Ch. 11 Make Me Mess Up

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Words: 1.2k
Eliza's POV:

I can't handle the amusement that continues to build up inside of me. The fact that I made Nat jealous by kissing my best friend is tearing me apart.

My best friend. She wants this right - to help me? She's okay with it? Why am I asking myself? I scoff inwardly. How stupid do I have to be?

It's been about 2 days since I was set free from Banner's lab, and I feel brighter than ever. My skin is no longer so pale and the rosiness has come back to my cheeks, though something's missing. It's probably been the fact that I haven't seen Nat in a couple days, though I'm hardly worried. She shows up to get food, then retreats back to her room, or her office. I haven't yet had the confidence to talk to her, and I doubt she has any want to speak to me; so I play dumb.

It's five to six and Wanda and I are in the kitchen, throwing vegetables in a pan and calling it soup. Wanda runs to the pantry, muttering something about spices as she goes. I laugh at my 'girlfriend' and continue to cut up a carrot in to cubes. Nat walks in looking at her phone and a case of files. As soon as she hears something, she looks up, and I can tell she regrets doing so. Abruptly, she turns back around and starts to walk right back the way she came, only me calling her name stops her from doing so. For someone who likes me, she's having a hard time showing it.

"Nat! Hey." I smile. I gesture for her to come over but she stay stubbornly where she is, her feet planted in to the ground. "Come on, I want you to try this."

She ambles over, sighing heavily. I take a spoon and dowse it with the soup in the pan. I hold it level to her lips and hold it patiently as she blows it cooler, then puts it in her mouth. She smiles as the warmth travels down her throat and in to her stomach. I feel her contentment. She relaxes a little and allows herself to trust her words.

"Its nice, Elle."

I smile gratefully at the compliment, then pause to take a second, noting the nickname. I raise an brow at her, a sly smile making it's way on to my lips, and I cough not to break my act. "Elle?"

"Just trying something out." She tells me quietly. "If you don't like it-" She follows up quickly, making my heart sink a little.

"I like it, Natasha." I tell her, my gaze locking with hers. No one says anything until Wanda clears her throat from behind us. I turn around and she looks slightly pissed. Great acting - it's so real that I feel scared.

"Hey there, Nat."

I stay quiet.

"Wanda." Nat acknowledges her presence before determining no threat. "I'll be off."

I open my mouth to tell her something, but last minute I chicken out. All I can get out is: "Nat, why do you keep avoiding me?"

"I don't." She says, still not facing me. "I've been busy, that's all. And so have you." She leaves.

Wanda spins me around, her eyes weary and wandering non-stop. I laugh, shrugging her off, but she doesn't budge. "Wand, you can let go now."

She does and shakes her head. "I'm sorry."

"What's going on between you two?"

"She cornered me after she saw us kiss. I may have tried to deck her, but then she threw me against the wall - twice. I think I broke something."

I look at her worried, but she merely laughs at my concern.

"I'm fine, love. Just proves my theory, though."

I tilt my head thoughtfully. She's right. I doubt Nat was acting out of protectiveness. Wanda takes the spoon from where I put it on the counter and gives it a subtle wash. "Friday, call the others. Dinner's ready."

"You really want to do this now?" I ask.

She shrugs as she reaches for the bowls. "Why not? The sooner the better, right? I can tell she hates seeing us together, so why wait any longer?"

"Is it not a bit suspicious?"

"How? We've been friends for years, whose to say we haven't all ready dated in the past?"

I dead pan. "Peter."

"Nah, your brother's in on it."

"Wanda!" I exclaim, but its hopeless. "Did you really have to drag him in to this?"

She looks at me with amused confusion. "Yes?" She says, like its obvious. I sigh, grinning with teeth. She keeps going. "Besides, we've all ways been great friends, if we act like this is some kind of 'best friends to lovers' sort of thing, we can pull it off like nothing is ever wrong." She says calmly. I consider the consequences. I lose Nat. Pfft-

"Let's do it."

Wanda grins and I know exactly what that means. Its all about to heat up a little in here.

The crew gathers in the kitchen, taking a seat at the table, complimenting the smell. I watch as Peter's eyes light up, in which seems to be either happiness or curiosity. Either way, I know he's ready for what ever comes our way tonight.

With bowls passed, soup filled and spoons in hand, everyone makes their way to the table, taking their own allocated seats. We tuck in and I notice that even Nat's here, though she was quiet about it. I gulp, knowing what's about to go down. I look straight to Wanda, who sits next to me. She responds with a light smile and it refills my life support. I breathe in, and let it out slowly, waiting for her to start our conversation.

About half way through the meal and over the chatter, Wanda raises her glass and clears her throat.

"Hey, guys. I need to say something."

The table goes quiet and me and her share a glance. She smiles again, but I can't help but turn ever so slightly to Nat, who can't seem to even look at me. I think she knows what's going down.

"Please, Maximoff, enlighten us." Tony laughs, and the rest of us do, at his usually luckless comment, but I guess the alcohol and happy occasion has lightened the mood.

"Well, after everything I've been through, I've always has you all to fall back on. And that's always been enough for me, I've been happy as I am, with who I am." Her smile radiates like wildfire and she looks at me. "But now, I have someone to share my happiness with. So, I'm dating . . . Eliza."

The table falls silent. Nat stares then looks away. She can't stand the fact that I'm 'with' Wanda, but I honestly don't care. If this works the way we plan, then she won't give up on a chance for us to happen. But at the moment, I couldn't give a fuck about what she wants.

The table then errupts in a crowd of claps and cheers, and I let out the breath I was holding.

"Congrats, you two!" Steve laughs.

Wanda turns to me and kisses me ever so lightly. My heart melts and Nat doesn't do anything. She's clapping and smiling, but it's fake. Very fake.

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