Chapter 13

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Elena and Klaus were very close on the dance floor..everyone was dancing, "you look amazing love" he smiled.

"Thank you I picked it out" Elena responded "it looks great on you"

Elena's eyes turned towards him and they just stared at one look like from an angle they were going to kiss...

before anything could happen Rebekah ran over to Elena and grabbed her away from Klaus "Elena what are you doing?!"Rebekah whispered"

"We were just dancing Rebekah nothing was going to happen.."Elena responded

Rebekah crossed her arms, rolling her eyes "so you're telling me that nothing has happened between you and my brother when we came back to town" Elena stays quiet...

"I knew it! I'm sorry to say Elena but you and my brother wouldn't work you, think about bailey what you think bailey going to think about her mother and father getting back together" Rebekah continued by saying

"And what if things don't work out it going to be weird for you and bailey. I'm trying to project you, Elena, I love my brother dearly but he is not the perfect man you want" Rebekah holding Elena's hands

Elena knew that Rebekah was trying to protect but she couldn't help to get mad a little...

But all she did was nod and walk away.

Elena went to a bar and started to drink, till men walked up to her "you sure you want to be drinking alone miss" young man says

"Well it's the only thing holding me together" Elena replies with a smirk

The young men laughed a little "I'm Sam it nice to meet you,"

Elena takes a sip of her drink and says "nice to meet you sam, I'm Elena"

Sam starts to point at men flirting with Hayley, "that my brother dean, we will be staying here for a few weeks" he smiled

Elena thought that they were cute and at the time she wasn't thinking and drunk "I hope I will be seeing you two later, your brother is very hot" Elena replied

All Sam could do is laugh "I hear that a lot when people meet my brother, Elena want me to take you home I think you had enough drinks"

"Well I mean you can take me to my bed...because I already live here" she starts to Press on his shirt

"Wait you live with the Mikelson.." he replied

Dean walks to Sam and hits on the back gently "well I see you're finally getting girls sam I'm proud, "he laughed

"Dean stop, I'm going home can you take her to her room please she needs rest" sam respond

Sam walks away... "I guess it's just you and me," Dean says

Elena starts to walk to her room and the dean followed her, at this point, everyone has left...

Elena was walking to her bed when she tripped dean caught her and places her on her bed...he puts the blanks on her. when he was about to walk out Elena then ask "Dean I know we just met but can you stay here until I fall asleep"

Dean tried so hard to just say no but in the end, he said "yes" dean got on the bed laying right next to Elena

Elena gets comfortable and grabs dean's arm and wraps it around her. "Good night dean," she says

Even dean barely knew this girl it felt like he knewher all his life..

"Good night" dean replies

When Elena closes her eyes, dean and her we're cuddling.

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