chapter : three

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izuku walked into his room, closing and locking the door behind himself.

quickly rummaging through his room, he pulled out the folder full of katsuki's paperwork from his drawer. he opened it, and the light-blue card ochako had given him slipped out immediately.

izuku grabbed the card, then his phone. quickly, he dialed the number written on it before tapping the call button.

the phone rang a few times before someone picked up,

"hello! you're calling mochi's pet shop! how may i help you?" a bubbly voice answered which izuku instantly recognized.

"hi, is this uraraka?" he asked.

"yes, this is she." she responded.

"oh thank you, i'm calling about katsuki." izuku said quickly.

"oh, hello mister midoriya! is everything going well with katsuki? i know today is his birthday." ochako sounded a bit as if she already knew... something.

"yes, everything was going well. katsuki and i have gotten along well and he's amazing. though... i don't exactly know how to say this without sounding crazy," izuku sighed, his voice faltering slightly. he wasn't sure how to explain this situation.

"let me guess, katsuki has shifted into a cat hybrid this morning?" ochako asked, her tone knowing.

"yes! that's exactly it! wait.. how'd you know?" izuku said, his eyebrows knitting with confusion.

"well, that's kind of 'pets' our shop cares for and sells. i told my manager to make that sign bigger." ochako sighed, her last sentence sounded more like a note to self. izuku only laughed softly out of both nerves and understanding.

"but um... i need help with this. i don't understand anything about them. i mean, i've seen them online and around but never thought i'd end up with one." izuku stressed, beginning to pace back and forth in his room.

"well, when the animals come of age, they shift into hybrids. for cats, it is likely to be two years, for dogs one, and so on." ochako explained.

"but, that's why i had been worried for katsuki. because when he'd turned of age, we'd have to send him to a different shelter for hybrids and they usually have a bad reputation as to how they treat hybrids there. so, you kind of saved katsuki back there. he was the oldest. thank you for that." the bubbly girl sounded relieved. a smile almost evident in her tone, serious yet sincere as she thanked izuku.

"oh, that's amazing. and of course, i'm happy to take him off of your hands." izuku said, walking over to his bed to flip through katsuki's paperwork.

"mhm.. but, there's more. since katsuki turned two in cat years, that roughly translates to about twenty-four years in human years. that's why he'd appear to be so intelligent already. now that he's shifted, he should age at the pace of a human as well." ochako explained further.

izuku hummed with understanding, it was a lot to take in, much that he'd have to process a bit later. but for now, he was just trying to understand.

"oh! one last thing, this is a bit confidential. so, if you value katsuki's privacy, please make sure you're alone." ochako warned.

"yes, i'm alone in my room, katsuki's in the living room eating still so i have time." izuku explained, double-checking to make sure his door was closed. sure enough, it was.

"okay. well, if you look into his paperwork, you'll see that in the space under 'sex' it states, "int." this means that when katsuki was born, he was born with a large amount of estrogen for a male cat. that as well as both female and male sex. he also has female reproductive organs yet underdeveloped male reproductive organs. therefore he truly is an intersex hybrid."

" huh." the male interrupted suddenly. izuku's mind had blanked for a moment at this.

ochako only laughed lightheartedly before continuing, "so, with that being said, he may experience the effects of a heat cycle. you know... what many female cats go through? i don't exactly know when it is but you'll know based on his.. behaviors. it is perfectly normal to aid your hybrid during heat as i'm sure you know. but, if you are not into that, it's best to just leave him be during that time and be very kind to your hybrid."

"what do you mean aid? and what do you mean by being 'into it'?" he questioned, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed now.

"you'll see what i mean when it happens." she hummed, a humorous lilt to her tone.

izuku felt the tips of his ears grow hot. though, he only grew more curious.

ochako hummed, "though, katsuki cannot shift back. hybrids only remain as animals as they are maturing. katsuki is fully mature now." she explained.

izuku felt his whole body warm as the next question popped into his head, this was so embarrassing. "so.. he will go into heat in.. that form?" he asked, innocently curious.

ochako giggled, "looks like someone's interested," she teased. "yes. but, he has to get used to himself. katsuki has never gone into heat, so he does not yet understand what his body will do. you can help with that; show him how his body works but don't overwhelm him. that way, he won't be so shocked by the thing he may feel during his heats." she explained, obviously much more comfortable talking about the topic than izuku was.

"why wasn't i told this sooner?" izuku sighed, stressed lightly. "well um... at our shop, we cater to many intersex hybrids. though this is not stated since intersex hybrids are often sexually abused due to their unique sexual anatomy. only who we feel are the most qualified owners get to take them home." ochako said.

"oh." izuku said, not expecting such an answer. "yeah." ochako responded with a lighthearted giggle.

"ah, well, okay. thank you so much. i think katsuki's about done eating. he's probably wondering where i am now. bye, uraraka!" he said.

"of course. feel free to call if you have any more questions! i'll be here to help, bye-bye!" she said brightly.

izuku only hummed before hanging up. once he did, he let out a heavy sigh. this was a lot, he thought before putting katsuki's paperwork and the business card back into his drawer.

he then opened his door walking back out into his living room where katsuki was. the blond was stretched along the couch lazily while he mindlessly stared at the television, obviously not interested in what it was showing.

truly izuku had no clue how to approach katsuki about this all. it was obvious that ochako was hinting toward physical touch when she advised him to show katsuki 'how his body worked'. but the blond kitty was so pure, izuku did not want to ruin that so soon. though, he also did not want katsuki to feel overwhelmed by his estrous cycle.

it felt like a war in his head, two sides battling and izuku struggling to figure out which would win.

and so, he wordlessly sat next to katsuki, wondering what he was watching.

though katsuki immediately sat up, moving closer to izuku to nudge at him. he wanted attention. izuku looked down at the catboy, a questioning look in his eye.

"pet me?" katsuki asked innocently, vermilion irises burning deeply into izuku's own.

suddenly, an idea popped into izuku's head. despite how much embarrassment burned into his chest at this, maybe this was a good time to... show katsuki.

"sure, kacchan," izuku said, running a hand through those blond locks, a soft, warm smile tugging at his lips.

"but it will be a different type of petting, okay?"

kitty !﹒⪩⪨﹒dkbkWhere stories live. Discover now