Ch. 7 Regret

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Word count: 1.42k

Eliza's POV:

I don't make eye contact. Firstly, because I can't. It physically hurts to even look in Nat's direction, and secondly, she makes me feels all shaky. I couldn't stand up straight because I've always been wobbly on planes. Never likes the height. Just a thing, I suppose. Not to mention that she certainly didn't help.

Five minutes before landing, she looks at me, her eyes seemingly scanning my body - either checking me out or silently judging me. Either way, it makes me uncomfortable, to the point up to when she offers me weapons, I don't move. I simply snap at the request and instantly regret it. If she hasn't fucked this up then I surely just did. Her smile teases me blindly, but she doesn't seem to notice. Even Wanda notices my shifting, though I suppose she doesn't count. She can read my mind, for fuck's sake.

We have a plan, an idea, but I'm not even sure if I want to go through with it. I don't even know if Nat likes me, though if she does, we're both in for one hell of a ride.

"Landing in 3, 2, 1." The A.I. says as my heart flutters like a butterfly in my chest.

Nat looks at me, flicking a couple switches and nods at Wanda. Walking over to her own draw, she arms herself with a few throwing knives and a hand gun, her chest harness all ready decorated with an assortment of ammunition. She was ready, hell, she was ready.

"Welcome to Amsterdam, Miss. Parker."

Her words trigger something, though the nickname stings. I suppose I deserve it. I give her a smile in return, but it isn't even half as snarky and cocky as I hope it would be.

Damn it, Ellie, why is it so hard to just calm down? She's just another woman.

Except she's not just a woman, is she, Ellie? Don't you just want to run your finger-

When what she says settles in, I inwardly gag. Did she have to mention that at this time? She has incredibly shitty timing.

First of all, I thought you promised you'd stop doing this, and second, shut the hell up, Maximoff!

She smirks at me and I suddenly feel like throwing up. Seems the jet lag and altitude of the flight are really starting to kick in. Steading myself, I throw a glance in Nat's direction, and not to my surprise, she seems unimpressed. What is with this woman? Half the time she doesn't seem to care and she still has me running in circles. I suppose now, it's just as well that I'm coming to terms with Wanda's plan. I'm starting to really like it.

Nat speaks up, her voice catching in the shrill coldness of the breeze. "Focus, Parker. You two just stay with me, that should guarantee us all a way in to the building. Next, make sure to follow close behind, and only attack when necessary - the less casualties the better. We don't need the unnecessary attention. Once I'm secure and holding in the tech room, Wanda, you're free to look for Barton. Whatever you find report back immediately. Once I have the files though, we are out - no questions asked."

Though Wanda looks as though she has a million. She opens her mouth slightly, but Nat gets there first.

"If we don't find him, he'll find us. Trust me, Wands. I know him. He saved my life. If he's here, he'll know it's my turn to return the favour."

Nat nods a single time and leads the way out, a gun in one hand, her other putting an ear peice in. She taps it once, turning around to double check we're with her. After turning back around, Nat leads the way towards the back entrance to the base. We have little security here, so our safety would be easily compromised. Turns out no one is watching our ride, Tony just added his co-created camouflage tag on to the QuinJet, knowing that it would probably help. It really does, honestly.

I watch carefully as Nat makes her way towards the wall, now pressing her back to it to makes herself as thin as possible. God, the way she looks when she's concentrating. . . it's hot. Suddenly, Wanda nudges me and I fall away from my trance. Smirking at me, she heads in the direction of Nat herself. I squirm silently, knowing that yet again, she read my mind.

"We're gonna sort that out when we get back, Maximoff." I mutter, annoyed.

Suddenly, Nat's inside and away, her footsteps making little to no noise at all. Wanda follows immediately and I bite my lip not to shout after them. I curse under my breath and pray my feet make as much noise as Nat's as I leg it down the hall. Why do they all ways have to be so inconveniently perfect? It's infuriating. Ahead, Nat turns a corner, and where there was chatter only moments ago, silence rings through the coms. Once Wanda and I turn the same corner, at least five Hydra agents are unconscious on the corridor floor.

"Fucking hell, okay." I mutter, startled. Nat hasn't even broken a sweat. She turns back around to continue forward. She really is the assassin she was trained to be. Hell, she's a God damn super spy, trained at the highest level - says the same thing in her files. We round off, Wanda and I only footsteps behind Nat.

Just as said when we were still safe on the jet, Nat finds her way to Tech, but only after blowing holes in a few more Hydra soldiers. Once our paths are clear, Wanda separates from us, and I feel condemned to go with her, but Nat wraps a hand around my wrist, stopping me.

I look at her, confused. "What?"

She lets go and turns back to plug her USB in to the computer. "I need you here."

My eyes widen as the words fall from her mouth, as quiet as they are, I still find myself feeling confused. "I thought you hated me." I scoff, a laugh coating my nervousness.

"Hate is a strong word." She utters, her eyes still solely focused on the computer in front of her.

"But you do?"

"I don't hate you, Eliza." She says, finally pissed enough to looked up at me. The rage in the green of her eyes simmers and flattens as soon as she catches my gaze. "I need you here to keep anyone from killing me. I can't keep myself alive and contract these files. I multitask, but I'm not that good."

You seem to be doing just fine right now.

Abruptly, and as if it was purposely trying to interrupt, a bang sounds outside the door. Nat looks up, the download bar now at 43. She's panicking. I don't understand why she needs this information, but she gave me a job. I look at her and nod, and in turn she nods.

Finally, a mutual agreement about something.

I head towards the door, back touching the wall. I exhale sharply and swing around the frame, exposing myself to whatever's behind. No one greets me with a gun in hand. Nothing jumps out with a dagger or a riffle. I jump out of silent surprise. I throw a glance over my shoulder at Nat, who only smirks, and I know she saw me jump. I wrinkle my nose up in distain and slowly continue my way out of the Tech room, my knees bent ever so slightly, my gun outstretched in front of me. The corridor is long, so I follow it till the end, knowing full well that I am way too far from where I'm meant to be, but I keep going regardless. Wanda could have been caught up in that explosion, or more likely was the cause of it. I enter a catwalk which over hangs some kind of laboratory. I feel shivers run wild down my spine, spinning loops. I gulp and press on.

After turning another corner, I see a shining purple light. A calling voice seemingly drawing me in. With little hesitation, I move forward, but Hydra soldiers and agents dressed in leathered black flee from the chaos of violet rays. I stray on, but my wits are broken by a sea of purple, my vision turning black.

And I drown.

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