chapter : nineteen

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"hey deku, i had the craziest dream that i almost had our kits in the living room..."

katsuki looked around after waking up to see that his stomach had gone down by a lot, much flatter, minus the swelling.

he looked around to see the three standing above him each with a baby. "huh?!" he shrieked.

"kacchan.. not so loud. it wasn't a dream, they're here now." izuku giggled softly, pressing a soft kiss on katsuki's forehead. it took no time before katsuki burst into tears. his head was fuzzy due to the pain medication. he sat up slowly and outstretched his arms to accept all three of his kits.

katsuki continued to sob as he held them close. a nurse soon arrived, teaching katsuki how to feed them for the first time.

they were perfect. he began peppering one with soft kisses, watching as her lips quirked into a soft smirk-like smile.

"so, their names?" momo whispered. both izuku and katsuki froze, looking at each other and then looking back at momo.

"um.. well i've just been calling them beanies. we couldn't agree on any." izuku said.

momo facepalmed, it felt like she was the only one who knew anything about children.

"we'll decide later. but now i have more important questions." katsuki spoke, a dopey smile upon those shameless lips. it was obvious he was still out of it from his medicine.

"deku," he started, izuku walked over close to katsuki, leaning down slightly . "when can we.." he trailed off, whispering not-so-quietly.

izuku felt the tips of his ears heat up at katsuki's lack of shame, "kacchan, we can't do anything for six weeks!" he whisper-yelled, his cheeks a bright crimson due to the embarrassment.

momo only snorted, "you two have no shame." she said.

"that's what i'm saying!" yuga agreed with a dramatic scoff.


"kimi, kazuo, hisaya! foods ready!" izuku called from the kitchen where he and katsuki were standing.

"yay! daddy's food is so yummy!"
"took long enough, i was dying!"

both katsuki and izuku watched as their kittens marched down the stairs like a row of ducklings.

it's been four years since they were born and yet they still managed to melt both of their hearts as if it were the first time seeing them.

they quickly gathered around the table, pulling out their smaller chairs before sitting down. katsuki quickly came with their bowls, sitting them down in front before pressing a soft kiss on each of their foreheads.

"thank you, mommy!"
"thank youuu!!"

katsuki giggled softly before returning to the kitchen where izuku was standing and their kits couldn't see. he then began to break down into sniffles, tears falling from his eyes without his knowledge.

"what's wrong?" izuku asked, his brows knitted with concern. "nothing.. it's just that they're so adorable. i love them so much." katsuki said softly, hugging izuku.

"awh," izuku giggled, tilting katsuki's head up to press a soft kiss on his lips, using his other hand to pet katsuki's ears softly. "are you sure?" he asked, knowing it was unusual for katsuki to cry this easily.

"i think it's just pre-estrous symptoms... i may go into heat tomorrow." katsuki whispered.

izuku eyes widened, "kacchan, why didn't you tell me before? i haven't even called yuga to pick the kids up yet." izuku tried to remain quiet.

kitty !﹒⪩⪨﹒dkbkWhere stories live. Discover now