Chapter 31-breaking up

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"so you can pick when we can talk and not talk Elena?!" dean crosses his arm, rolling his eyes.

"dean, I'm sorry I'm not in the mood to talk about this, I have two baby's with two different father and both of the fathers are the pain of my ass"Elena sit back up

"and I know..what you're going to stay dean so there no point of talking about it"

"you don't know what I'm even about to say Elena that my point you get to do what we do in the relationship that I'm in"dean yells.

"I can't be in this relationship anymore Elena.."

"oh ok..then leave dean" Elena whipping her tear away.., Elena lays back down crying slightly.

dean tries to comfort her by Rebekah comes into the room "you should leave!"Rebekah walked closer to her

"Rebekah this is none of your business,"

"Elena is my family" Rebekah vampire veins start to show

Freya came up behind Rebekah, places her hand on Rebekah's shoulder "Rebekah what going on?" she looks around the room to look at Elena sobbing

Elena yelled, "get him out now!"

"Dean go now I'm sorry" Freya looks towards him, dean walks away hitting Rebekah's shoulder. she looks back about to try to snap his neck from behind "Rebekah don't!"Freya says while grabbing her hand softly

Elena pov:

I tried to not cry. I understand why Dean did what he did, I will always love him but there is something in my heart for Klaus.

Rebekah grabs holding on to my hands softly "are you oh ok?" she asks, I just wanted to say "IM NOT OH OK REBEKAH IM HAVING TWINS WITH TWO FATHERS AND I JUST GOT BROKEN UP WITH!" but of course I didn't...

I respond with "Rebekah I'm fine I just..want to be alone for right now.."

They nodded their heads and walked out, closing the door gently.

All the hormones were going through my veins I walked to stab everyone near me, kick, punch anything. this was not what I wanted in life...

I wanted a normal life to become a doctor have kids of my own. a husband that I trust and love dearly, I was overthinking my whole life and my kids' lives.

I eventually went to fall back to sleep...

Klaus pov:

I keep on thinking about Elena. I love h- "Klaus what are you thinking" Rebekah sitting right next to me crossing her arms, raising her eyes brows.

"Oh dear sister nothing"

"Hm Elena finally went to sleep after the day she had"

"What you mean what happens?!" I began to worry, "dean broke up with her.."

I suddenly felt relief I know I shouldn't have but I was happy, I hide my smile.

"He wasn't good for her anyway, it was going to happen one way another"

Rebekah turns her hand with annoy "are you serious?!"

"It's not my relationship anyways I have to get out of here gotta meet cami" I start to walk out, I walk over to my car opening my car door as I barely open it I see through Elena window to see...

Elena in her Rob rap around her with a blanket on top of her.

They both stare, they both said nothing but...Elena almost places her hand on the window, about to say something but just closed her curtains.

I rolled my eyes, wiping a tear off my face. get me in my car slamming my car door.

I began to fill up with anger and despair. I began to hit the stealing wheel. when I stopped it was broken in half...

I burst out crying "FUCK" I whisper. I just sat back and just sit there with thoughts running my mind.

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