Ch. 12 Dear Lover

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Word count: 1.13k

Eliza's POV:

Banner's got my results back, and I have little hope for good news. My head throbs every now and again and my memory still sucks. I can remember as far back as the tech room, me leaving Nat alone, and walking down the corridor towards what I though was a scream. Maybe it had been, or maybe I was playing tricks on myself. Tends to happen often enough for me not to rule out the chance.

We crowd in Tony's lab. I can see Banner's hands are shaking but I can't tell if it's out of worry or fear - fear of me or what I could be able to do. The screen enlarges and I feel my heartbeat stutter. I rest my chin on Pete's head and wrap my arms around his chest, hoping it'll be support enough.

Tony's breathing slows and Cap runs a finger down his nose, rubbing over his upper lip before resting his chin on his hand. I can feel sighs all around me, but I don't know what it means until my eyes run over the words of my file.

Key Information:
Blood infected with purple remanence. Can only be related to fragments of the Power Stone.

A breath hitches in my throat. Wanda meets my eyes and takes hold of my hand, comforting my faulty feelings.

Powers could be prevented. Other side effects unknown.

Dangerous until proven otherwise. Best keep detained.

I gape at the words that flash the screen, and the others wince too. I don't know what to say or how to act. What is someone supposed to do after they're indirectly told that they should be locked up indefinitely? Run? Steve clears his throat as Tony shuts the file down. There's more but I don't have time to read it.

"You won't go anywhere, Eliza. You'll stay here with the rest of us. You haven't yet shown any signs of destruction, or any little tamper caused by any power of your own." Steve says gently.

Nat and Wanda share a glance. I watch as Nat tugs on her sleeves, begging them to cover her hands. I look at her but she indefinitely avoids my gaze. Frowning, I turn back to Steve, gripping Wanda's hand like a vice. "What does it mean for you lot? And Peter?"

"Nothing. Just that we are now tasked with coming second to your superiority." Steve jokes, and everyone laughs to ease the tension. I only smile but give no reply. Wanda kisses me on the cheek and whispers promises in my ear.

Tony rolls his eyes. "All right, love birds. Break it up." He pretends to gag and I know Peter can't help it when he mutters, "Just because you and Pepper haven't had any physical affection in years-"

I snort, earning a glare from Stark. I smoother it by clearing my throat. Peter smirks at me.

Banner meets my eyes. "I think the real question here is: do you want to be able to keep your powers?"

"Are they something that could harm my family?"

"What family?" Peter quips. I punch his arm with more vigour than expected. "Ouch," he whines, rubbing his arm with intended distain.

"Potentially. You could either become a hazard or an idealised . . . weapon."

"What the heck, Bruce?" Wanda hisses.


"Is it not blatantly clear that we are trying to make her feel better about the situation. We don't need you here ruining our chances of avoiding the tears." Wanda muses, and I look at his with forced confusion.

I frown and pout. "I'm not that soft."

"I only see it two ways. She could save or she could destroy."

Tony puts his hand on Banner's shoulder, while Cap prevents Wanda from blowing the place to bits.

"That's enough, Bruce." Steve warns. "And no blowing shit up, Wanda. You know better than that."

"My gosh, watch your language." Tony mocks, but this time not even a joke or sarcastic comment can tear apart the atmosphere. Steve grins lowly at him, his eye dark with annoyance.

Shaking Wanda off, I open the screen again, scrolling down to Possible Outcomes. I feel pressure on my shoulder, and turn to see the blue of Wanda's eyes pouring into mine, begging me not to do it. "Don't, Ellie."

I look around. Everyone has a worried look on their faces, even Peter looks at me with his widened and self-explanatory eyes. But all of it I ignore.

The personnel under close study, Miss Eliza Parker, is hereby commanded as a threat to society, where under a pressured circumstance, she may destroy and reform all we know as neutral. There are many a possible outcome for the event that took place 25/0X/20XX, concluding that a Miss Eliza Haley Parker, may commence in one of three actions.

I. Miss Parker may be in order to absorb the usage of the Power Stone, Infinity Stone (see Sec 211) and induce the dosage given, meaning that she would be in use of her powers.

II. Miss Parker may run the course and dispose of the run in with the Power Stone Infinity Stone (see Sec 211). This would conclude that Miss Parker would be subjected to a serious undergoing of long-term experimentation to not only study the connection between her body and the Power Stone, Infinity Stone (see Sec 211) but in event, hope to rid her system off all contamination.

III. Miss Parker could, unfortunately, be withheld from all contact due to the uncontrollable levels of uncertainty that are raised in the subject. Not only might she show discouraged actions towards her own parties, but may turn this into a high level threat, making her inevitable more dangerous that Wanda Maximoff [see file 13], Thor Odinson [see file 6], Loki Laufeyson [see file 17], Carol Danvers [see file 20].

In addition to these, a forth and final option is clear:

IV. If subject XX7, Miss Eliza Parker, becomes a threat even further than anticipated, it is in written law to remove her from harming others. This would only occur if Miss Parker is incoherent to help and methods, then it is with due respect and full commiserations that we apologise for having to act without redemption nor compunction, for the topic of discussion would be gratified with disposal of subject XX7.

I stare at the words, praying that my heart doesn't suddenly decide to jump the gun. I keep my gagging at bay, though my head still throbs. Wanda looks at me with a kind of 'I did warn you' face, and I nod. I rush from the room, meeting Nat's sad eyes as I go. The room erupts with sound, but I don't care. I'm running, and I don't stop.

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