chapter 25

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everyone faces turned Elena and bailey making a scene "bailey just listen please" Elena cries 

"NO, I WANTED US TO BE A FAMILY AND YOU RUINED IT!" bailey runs off to her room.

Elena runs off crying, as Klaus walks running after Elena until a young woman says "Klaus doesn't

"cami, I have to help her" Klaus walks off leaving cami in rage

Elena gets in her car, crying, as she tries to get her act together she cames on falling apart until she felt sick

She opened the car door and throw up, Elena was holding her stomach until she realized why she throw up ...

Klaus ran to Elena "are you ok love?!" he stopped to see that she throw up.

"Um is everyone done..."Elena tries to speak.

Elena stands up " I would like to go inside without getting a star-" Elena fainted, Klaus catches her "it oh ok love I got you" he walks inside

Klaus places her on her bed, changing her clothes, putting her PJs on.

"Good night love, "he kisses her on the forehead

Meanwhile with dean.

Dean walks into a hotel that Sam and Dean have been staying and slams the door "SAM! We going hunting right now!" Dean yelled

Sam comes out of the bathroom "dean what going on"

"Sam we are leaving let's go" dean packs his stuff

"I'm going to call Elena so you can calm down.." sam grabs his phone

"Calling her would just make it worse" dean continues

"Let's go, we going to hit daylight" dean walks out

"Dean! What happened between you and Elena, you have to fix you love her dean" sams yells out

Sam then calls Elena, Klaus picks up "hello?!"

"Oh, course it you, whatever happens between Elena and dean get out of it. we have been doing this for way too long, you either be with her or let her be with the right man" sam hangs up the phone

Klaus turned placed Elena's phone on her desk and walked away, he grabbed his phone and called cami "hello love, wanna get a drink."

𝓑𝓮 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓭 𝓸𝓻 𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓴𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓭 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮Where stories live. Discover now