Chapter 14

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Elena was sleeping peacefully, but she was woken up by Rebekah screaming! Elena quickly ran downstairs

Elena then saw Klaus choking Rebekah "WHAT THE HELL KLAUS!!" she yelled

Klaus heard Elena and let go of Rebekah "love go back upstairs" Klaus says calmly

"Tell me what going before me and bailey leave this house," Elena says angrily

Klaus was about to say something before Rebekah interrupts "the guy you meant met him before, Klaus took the memory of you two of every meeting" Rebekah says while having a hard time breathing

Klaus vamps speed to Rebekah snaps her neck.

Elena then asked, "what the hell was she talking about Klaus?!"

"love, listen..."Klaus responded

Elena then walked away going to her room, as Klaus was following her trying to explain Elena didn't listen to one pit of it.

Elena slams the door leaving Klaus angry, Elena started to cry, sliding on the door.

"Are you ok? What happens" dean said

Elena didn't know he was still here "I'm fine, you really should get going to meet up with sam" Elena rushed getting up and opening the door.

Dean got up "um even though I just met you and feel like I have known you forever um wanna come with me?" he smiles

Elena has so many questions like why did Klaus compel her and Dean, even tho she had so many questions running through her brain somehow she felt projected with him...

Elena nodded and walked downstairs, Klaus run to Elena then asked "what the hell is he doing here love,?!"

Elena grinned "why the hell should I tell you while you've been keeping secrets from me?"

Klaus laughed in anger "well I've been keeping secrets for your good love, and your the mother of my child I should.." before Klaus could say anything else, Elena raised her voice

"Don't you dare bring bailey into this, your the one who started this Klaus, your dragged me here and acted like I would be one of your slaves, "Elena continued

"I'm not going to sit while you're feeding me lies, the only thing you are to me is the father of my child, but right now your nothing to me at this moment so GO TO HELL KLAUS" Elena storms out of the house, while leaving dean behind

"What the hell, did you do?!" Dean says

"Leave my house before I rip your throat out" Klaus replies

"I will leave your house but whatever you did to her, she never going to forgive you" dean walks away

After Dean leaves closing the door, Klaus grabs some things and throws them causing the glass to fly everywhere.

Bailey came in the room and saw the glass and started cleaning it up, Klaus saw and quickly ran to her "bailey leave it I pick it up it's fine my love" he smiles

"Oh ok, but what happens, dad"bailey asked

Klaus smiled in the joy that bailey called him her father, "nothing sweetie, wanna get some ice cream"

Bailey jumped in joy "can hope come to?!" she asks

"Yes, she can," Klaus responds

While with Elena, dean was driving to the grill he then asked "what the hell happen before you and that dude"

"Long story, but um let's talk about something else please I start ranting about Klaus" she laughed

"Well we can get to know one another" deans says

Elena thought this would be a great idea who he was and hide our some trust about this whole situation, "oh ok dean, why did you move to New Orleans"

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