Chapter 16

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"what the hell dean?!"Elena yells

Klaus gets up and punches him back "KLAUS" Elena yells

They start fighting, Elena trying to break the fight and lucky she gets between them "stop,! Are you ok Klaus?"Elena asks

Dean rolls his eyes "one minute you care for him and one minute you hate him, I'm done" dean walks away bleeding from his nose

"dean wait" Elena runs after him

Klaus pulls Elena "leave him be Elena," Klaus says

"Klaus please" Elena walks away

Elena ran over to the dean, "dean let me explain please whatever you're thinking it is probably not true"

"Elena I thought you would be a nice person but all you've been doing is making more problems for me and I'm sick of it, see you later" dean gets in the car and drives away

"fuck" Elena yells

Elena walks home and walks into the house, "hey Freya" she walks over to the cough.

"Hey, Elena" she smiles

"How was it, hanging out with dean," she asks

"It was fun before I got my memory back and dean punch Klaus in the face and dean hating me," Elena says

"I'm sorry Elena that you had to find out that way," Freya says

"but understand this Elena" Freya continues

"When Dean died, it was like you weren't there, you weren't eating. And Klaus took care of you, he dresses you, he feeds you, he showered you"

"Wait, Klaus did all that for me..."Elena askes

"He did Elena he truly cares deeply for you, even though Klaus is a psychopath person. he does love you" Freya holds Elena's hands

"Everything won't work out that how life is and Klaus I know you love him too, tell him that before he hides someone else" Freya faintly smiles

Elena stays quiet "just think about it."Freya leaves the room, Elena was filled with thoughts she didn't know what to do...

Elena went upstairs to her room, she lay in her bed just thinking about what to do...but then she heard a knock "come in" she says

Klaus walks in, "I'm sorry Elena are you ok?" he asks

Elena gets up "I'm fine Klaus and I'm happy that you told me,"

Klaus smiles "I let you sleep, love, "he walks closer to the door, Elena grabs his hand looks at him, pulls him closer, and kissed him.

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