chapter eight.

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      WHILE SITTING in the driver's seat, Marcus plays with his lighter. He immediately looks over when he hears Deena and Sam so he goes back to the back of the ambulance. "We need to leave." Deena says.

"I think we should stay. We're safe here. What if that psycho shows up again?" Sam asked her ex girlfriend who looks at her. "Then we'll be ready." She held out a revolver and Marcus got down. "Woah," he says, grabbing Deena's wrist gently and examining the gun.

"What the hell?" Sam says, looking surprised. "Deena, what is that?" Josh says, taken back. "Is that the cop's? You stole a cop's gun?" Sam says in a hushed tone and Marcus glanced up. "Fuck yeah she did!" Kate says and Marcus grins. "Badass, Johnson." He says.

"Are you out of your goddamn mind?" Sam asked, looking at Deena. "They didn't believe us. We're on our own." Deena says as Marcus steps back, glancing around. "We're not leaving without Si." He says then he heads off into the direction Simon went off to.

When they find him, a woman was on top of him, they're fighting and Marcus looks to Deena. "Hey, hey, the gun!" He says and Deena raised it, aiming it at the woman on top of Simon. "Simon!" Marcus shouts and Simon yells, getting up and running at them. Marcus grabs his hand immediately, running with him.

"Go! Go! Let's go!"

At Deena's, Simon is standing at the window where he shuts the curtains suddenly as Sam spoke, "it doesn't make sense. It's... it's not possible. Bullets didn't stop her." She says as she sits down onto the couch next to Marcus. "Amazing observation." Kate says as Deena turns to Simon who's locking the door, kind of panicked. "Who the hell was that?"

He turns to Deena, "how the hell should I know? She..." He paused for a moment, glancing at Marcus as he walks over to Kate. "She was hot! I don't know! The bitch seemed normal!" He says in a defensive tone and Marcus glanced over at him. "Yeah, well, I hate to break it to you, but normal bitches don't bleed black fucking blood!" Deena exclaimed

"Well, she was hot and normal until she attacked me with a fucking razor blade!" He shouts before he walks over, sitting beside Marcus. "Wait." Josh says, his attention on Simon right away, "what... A razor?" He asked.

"Yeah, for like old-imey shaving, or in this case, I guess, slitting her--" "Wrists. She slashed her wrists." Josh says, cutting Simon off and making all of them look at him. "Was she singing something?" He asked Simon now who's holding onto Marcus' arm. "Was she zinging a song, like an oldie... like an oldie song?" Josh asked and Simon stares at him.

"Jesus, Rain Man. How the fuck do you know that?" Josh now shows them to the basement where he brings over a newspaper article to the coffee table. "This is Ruby Lane. The girl who attacked you." Josh tells Simon who finally lets go of Marcus' arm and turns the paper around. "Holy shit!" He says. "She is hot." Marcus whispers quietly, peering over Simon's shoulder at the picture of Ruby Lane.

"She sang as she murdered her boyfriend, her friends, then she killed herself. Slashsd her wrists." Josh explains and Marcus glanced up, furrowing his brows. "Jesus. Yeah, why didn't I see this on the news?" Kate asked before she looks up at Josh beside her.

"Because it happened 30 years ago. 1965."

Marcus looks at Simon right away as Josh got up and walked away before coming back with more papers. "Ruby is one of Shadyside's killers, just like Skull Mask." Josh explains, setting down to article about the mall massacre. "I mean, Ryan Torres. Look, 1978. 16 years ago. Masked psycho murders kids at--" "Camp Nightwing. My aunt was there..." Marcus cuts off Josh. "So was mine." Kate glanced up.

"That screwed my family up for a long time." Kate says and Marcus glanced down. "1950, Harry Rooker, local milkman slashes a bunch of housewives. 1935, Humpty Dumpty Killer. 1922, Billy Barker. 1904, Gridter guts girls, and on and on. It happens in Shadyside over and over. Normal people turn into psychos." Josh says and Marcus sighed softly, leaning back. "Jesus. Look at this guy." Simon shows Marcus a picture of a man with his eyes gouged out.

"That's the pastor, Cyrus Miller." Josh says and Marcus immediately looks at him. "1666. He was the first one recorded. He, um... killed kids and cut out their eyes." He explains and Marcus immediately got up, leaving the room. Not long after, Sam also left the room.

Marcus sat in the livingroom, his hands over his face and sighing softly. "You okay?" He glanced up and saw Simon standing there, fidgeting with his hands. "I... just wanted a normal week. You know?" He smiles softly before looking away. "And now, I can't have that. We can't have that." He says and Simon comes over to him. "We?" He sits down beside Marcus.

"Yeah, I feel like... things are weird and they're also getting dangerous and weirder..." He shrugs. "Weird... because we kissed?" Simon looks at him and Marcus avoids eye contact, staring around the room, looking at anything but at Simon. The other smiled then slowly turned his head, leaning in. His lips press to Marcus' before he pulls back. "I'm sure everything will go back to normal soon. And... we'll have our normal week." He says before nudging Marcus' shoulder with his gently and the other smiles, blushing.

"Si?" He says and Simon nods. "Yeah?" He tilts his head a bit and Marcus smiles widely. "If you're only fucking with me for shits and giggles, I'll hate you forever." He says and Simon grins. "You can never hate me, I'm too pretty." He says then Marcus holds up a hand to his face. "That's true," he says before he leans in to kiss the boy in front of him again.

"We better go back to the others..."

i really love marcus + simon rn, even though i know this book is just gonna end in blood and tears and death and shit

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