chapter fifteen.

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     MARCUS WASN'T so surprised by his mom babying him at home, but he really didn't need it. What he needed was to be alone, but he couldn't do that in his own home so eventually, he went in to give in his statement, around the same time that Josh, Deena and Sam did.

"Interview with Marcus Porter. Sunday, October 2nd, 1994. Wanna tell me what happened?" The sheriff leans back in his seat, looking up at Marcus who had been staring at the table. He glanced up, "we were picking up Sam's prescription. And the lights went out." He went along with the story Josh told him to say, on a note he had left with Marcus' parents when they told him he didn't wanna see anyone.

"It was pitch black... I couldn't really see anything. We ducked behind a counter. We hid until it was over." He says and Nick pointed at Marcus' still healing knuckles. "What happened there, Mr. Porter?" He says and Marcus quickly hid his hands from the man.

"I... got a little upset. You know..." He says and Sheriff Goode nods. "The junkies were your friends, right?" He says and Marcus quickly looks up. "They weren't junkies. They were my best friends." Tears form in his eyes, then he quickly glanced away. "They're to blame for everything. That feels too easy to me. But that's the story this department will go with unless you can help me to see it differently." Goode says and Marcus sighs. "Just some Shadyside tragedy. You know? Kate was an amazing student... She worked harder than anyone in our whole school. And Simon? He's been supporting his family since he was fifteen..." He says.

Nick avoids looking at him, looking the other way as Marcus shook his head. "They didn't sell drugs because they did them... They did it because they wanted to get out of this shitty town. It fits the narrative..." He says, before crossing his arms and leaning back in his seat.

"And Simon Kalivoda was a hero... I'm still here, alive, thanks to him always putting me out of danger's way. But the cost was his life." He says before he looked down. "Can I leave now?" He asked and Nick sighs, stopping the tape before gesturing towards the door.

"Come on..." He says and Marcus stood up, following the sheriff out the door where Josh stood up, he had been waiting. "Marcus..." He says and the older shakes his head. "I... have to go. I don't wanna talk, Johnson... alright?" He says and Josh sighs but nodded his head to Marcus, understandingly.

And yet, that evening, it bothered Marcus. What he said to Deena. That was when he decided to get up, walking all the way to Deena's house where he sighed, walking up to the front door. He knocks quietly, waiting patiently. The door opens to the curly haired girl.

"Hey..." He says and she stared at him, "hi Marcus..." She said quietly and he sighed, looking down. Right then, she stepped closer and wrapped his arms around Marcus who hugged back right away, closing his eyes. "I'm sorry, it's all my fault." She said softly and he quickly shook his head, "no, it wasn't... I'm sorry I took my anger and sadness out on you." He said before sniffling and pulling back.

She sighs, wiping away her tears and smiling at him. "I think you owe someone else an apology..." She says and Marcus glanced inside the house to see Sam standing in the hall, watching them. "S-Sam... hey, I'm sorry for the things I said. I didn't mean it... I was just upset." He says and Sam nods, smiling softly.

"It's okay..." She says and Marcus sighs, looking at Deena. "Is Josh home? I wanted to talk to him..." He says to her and she nods. "Yeah, come on in." She nods towards the inside of her house. "You can even stay with us for supper... Josh ordered pizza." She says and Marcus nods, heading for Josh's room.

"Hey, dude..." He says, walking into Josh's room, the boy was seated at the couch and playing his game, barely glancing over. "Hey Marcus..." He says and Marcus sighs, walking over. He sits onto the arm rest, glancing to Josh before looking at the coffee table area in the basement. He remembers Kate and Simon, and it pains him before he looked at Josh.

"I was selfish. I should've been there for you, Deena and Sam. I cared more about my own feelings and didn't realize I wasn't helping comfort you guys... You lost a potential girlfriend and a new friend, Deena lost two of her friends too and I cared more about... well, myself. I'm sorry, Johnson." He sighs, looking around the basement and Josh glanced over. "That's okay... People cope with different ways. Wanna play?" He raised his controller.

"Yeah... sure." Marcus simply nods before sitting down next to Josh now, grabbing the controller which he connected to the game. "So how do we play this? I'm not really a... nerd." He joked and Josh laughed, shaking his head.

"Alright, I'll teach you everything and go from there, who knows maybe you'll have beginner's luck!" Josh says and Marcus chuckles. He listens to Josh explain before intently focusing on the game on the screen as it began.

"Wow, you suck at this!" Josh laughed, looking at Marcus. "Whatever..." The boy rolled his eyes and Josh sighs. "I have to go online... you get some practice playing since you suck." He says and Marcus huffs, turning back to the tv where he began a new game again.

When he ends up losing, he sighs as he walks over to Josh, about to say he was gonna go but stopped when he saw Josh tell someone he knew Simon and Kate, that he missed them both. "I miss them too..." Marcus says, putting his hand to Josh's shoulder and the other looked at him, standing up slowly.

He wrapped his arms around Marcus who hugged back right away, furrowing his brows. It was comforting. Maybe because they both knew what they were going through. Josh really liked Kate, it was obvious he liked him even long before that night. And it was the same for Marcus, he always had an unspoken thing with Simon. And then Simon finally kissed him. So they were kinda in the same boat.

"Guys?" The two pull apart to look towards the stairs, there, Deena stood with her hand over her stomach. With a bloodied hand, she stared at the two. "Wh-what happened?" Marcus says with a worried look and she just began leading the way, Josh following her first.

They walk into the kitchen, Marcus gasping at the sight of Sam all tied up with the phone cord. "What the..." Josh says, also shocked as Sam struggled, grunting loudly. "Sam's not feeling like herself." Deena simply says before she walks over, kneeling down by her girlfriend. "We have to get her back." She tells them.

Deena leans closer, looking at Sam in the eyes as Marcus looks at Josh. "I'm going to get you back." The girl says, sounding determined and Marcus let out a soft sigh.

To Be Continued... in Sunflower.













so i was gonna make this fic longer but like i had no idea how to execute any of the ideas i had of like marcus + simon. so it ended up being only fifteen chapters long 😭
maybe i'll write bonus chapters on how they met?? and... cute shit like that i guess?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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