Chapter 11

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"I wanted to thank you Elena for letting bailey and you live with us" moved over to Elena

Elena back away "it not like I had a choice in the matter"

He smiled "I'm sorry about that" moving his hand over to Elena

"Well, I think I should get some rest before the party." she ran to the bathroom, as she closes the door Klaus then said "ok love, good night"

As he was about to walk away he heard the door open a little he turned around and saw Elena taking her clothes off, as she watches Elena knew someone was watching her

She wasn't afraid, she knew she was projected.

Klaus tried the fact that he had feelings for Elena, but he couldn't.hw run into the bathroom and carried Elena pushing against the wall making out with her. they walk over to the shower while taking parts of Klaus's clothes off.

Klaus flipped her over and started to kiss her back moving up to her neck.

Elena moaned in Klaus's ear, Klaus was at Elena's neck then bite her. Elena smiled

•Next morning•

Elena woke up from her bed and saw Klaus gone...

she just thought it was another dream , even tho it felt real...

Elena got dressed and walked over to the kitchen, she opened the fridge to grab some milk as she closes the fridge she saw Klaus and bailey.

Elena jumped "sorry love, Bailey wanted to play outside," Klaus says

Elena nodded, Bailey ran outside to play. as Elena took a slip of her glass of milk, Klaus then asked Elena "how did you sleep, love?"

Elena almost coughed her milk "um I slept good what about you? she asked

He smiled "I slept fine my love after I left your room I got good sleep"

Elena bulged her eyes out, she was shocked before she could say anything rebel walked into the room

"whatever going on needs to happen later because I need to get Hayley and Elena a dress for the party," Rebekah says while crossing her arms

They nodded and Rebekah and Elena walked away...

"So you and Klaus?"Rebekah says

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