Ch. 17 Uncoordinated

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Word count: 1.08k

Nat's POV:

Eliza turns around to me with eyes of fire. Her forehead glistens with sweat and her breathing is heavy. I meet her gaze, dragging my eyes away from her outfit and well toned body. She clears her throat.

"What?" It sounds like a threat.

"Do you want a sparing partner, or are you going to break a hole in the punching bag?"


I nod and strip from my jacket, the leather peeling from my skin like a sticker. We both step into the ring, our eyes meeting every so often. It's awkward for a few seconds before I start to move. Eliza takes the cue and starts to circle in the same way I do. I throw a punch first, something easy to start off. She dodges it without much effort. I throw another at her chest, which she blocks. She retaliates with a punch to my arm then follows it with a swift uppercut, supposedly aiming for my stomach. I manoeuvre away and grab her still extended arm. Pulling her towards me, I roughly bend her arm behind her back so that she's incapable of using it again. Losing her balance, she trips over my extended foot, falling onto her knees with a thud. A growl forms in the throat and I chuckle lightly at her. During my moment of unawareness, she dislodged my balance and throws me to the ground. As I collide with the mat, all the air leaves my lungs and I lie for a second beneath a smirking Eliza. She's pinned all her weight on me - her hands either side of my head.

"You know," she says tauntingly, "if you wanted to be underneath me, you could have just asked."

I feel my cheeks fill red, and I try to shake her off. I fail, so lie there squirming a little under her weight. Its not much, but its enough.

She stands up, laughing and smirking. "Did I just best the Black Widow?"

"Nope." I say in a breath, taking her off-guard moment to flip her and throw her down onto the mat, winding her just like she did me. "Next time, remind me to act weak."

"Next time remind me to try to sexually fustrate you." She quips back and I stifle a growl of discomfort and distain. She laughs at my sudden shudder so I leave the ring quickly.

"That is not what that was." I retort, my voice surprisingly matter-of-factly.

She laughs at me. "Sure. Whatever you say, Romanoff." Eliza smirks as she leaves the room, hips swaying confidently side to side. I hiss at her a little and narrow my eyes. God, how she threw me around. Her efforts were adorable. Feisty. Too bad she's with Wanda. I sigh as I follow her out and head back towards the kitchen, my throat craving a glass of water. As I enter, I instantly spot Wanda on the couch, Eliza hovering over her, their heads almost touching. As soon as Wanda's knows I'm in the room, her mood changes and she yanks at Eliza's top with her index finger, pulling her closer until their lips collide. I look away before my cheeks go red with embarrassment and jealousy.

They last what feel like hours, and I swear I hear Eliza's desperate moans stifle the air. I swallow the saliva that's collected on my tongue and replace it with water, gagging a little when I hear another groan. When she finally pulls up, Wanda smirks at her, then at me and I feel my eyes lighting up with indirect hatred. I don't hate her, I just hate the fact that she got there first.

"All right, love birds, break it up. Please don't suck at each other's faces when we're around. Frankly, it's disgusting." Tony wrinkles his upper lip into a distaining frown, grimacing and shuddering slightly, humming a little with disgust. I can tell a comment about Pepper runs through Eliza's mind and I'm perplexed about how she can keep it to herself. I'm about to say it for her when Tony starts up again. "I think it's your rotation for dinner, Nat."

A groan slips from my lips and I sling my head back to look at the ceiling.

"I'm sure Wanda doesn't mind helping you. Get some quality time in." Tony grins childishly and winks. I glare at him. He back off, hands raised in a mock surrender.

"You up for it, Maximoff?" I ask through gritted teeth, which I hide behind my hand.

She looks at me with narrowed yet slyly amused eyes. "Be my pleasure."

I nod awkwardly, slipping my ringing phone from my pocket. I take the call. "Evening, Fury. Not a bit late for a chat, don't you think?"

His voice is static on the end of the line, but it's still clear enough to hear. "Very funny Romanoff."

"I thought so. What's up?"

"I'm sure Rogers told you that Agent Carter is stopping by for the week."

"Something along those lines."

"Well, can you just make sure there's no . . . dead line between her and Miss Parker?"

I look at Eliza, who's snuggled up tightly against Wanda, her head tucked into the crook of the witch's neck. "Why? What's their history?"

"Nothing much. I suppose it's a bit like Steve and Barnes. Tough friendship."

"One of them was injected with serum while the other supposedly died but only to come back seventy odd year later and try to kill everyone they see? Sounds plausible."

Fury chuckles. "Maybe not with so much venom in the background. But just keep half an eye out, will you?"

"No problem, Nick. How's the office?"

"Still boring. Apart from Carter's return, nothing exciting has happened to us in the past year. God, it's almost like exciting isn't a word anymore. The whole squad runs off caffeine and old cat videos off some sketchy channel on the internet."

I laugh into the phone, running a hand over my hair and tugging at the band that holds it up. Letting it down, I toss the band, not caring of where it ends up. "Anything else, Nick? Or do you want to wish me good night?"

"Romanoff. We think that . . ." Silence held up Fury's end of the line. I waited for him to continue, my fingers tapping on the counter top impatiently. "Nat, we think Hydra are back. And this time, in full."

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