrily

Bailey was scared "hey bug, can you go in your room and play with your dolls" bailey then ran upstairs as fast as she could

"Why the hell should I let bailey meet Kol he going to try to kill me after what I and Jeremy did" Elena crossing her arms.

"We have another sister Freya and we made sure he won't hurt her or you we just want to have dinner so they can meet," Elijah says calmly

Klaus was getting tired of it, Klaus vamp spread to Elena and started choking her "you will let her meet her uncles and aunts and if you don't I rip your heart right now so you won't have a decision of any of this"

As Elena tries to speak holding on to Klaus's hand "Klaus I'm not scared of you anymore if you do kill me bailey would find out what you did to me and she will never forgive you"

She continued saying "she will never forgive what you did to me she will always hate you"

While she was saying this Elijah was yelling saying "let her go Niklaus"

Klaus let go of her but in the less second Bailey heard her mom in trouble bailey ran to Klaus "Motus" Klaus hits a wall.

Jeremy running to bailey and Elena to make sure everyone was oh ok he heard the commotion after taking his headphones off.

"Fine Klaus we will go to that dinner but if this is how you act being a father you will never see Bailey again" she continues

"Remind you I been making Bailey go see her aunt bonnie teaching her smiles so she knows how to kick yours so if you want more of Bennett which power and Gilbert power I do happily show you some now get the f out of my house" she whispered into his ear

Klaus was pissed off and wanted to rip off Elena heads off "we meet you  tomorrow at the Mikelson house have a lovely day," Elijah says walking Klaus out of the house

Bailey cried "mommy I don't wanna go he means he hurt you"

"It oh ok he didn't hurt me he was helping me with something you will love meeting your uncles and aunts" Elena knew she had to lie about what just happened, to project bailey.

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