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Red vs blue reconstruction
Tex is gone and the reds and blues have disbanded, Shawn has been revealed to be a freelancer. Sarge thinks command has lost it and refuses to be transferred, Thea stays behind with him. Church, Tucker, Caboose and Shawn are relocated as well.
Grif and Simmons are having problems with their new team.
But a new enemy has risen from the shadows and is killing all former freelancers, taking their AI's and wants to kill supernova.
What is Thea's mysterious Ties to project freelancer and why?
A agent of project freelancer is after this killer to stop him and gets the blues and reds help to stop him.
What holds in store for Thea when she finds out why the director is after her and why this new villain wants to kill her, can she survive this new foe and defeat him before he can take her life? (Start the metas theme and during the thing Simmons was groaning)
Read to find out.

The reds and blues start talking about it.

Simmons: That sucked! It ruined my character.

Grif: I thought it was great.

Donut: I especially loved the part where it gets all mysterious on Thea's part.

Church: Yeah, i can't wait to find out why the director is after Thea. It's gonna be great.

Shawn: Really? I can't wait to find out if Thea gets delta or not.

Sarge: This was a great intro!

Tucker: I can't wait to read it. The opening is so good.

Caboose: I thought it was neat.

Sister: It was awesome!

Doc: Hey guys, I just realized that we don't have enough seats for the new guy.

Tex: Don't worry. After the book and the next one the new guy will get a seat.

Doc: Phew! That's a relief and I loved the opening.

Tex: Same.

Simmons: It was weird and it didn't match my character at all.

Thea: Simmons shut up! You ruined it!

Thea tackles Simmons to the ground and started beating him up. Church looks at the entrance and sees the new guy.

Church: Hey, a little warning for your part! Don't make fun of Star Wars when she's around!

The new guy gives a thumbs up.

???: Got it!

Red vs blue (female OC) season 6Where stories live. Discover now