Ch. 15 Gratified

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Word count: 1.15k

Wanda's POV:

"Are you really sure you want to keep going, Ellie?" I ask Eliza with furrowed brows.

She nods. "Yeah. But . . . you're okay to do this, right?"

"Do what?"

"Develop a fake relationship with me just so that I can get to another woman?"

I hiss inwardly at the comment. Has she no faith? "Course," I laugh, "you're pretty much my sister. It'd be weird if we actually went there."

Shouldn't have said that. Makes what we're doing sound sketchy as fuck.

She smiles and snuggles up closer to me, the warmth of her breathing bouncing off the skin of my thigh as I gently stroke her hair. We've sat like this for a good few hours and I can feel my leg going numb, but I don't say a thing. She's comfortable, and safe, that's all I care about. The file shook her up much more than it did me, though I'm hardly surprised. If it was on me, saying the same devastating words, I probably would have created a whole town, each person with their own intricate back story and timeline. Like that would ever happen. A knock at the door sends me wishing them to go away. It startles me enough that my wisps of red burst.

"Come in." I say, my voice surprisingly and annoyingly sweet. Unplanned. Unnatural. The handle turns and I see red hair come through the frame. I curse under my breath, knowing that Natasha isn't the person either of us need to see right now.

Her green eyes meet my subtly deadly gaze, and I know she's nervous. Her hands are pretty much shaking at her sides, until she conceals that by fiddling softly with her fingers. "Hey, Eliza. Wanda."

I don't move. My face is stolid and my eyes hard. I stare at her intently. "I'll let you two talk." I say, kissing Eliza on the lips gently, but she deepens it and when she finally pulls away, I feel her smirk. She composes her self by clearing her throat. I leave, my head running through all the things Nat may say to her. As I pass, I lower my voice so Ellie can't hear me. "Don't you try to fuck her up, Romanoff. You've all ready done bad enough, do not destroy whatever's left."

I can't help but feel pleased with my performance, even though I'm only half faking it. She has hurt Ellie enough for one lifetime. A part of my almost feels bad for being this harsh. Almost.

Eliza's POV:

I look at the ground where I stand, hoping that Nat hasn't come to hail her love for me, because honestly, it is not the right time. We stand awkwardly for a few moments before I even dare to meet her gaze. Luckily, her green eyes were fixated on her fingers, which were fumbling with a band on her wrist. I can't take the silence anymore an d break the building tension.

"What did you want, Natasha?" I say, with more venom than originally anticipated.

She looks unnaturally stunned for a second, but her dilated pupils relax. "I just, uh- wanted to make sure you're alright, I guess. I know the file shook shit up a little."

"I don't think a little covers it, but yeah. Sure."

She nods and turns to leave, and I watch her. My heart drops until she turns back around in a hurry. "Can we start over?"

The question leaves me stunned, this time. I take a moment to think about it, but nod slowly as I thoughts whiz through my head. "I don't see why not."

"Eliza, look. I know we haven't seen eye to eye in the month or so you've been here, and honestly, I was a fucking ass to treat you like I have and-"

"Nat," I stop her, "I don't need an explanation."

"I know, but I feel like you deserve one. I've treated you like crap and I- I don't know why. I suppose shit has just built up and I've become this . . . uncoordinated loner."

"What are you saying?"

"Please forgive me?"

She's hiding, I can see it. God, Wanda was right. The woman can't hide love to save her life. Good she wasn't being threatened right now. Hell, she'd be a corpse. I stammer, unable to talk fluently. So, instead, I hum my answer, hoping that's enough enthusiasm for her. "Mhm. Sure."

She smiles lightly. "Great. I'll, uh, see you later then, Eliza."

I nod slowly and awkwardly, kicking myself for not giving into the play sooner. But I was in the game for the long run now, and apparently I couldn't give in if I wanted to. I'm supposed to be hard to get, not weak and pathetic. Sheesh. So, I say the only thing that springs to mind - the only thing that makes sense to say in the situation.

"Nat," I say as she reaches for the door handle, "call me Elle. Please."

Her smile expands and my heart melts. "Sure, I'll call you Elle, Elle. Oh and if you need me, I'm down in medical." She leaves. I feel triumphant, like I just won a fight; except that was a battle, not the whole damn war. Unfortunately for me.

Wanda waits until Nat's gone until she returns. "She didn't hurt you, did she?"

"I don't think the smile on my face tells you I'm pissed or sad, Wands."

"Okay, okay. Remind me never to actually catch feelings."

I laugh at her expense. "If we're on the topic of feelings, I think we're gonna have to ramp our up a few notches. I think we're really doing some damage."

"Really?" Wanda chuckles, taking a long breath in. "I thought it was all getting a little hopeless, if you ask me."

"No, she asked me to forgive her."

Wanda stares at me with curious eyes, taking a second to blink and let the thought pass through her mind. "Okay. Let me get this straight. The Natasha Romanoff asked you to forgive her? What the fuck are you doing to the woman? We were supposed to get her to fall for you completely, not disable her common sense!"

I punch her arm playfully, scrunching my nose at the sarcasm. "Well, I'm sorry I make more of an impact than you had originally anticipated. What can I say? I have a . . . quality."

"More like a persistence." She mutters, though still loud enough for me to hear. The comment earns her a second punch, to which she replies with a sharp breath, an, "Ouch!" and her signature head tilt.

"Shit." I curse. "Don't kill me! I have so much to live for!" I yell as I run from the bedroom, all sadness mysteriously thinning and disappearing into thin air. I gain speed as I hear Wanda's footsteps behind me, her voice calling my name with so much intended malice that I only run faster.

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