chapter 18

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Klaus runs back to the house slams the door "Rebekah!!!" he yells

"what happen?! where Elena!"Rebekah shouts

"Aurora took her...where Freya?! We need a locator spell" Klaus says

Freya walks in "I did Thousand times and I can't find hope or bailey Klaus, we need a plan"

"Well dear sister we need another locator spell but for Elena," Klaus responded

Freya does locator for Elena, Klaus watches Freya anxious.

Dean walks into the room, storming in. "What the hell! Klaus what was going through your thick skull, what are you doing to bring Elena back huh because right now I see nothing!"

Freya interrupts "well if you just shut up maybe we would have something"

"Well it was nice to have you dean but right now you need to leave," Klaus says sarcastically

Klaus just to push him to the door, dean moves his arm "don't touch me ever dick" dean and Klaus give each other dirty.

"I have all my memory back, and last time I checked Elena was with me.." he smiled

"Boys sit down before you pull your eyes out, we need a plan set," Rebekah says

Klaus gets a text, "hello Niklaus, come alone or your sweet Elena and daughter will be harmed
Love aurora"

"Dean come with me" Klaus grabs dean's hand walks outside.

"I need your help, we are getting them back" they hop in the car

They drive to an empty lot, they then see a man holding Elena his hand through her chest. they get out of the car, dean trying to run over to Elena Klaus pull him.

"What do you want Lucian, where aurora" Klaus calls out

"Klaus..."Elena tries to speak, catching her breath.

"Oh look at this Niklaus trying to save you even tho my hand is holding her heart, wow what a girl you have Klaus."Lucien laughs

A tear ran down Elena's face, Lucien wiping it away, Klaus almost tried to rip Lucien's neck off.

"Klaus don't!" dean begged

"All my life, I listened to the evil Klaus Mikelson you took everything from me."Lucien continues

"Luckily that aurora has a witch that was powerful enough to make me stronger and powerful than you Niklaus" Lucien smiles

Klaus and dean's face gets worried...

"Klaus... Leave get our daughter to protect her.."Elena catch her breath

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to" Elena cries out

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