Chapter 4-dinner party

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Elena got dressed in the least light blue dress that covered every curve on her body her boobs pop out appropriately for a dinner party.

Elena picks out a cute dress for bailey to wear.

They all got ready, they were about to leave the door when she saw Jeremy  just sitting on the couch playing his Xbox

"Aren't you coming to Jeremy?!"Elena ask jermey

"You think ok coming after what we did to Kol I'm a dead man walking in there," Jeremy says aggressively playing his game

Elena rolled her eyes as she knew he was just but not just for him for her two "what does he mean mommy dead man walking" bailey ask

"Oh nothing he just playing around," she says looking at Jeremy

They walked out the door and drive over to the Mikelson house.

-At the Mikelson house-

Elena knocked at the door and Elijah opens it then greets them, they walk in and saw all the Mikelson just standing there.

Bailey runs behind Elena in fear.

As Kol rolling his eyes every knew in his face he was annoyed by this "if you don't want to be here Kol you can leave I think everyone would be fine without you"

Kol walks up to her "hello darling, our last time you and you're little annoying brother killed me maybe I should do the same to you"

"KOL!"Elijah says

"This is lame anyways I'm going to the grill" he slams the door in the way out

"Well then I think we should eat now" after one walks in the dining room except Elena and Rebekah, Klaus turns and saw them together he starts to overhear what they were saying

"Did you tell him?! About bailey" Elena says to Rebekah

"Elena I would never do that we were In  New Orleans and talking to a witch and she told him" Rebekah whisper

Elena looks around in fear, Rebekah holds her hands "Elena everything will be fine oh ok once we get this dinner over with me and you can have a movie night together plus Bailey" she smiles

Klaus was furious about what he just heard!

"Freya take bailey to a different room, please," Klaus says to Freya

"Come on Bailey I show you some toys I got you" they walk into Freya room

That when all madness ran loose...

Any ideas for the story guys how are you liking it!

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