Ch. 6 Mission

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Word count: 1.22k

Nat's POV:

I wander past Eliza's room, contemplating whether to go in or walk on. But I can't. I can't face her after I snapped at her. Not until tonight. Though I can't help but slow down as I pass. I can suddenly hear Wanda's voice and the hairs on my back stand up on end. Jealousy tints my cheeks and I clamp my teeth together. I shouldn't interrupt. I've assumed more than one thing about Eliza Parker in the past day and a half. First, I guessed that's she was with Peter, whom turned out to be her brother. I slap my hand over my race and moan with stupidity.

I have long left the outside of Eliza's door because I can't bear to let my mind picture her and Wanda doing things. I groan again knowing that I have to spend the next 5 or 6 hours with them.

I make it to the hanger, preparing a jet for take off. As expected, my mission plan to Fury went well, and if there's a need for them, S.H.E.I.L.D will have men on site, but only per my urgent request - as in we're over loaded or in desperate need of medical attention, which honesty I am anticipating. When I snapped at Eliza in the conference room, I wasn't half being serious. If she gets hurt, she won't just be a liability to herself, but she would be to me. I would physically fail to push on with the mission unless I knew she was safe and sound. It would have killed me inside. But now I've messed up that chance, a I'm gonna be alone until karma decides she's had her fair share of fun.

I'm all ready dying.

"Hey, Nat," Steve says, coming in behind me. "You ready?"

"For what?" 

"Tonight?" He says slowly, tilting his head at me. He's confused, and now I'm confused. He explains, "The mission. It's a big one."

I nod once. "Ah, yes. That. Perfectly ready."

"And you'll be fine with your team?"

"Nothing's wrong."

"I never said anything was."

I curse under my breath and kick myself. He tricked me into this. He looks at me sadly, sighing and smiling inwardly. "I would kiss you, but I think you're not comfortable with that."

"I can't do that to myself, Steven. Ugh, I'm just so confused, right now. Why does being bi have to make you so sexually disorientated?"

Steve just laughs at me. "Careful, you'll be having an affair with Sharon by the end of the day." 

Rolling my eyes, I can't help but hiss at the suggestion. Whatever he has or had with Sharon will never concern me, I don't even like her that much. I still don't understand why he would kiss Peggy's niece after she passed away. It was weird. Just weird.

I nod, suddenly, feeling the awkward tension between us. "Did you want anything, Rogers? Or did you come only to kiss me goodbye."

"I'll only say farewell until you come running back with a broken leg. Be careful, Romanoff."

"When am I not?"

He laughs, "Now, that's a topic I'm very sure you don't want me to get in to right now, Nat. It'll get way too complicated."

I cross my arms and raise my brow. I stare at him now, faking a offended act. I put a hand to my heart and wince. "Ouch, Rogers. You hurt me."

He smirks as I punch his arm softly. He puts a hand on my shoulder and leaves the hanger. Time for lift off, I guess.

- - -

"Friday, where is Wanda?" I demand, my patience wearing thin. I did threaten to leave them behind but something said to wait, so I'm waiting.

"Miss. Maximoff and Miss. Parker are both on floor 2, in Miss Parker's bedroom."

"Send for them please." I say through gritted teeth. They were together and late. How fashionable. The A.I. responded with "of course," before leaving me in silence. I look on from the jet, my eyes scanning the entrance in to the hanger.

I hear them before I see them. Laughing and smiling, they enter. Eliza, wrapped head to toe in a custom-made Tony body-suit, saunters over, a smug grin plastered across her face. I grimace and clutch my stomach.

She seems happy.

I flick a switch before dropping out of the jet. "You're late."

"Nice evening to you too, Romanoff." Wanda retorts, clearly stupefied by my lack of greeting. I raise an empty eyebrow at her. "Not everything is all fun and games, Maximoff."

"You don't have to tell me twice." She snaps as she ambles on to our ride. She places herself down on one of swivelled pilot's chairs, looking comfortable and amused. I turn to face Eliza, who still stands at the base of the ramp, as if expecting to be lifted in.

"Can't you walk now, Princess? Or would you like a lift?" I resemble a not so distant Tony, when he was telling Peter off - the sarcastic comments and mean tone. Damn, I'm turning in to a Stark. I shudder and turn my attention back on to the girl in front of me.

Her eyes shift uncomfortably but she composes herself and replies, "You just take care of yourself, Romanoff. I'll watch over myself."

I'm hurt. Genuinely. Seems she really has gotten the better of me right now. I push on, ignoring the gnawing at the back of my mind.

"Friday, autopilot."

The engine reeves and the back door lifts shut. The jet moves forwards with a jolt Eliza doesn't seem to be used to. I grin at her, amused. I know I shouldn't, but the wobble in her legs is just unbearably cute. I turn around and walk back over towards the pilot's seat, but on my way I look at Wanda, who smirks.

My eyes widen in realisation. "Stay out of my head, Maximoff." I hiss lowly. She only smirks and returns back to playing with a ball of red sparks.

Its not long before Eliza finds her feet and gets ready, mentally. I say as little as I can to anyone, knowing that I can't stop Wanda from reading any further thoughts, so I just don't think about anything but the mission.

"There are weapons in the draws. Touch the pad, scan your hand." I tell her. I keep my mind blank. She thanks me quietly but doesn't move. "What's wrong? Are you scared?"

"Do you even care?" She snaps, then pauses, seemingly feeling bad. "Sorry." She mutters, but I could care less right now. I deserve that.

"I'm not scared, no, I just don't know which draw to use." Eliza and Wanda exchange a glance and I suddenly feel uneasy. What was going on behind me?

"You can, uh, use mine, if you like."

She nods once and moves to the panel labelled Romanoff. Immediately, as she touches a hand to the panel, it springs open, revealing row after row of guns and knives - some of my prized possessions. She grabs two hand guns, placing them in to holsters either side of her waist. She stashes a knife into her boot simultaneously and sits back down.

Friday's voice perks up. "Landing in 3, 2, 1."

"Welcome to Amsterdam, Miss. Parker."

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