Ch. 23 Crave Me

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Word count: 1.35k

Eliza's POV:

"Truth or dare!" Tony announces. I can tell the alcohol is getting to his head by the way he seems to stumble as he raises his glass high up in the air.

"Who's first?" Bruce asks, though I can tell he's still slightly sceptical about the situation. I can't blame him.

"Who's the least wasted?" Tony asks.

Sharon smirks and chuckles. "I think that award would go to Miss Perfect over there." Her finger points straight at me. I grimace but bite back my anguish.

"Joy." I shake my head and manage a genuine grin. "Hit me."

"Alright," Stark says, I can tell he's pondering potential dares. "Truth or dare, Parker."

"Damn, such a hard decision." I pretend to ponder the question. "Dare, Stark."

"Talk dirty to Wanda."

I look at him in amusement, expecting him to laugh it off and change his mind. When he doesn't and I realise he's being dead serious, I take a deep breath and nod my head, turning to face my fake girlfriend with a smirk on my face. Her cheeks are already a deep shade of red and turn even darker when I straddle her lap.

"Does this bother you?" I ask innocently, my hand trailing the edge of her jawline. "Or this?" I move my hand further down her body, right past the V-neck cutting of her dress. A breath hitches in her throat as she murmurs quietly, "what are you doing?"

"My dare. Why? Am I turning you on, Miss Maximoff?" I whisper into her ear. "How about we take this upstairs so no one can hear you scream?" Wanda stares at me with blank eyes. I laugh at her as I sit back on the couch. A round of applause circles the room and I take a bow.

Peter takes a truth. The coward. Nat takes a dare, and Sam takes a dare. Soon enough, the questions circle back around and hit me square in the face. It's Sharon's turn and before she's even asked the question, her eyes flicker discreetly to me, making me feel increasingly uncomfortable. The games pretty much changed to dare or dare at this point.

"Kiss who ever you find the most attractive." Tony declares the dare and I know exactly who she's going after. I position myself carefully on the couch, knowing that otherwise, she'd push me back on to it anyway. My eyes dart towards Wanda, who only looks on helplessly. Nat on the other hand seems to stare intently at me. Sharon smiles warmly, but I feel no heat. Whatever connection we once had, she turned to dust by cheating on me.

"Hey, darling." She quips as she straddles me, brushing the loose hair from my face.

"Sharon." I greet, not feeling particularly comfortable with this. She doesn't seem to care.

She laughs gently at me, rolling her head backwards while slinging her arms over my shoulder.

"You can do better than that." She hisses lowly, her voice laced with lustful spite. Lifting my chin with a finger, she knocks my gaze to meet hers. Our eyes interlock and she doesn't let go. I'm shocked in to obedience. She could have gone after Wanda or Nat, or Steve, who actually looks kind of . . . what is it? Defeated? Offended? But no. She just has to show me the power she still holds over my head.

She slams her lips on to mine, and before I can think, or breathe, her tongue is roaming my mouth freely - no limits restricting her, or for the fact, condemning me from preventing her.

I can feel the rage that radiates from Nat - the anger and jealousy simply pours from her eyes. I just have the ability to tear my gaze from Sharon's and look over at Nat, who sips lightly at her drink, choosing not to look anymore. She's had enough, and frankly, so have I. I nudge Sharon gently, hoping to deter her from still going, but nothing happens. So I do what I would never have dared to do, I bite her lip, but not hard enough to draw blood.

She gasps lightly, but doesn't make a scene. Though she looks at me, and immediately I know what it means. "You're welcome, sunshine." She remarks before returning to her seat. The room sounds with applause, but Nat and Wanda only seem to be angered.

"Tony told you to kiss the most attractive person in the room, Sharon. Not drown them in your over excessive use of perfume." Wanda hisses. I look sideways at her, my eyes pleading her to calm down. She does as I ask, luckily, as I see the edges of her eyes turn red.

Sharon laughs and tenderly sits back down, not phased by Wanda's anger at all. But it was Nat's turn to turn red. I all ready had, and in Sharon's mind, what was another?

"What about you, Widow? How about you give it a go? I dare you."

"I'm not sure that's what Eliza wants-" Nat says slowly. Her eyes glance over to me, but I do nothing. Sharon's tearing my life apart from the inside again. Again.

"You've never backed away from a dare, Natasha. This means nothing. It's a dare." Sharon smirks, teeth showing. The problem is, no one seems to know what's going on, half of them are too drunk to realise. They won't remember how she forced herself on to me, or the cruel words she's spoken, or how uncomfortable Nat is. They won't remember this at all.

Nat nods once and stands up. "Eliza?"

I meet her gaze. She was the only one who ever called me by my name - my full name. To my brother and Wanda I was Ellie. To the men, I was Parker or Lizzie. To Sharon, I had always been a pet name: sunshine, or dear, or darling. But to Nat, I was myself. My pure self. But the way she added the nickname, Elle, really sent shivers down my spine. She knows how to be gentle. It's almost concerning.

"Go ahead, Romanoff." I can see the hurt in her eyes. She's just offered me my identity and in return I blank her.

Romanoff. Really, Eliza? You just had to, didn't you?

Nat hesitates again, and I feel the nerves rush to her eyes as she looks at me. If Sharon's impatient, she avoids showing it. "You never back down from a dare, Natasha. Do go making this your first, reputations tend to . . . die if they're not kept up."

Nat glares at her but makes her way to me. Standing awkwardly in front of me, she smiles weakly before crouching down to my level. She seems to glance at Wanda for permission before she does anything. Wanda nods gently and Nat pushes forwards, her lips fitting perfectly into mine. I put my hand on the back of her neck keeping her there. I melt slowly into her affection, stifling a moan when she fumbles a hand through my hair. We're locked together until Nat leaves me hanging, a smile replacing my lips. I almost groan but bite it back.

"You've done it now, Romanoff." Wanda sniggers. I elbow her ribs.

She clutches her chest, muttering under her breath. "Ouch!" She moans, a frown setting on her lips. It vanishes rather quickly. "Great doing business with you, Eliza Parker." She extends her hand. Just like the rest of the group, Nat eyes our exchange in confusion. Peter grins. I shake her hand before turning to Nat.

"How about I explain over breakfast. Right now, I have something else in mind. If you will."

Nat nods and follows me as I take her hand in mine and lead her from the group. I hear question after question being thrown at Wanda and I smile, knowing she will handle it all just fine. I'm not planning to help her out. She's a grown woman, she'll survive. Right now, I have something more important to do. Something I'll make you wait for.

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