Chapter 7

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Chairman: Dear Director.

Fade in to the inside of a sewer pipe that leads out to South's corpse

Chairman: Your program was granted the use of a single artificial intelligence unit, for implantation experiments. Yet, the department records clearly show multiple agents in the field with implants, during the same timeframes. Surely this must be a logging error, and we anticipate a corrected document soon.

Washington, Thea and the blues are seen away from south's body.

Church: Okay. I have a great idea. Let's all put down our guns, and not shoot anyone else that we're trying to help.

Washington: Relax.

Church: Exactly. Let's all relax.

Washington: Agent South had already shot me in the back once before, and she tried to give up Delta to the enemy. I wasn't going to wait around to see if she decided to do it again.

Church: Right, okay, sure...

Washington: Stop talking to me like that.

Thea: Yeah, it's starting to get annoying.

Church: We're not talking to you like anything.

Caboose: No one is talking to you like this...

Caboose backs up away from Washington as Thea looks at Washington.

Thea: You need to chill, bumblebee.

Washington: I don't-What?

Thea: Bumblebee, that's your nickname because of the color of your armor. Bumblebee.

Washington: Don't call me that, strawberry shortcake.

Thea: Hey! I'm not short. And don't call me that.

Washington: Then don't call me Bumblebee.

Thea: I'll stop calling you bumblebee until you stop calling me something after a baker.

Washington: I'll stop calling you that until you stop calling me something after an insect! (To Church) You don't need to treat me like that. I'm not crazy, okay? I'm totally completely sane. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go blow up this dead body.

Shawn: I can do it for you!

Washington looks at Shawn.

Washington: You sure?

Shawn: Hells yeah! Your not the only one that hates that bitch and plus I really need to blow something up!

Washington: Go ahead.

Shawn: Yay!

Shawn walks to South's body to destroy her body. Thea calls out to Delta.

Thea: Yo D, how's the room up there?

Delta appears and looks at Thea.

Delta: I am surprised there is enough room for me but thank you Supernova.

Thea: Wait, How'd you-?

Washington: Wait your Supernova?

Thea: Kinda but it's just a nickname.

Washington: I need to talk to you In Private. (To Delta) Delta, stay here and you two stay with him.

Washington grabs Thea by her arm and drags her behind a rock.

Thea: (From afar) Hey, stop! Where are you taking me!?!

Church: What!?! He knows about Supernova?! I knew he had an AI but I didn't think it was for that long!?! I promised her mother to keep her safe!? If he does anything to her I'm gonna kill him.

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