chapter : eight

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partial nsfw.

as they drove back, katsuki hadn't even turned to look out of the window, only hugging his knees tightly the entire ride.

they quickly made it back, and as soon as they did, katsuki hurried inside, taking the separate bag he'd been holding, leaving izuku to grab the others.

izuku frowned at katsuki's behavior. he knew the blond was upset but now it seemed like katsuki was completely avoiding him. though he simply grabbed everything and walked inside, searching for katsuki.

"kacchan, if you want, you can put your things in a separate closet in the room over there." izuku said, pointing to the room down the hall from his own.

the room was just a bit smaller than izuku's yet still large and spacious. the closet was empty and spacious as well.

"okay." katsuki responded dryly. he felt a bit off, a bit bleaker than usual. he didn't feel upset about the store anymore, it was just a constant, looming feeling of being sad. almost like a longing for something he couldn't quite put his finger on.

izuku watched the smaller catboy, noticing that his movements were a bit slower and shyer than usual. he quickly assumed that it was because katsuki was still upset about the store and left to give him some space.

katsuki quickly put his things away in the closet. he was surprisingly organized as he folded some and put others on hangers.

by the time he was done, the sun had set and he was yawning. he quickly got up, yanking the annoying shorts off his body before heading to izuku's room.

the green-haired male was already asleep, katsuki only climbed in beside him, curling up tightly as he hugged his tail between his legs.

"goodnight, deku." he said, thinking izuku hadn't heard him.

"goodnight, kacchan." izuku responded. katsuki jolted, his face turning red as he was now embarrassed. he'd thought that izuku was asleep! to katsuki, izuku would be so sneaky sometimes.

"shut up and go to sleep!" katsuki grumbled in a flustered panic. izuku only laughed softly before turning to hold katsuki closer as they fell asleep together.

the days were now going by quicker. and as they went, katsuki grew to hate mornings.

this was because of the fact that he'd always wake up from a reoccurring dream of holding a baby kitten. the kitten would have blond curly hair with tufts of green throughout them. it'd reminded him of izuku yet himself as well.

these dreams wouldn't go away. he'd quickly found out what he longed for, why he felt so upset and hollow for days. his heart ached and longed for something so suddenly. but the worst part was that he didn't know why. he didn't know how to tell izuku either. though his mind was so fixated on the idea.

katsuki wanted a baby.

the blond would find himself crying out for one in the bathrooms furthest from izuku's room in the early mornings. he wanted to hold a kitten of his own, to watch as it grew up. he wanted to watch as the little one ran around, happily smiling about even the littlest things.

the thought brought tears to his eyes as he'd spend hours in the bathroom early mornings, crying to himself.

and worst of all, his body even began showing signs of wanting a baby.

katsuki found that his chest began to swell, and his nipples ached with sensitivity. they'd gotten to the point where they were swelled to tiny breast buds. they felt sensitive to the point where even wearing his clothes, which were made to prevent irritation in hybrids, did not work.

kitty !﹒⪩⪨﹒dkbkWhere stories live. Discover now