Chapter 11

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Chairman: Dear Director.

Fade in to the beach of Zanzibar where numerous objects fall from the sky as the Chairman speaks.

Chairman: Do your "creative solutions" include the circumvention of the safety protocols that every member of the Military must follow? If they do not, then I fail to see how an enemy has managed to secure not one, but several of your experimental A.I.s. The protocol is not a guideline, dear Director, it is doctrine. And no one is above its rule.

Cut to Grif running for his life as a tumbling Warthog chases behind him.

Grif: Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, ooooh God!

The Warthog hits two palm trees, nearly crushing Grif. Church and Shawn walk out of their hiding place.

Church: Oh my God, that guy got screwed!

Shawn: That was awesome!

Grif: What the hell was that!?

Church: Aw, he lived? That's bullshit.

Church and Shawn returns to their hiding place.

Sarge: Grif, if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, you gotta pay attention in battle! You can't let yourself get distracted by- oh crap, flying jeep.

A flying Warthog, thrown by the Meta, nearly hits Sarge.

Simmons: Run!

Simmons and Sarge retreat, chased by several falling objects of considerable size and mass

Church: Well. Guess they're definitely not workin' together.

Shawn: And if they did, Thea would kill them.

Washington: Now that he's powered up, he's just killing everything. We're next.

The Reds suddenly ran into their hiding place.

Sarge: Move it or lose it.

Simmons: Yeah come on, scootch, scootch.

Church: Hey. Get out of here, Reds. This is our cover.

Shawn: Get your own hiding hole!

Simmons: (Scared) What is that thing?

Church: You guys remember Tex?

Simmons: Yeheah, the girl who kicked our asses all the time?

Church: Yeah, well, this thing's like, eight of her.

Washington: It must be at full power now. Church, Shawn, you two and the Reds keep it busy. I'm going to help Thea.

Washington runs off to help Thea.

Simmons: Did he say keep it busy?

Church: Yeah...

Simmons: How the hell do we do that?

Shawn: You think I know that?

Sarge: Looks like Grif is doing a pretty good job already.

Cut to a pile of objects of considerable size and mass, with more arriving regularly, and Grif behind it

Grif: Okay I get it! Stop throwing things at me, you freaking jackass!

Sarge runs out.

Sarge: Keep up the good work, Grif!

Sarge runs back in and the Meta threw another object at him.

Grif: Ow! Okay, that could have taken out an eye!

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